>B-b-but muh affirmative action...
Sup Forums BTFO
>B-b-but muh affirmative action...
Sup Forums BTFO
Because that's the amount of blacks with that same IQ being admitted. When you factor in affirmative action this means there's more blacks being admitted than should be given this number.
The first stats are a blatant lie.
Niggers drop out of school so of course they have less degrees
Pocs (pronounced pox) can get fucked.
Does this constitute for level of engagement? Dedication? Culture? I doubt it.
How many of those "whites" are actually jews?
Both sets of statistics adds up to 100%
78 and 22
71 and 29
This means that rather than the "chance" of acceptance it is most likely the makeup of a random year's freshman class. The person who made this is most likely an idiot who can't read and interpret a simple study.
isnt affirmative action supposed to counter segregation which has caused the large difference between dedication and culture? My friend escaped the hook and he said htat blacks have a victim mentality today because of segregation.
or spics
obviously none of those are math degrees
>Percentage of Bachelor's Degrees:
>71% Whites, 29% People of Color
Percentage of People in the United States:
80% Whites, 20% People of Color
This infographic actually proves that Affirmative Action is allowing 50% more POC into college than would naturally get there based on National demographics.
16% are spics.
2.5% are kikes.
>29% of bachelors degrees belong to POCs
Your POC illustration should be a chink. Do you really think niggers are smart enough to earn 29% of bachelor's degrees?
the #s supplied here don't make sense. Who ever made this is a retard.
>2.5% are kikes.
[citation needed]
OP is cock sucking troll, ignore him. Highest group admitted to college is black female because of AA, then white women. Women, make most of the students.
Sage goes in the options.
whoa 2.5 are not kikes lol
I suspect this to be bullshit, but lets play a game.
>blacks get into school they can't compete in
>blacks fail out of said school
>only the very best whites got in
>they don't fail out
>now the school is full of whites for some reason
take away race from admissions decisions, merit based admission is the most fair for everyone.
Bullshit. Racial makeup of the student body does not reflect admissions.
page 5.
That number is probably right, considering their population. The thing is kikes are way overrepresented in (((Ivy league))) and other (((prestigious))) institutions.
>In 2012, the American Jewish population was estimated at between 5.5 and 8 million, depending on the definition of the term, which constitutes between 1.7% and 2.6% of the total U.S. population.[1]
Op you are retarded.
Another have that image of getting into post secondary and shows how preference goes up once you choose your race as a minority?
are they including jews as whites?
(((they are)))
why do we never discuss jewish privilege Sup Forums?
They shouldn't be 29%. I was in a study group for the LSAT with 2 black women. They got into a better law school than I did even though they got a 140 on the test, which is 10 points below the average. But because they were black women, they got in. And because they are black women, they can ride a shitty 2.5 GPA to graduation and have it not hold them back, because again, they are black women.
If this comic were being honest it would take into account Affirmative action and recognize that blacks shouldn't even be that high of a percentage of the total.
>The thing is kikes are way overrepresented in (((Ivy league))) and other (((prestigious))) institutions.
There really aren't that many kikes in the USA, when you're looking at absolute numbers. The problem is that almost 100% of those kikes are in positions of significant power and wield far more influence than the average white person.
You don't see a lot of Jews mopping floors, but Hollywood, Washington D.C., Finance, Tech --- they're all dominated by kikes in high-level positions.
I think that's probably an underestimate, but I was interested in a reliable statistic on percentage of college admissions for jews
That's just patently false though. Universities have much lower standards for blacks and it is far easier for them to get into university than whites.
>They cnat pay for it
>They throw away any grants because lazy/dont care
>If they do end up with a degree its mostly gender/aerodynamic engineering of a basketball
Concidering the POC are less than 30% demographically
I can see a good amount of affirmative action
Blacks are only 10% of the population and yet they have an acceptance rate of almost 30%, doesnt that just mean they are 3x more likely to get in?
Exactly. This is Sup Forums 101, btw. It's sad how we have to keep pointing these things out nowadys.
Fake news.
pocs have priority and fail miserably unless you're a panhead.
holy shit where has she been my whole life
It's upwards of 45% when compared to other applicants with similar SAT/ACT/GPA scores.
arent blacks 13 percent of the population?
That's because niggers are, generally, dumb! They perform poorly in tests, so are less likely to get into a university to get a bachelor's degree.
They are actually more likely to be admitted for any given scoring system over any other race.
>blacks are less likely to graduate
>wait why aren't you admitting more blacks??
And you have no one to blame but yourselves. Period. Nepotism works. White men could have easily adopted the kikes tactics and absolutely BTFO the Jews if they were willing to adapt. But white men didn't do that. Instead, they fucking scream and cry like little girls about "muh nepotism!" because the truth is they can't fucking stand the idea of paying other whites fair wages...White men hate spending a fucking dime more than they have to and this leads to the Chamber of Commerce and white men flooding their own countries with shitskins for cheap labor.
White European men that lean politically right are the stingiest fucking twats on the planet...It's why whites have zero representation in mass media, news, the culture war, education or anything else because white men don't want to spend any of their money to invest in the white community. Don't believe me? Go study the Koch Brothers. Those greedy cunts are worth 100 billion and haven't done a fucking thing for the white race except destroy the environment in predominantly white areas.
This is the real fucking redpill but you are all too big of pussies to swallow it. Pic unrelated.
Percentage of thieves, murderers and rapists
Black: 90%
White: 10%
How do we deal with this blatant anti-white racism?
Niggers get rekt. AA is bs it just guarantees a nigger gets a spot that another person actual earned. Now you gotta work with Tyrone and hear about his shitty mixtape and his dumb ass nigger loving baby mamas. Plus all the "muh dick" shit. My dicks bigger nigger, ask your mom.
>implying Asians are not POC
>implying jews are not considered white in any study like this
>implying that poor and working class whites don't suffer the most as a result of AA
>implying that AA isn't a terrible policy overall
He implied a whole shit ton of things.
>Spoken like a true Communist!
>Where did the stats come from?
If we are talking about just numbers, 71% being white and 29% being POC, it's pretty much representative of the population.
>73% of the population is white
>27% is POC
There is nothing wrong here besides race baiters wanting to provoke both sides.
>they can't fucking stand the idea of paying other whites fair wages
This is retarded.
I have noticed that the laziest anti-White propaganda says things like how X is racist because 65% of people who do X are White. When the numbers reflect the census they aren't really notable.
>73% of the population is white
>27% is POC
That's not true, since 'spics are considered "white" by these kinds of records.
If you lump 'spics into the "white" category then only 13% of Americans are POC.
It's honestly simple statistics. An example, at this moment a thread is on the front page of a female wrestler beating male wrestlers, asking "how emasculating this is for a young boy?"
A well trained female wrestler will beat a large percentage of all male wrestler, that's just simple fucking statistics. Why would someone be mad about provable fact?
The problem comes from threads like these that use a seemingly large discrepancy as proof of inequality, when it actually proves equality in practice.
Sup Forums is shit tier now because people respond to this shit.
it's almost like letting in unintelligent people causes them to not finish
There is a bit of a discrepancy between how the federal government classifies race and educational systems classify race.
Regardless, this stats in the OP are EXACTLY what would be expected without controlling for additional factors.
>Looks up graduation rates at historically black colleges, removing the huwhite rayciss factor completely
Sir, it appears they're just dumber and less interested in education.
What's wrong with having an inherent higher chance of success? Like what do you want to do to equalize this, give white people brain damage on purpose? I don't see why people have some kind of boner for equalizing everything, why not just understand each others advantages and disadvantages instead of constantly trying to shape people into something they're not. Do people complain about the lack of white people in athletics? Do people complain about job markets that primarily have hispanics? Do people complain about anything with asians at all?
Why not live and let live.
damn leaf, why you gotta be so vicious?
That's because niggers are low IQ proto-human primates. Most niggers don't even graduate high school, much less pass their SATs.
I once knew a decent black woman who laughed and danced when she was acknowledging her affirmative action school acceptance. She even had the self-awareness to look kinda unhappy about it being because of affirmative action.
Another factor skewing these numbers is the ratio of various minorities in the population.
A quick example: Assume I run a college in my town which has a [gollege-age] population of 100, of which there is one black. If all of this population goes to college and the black graduates then the raw numbers would show that only 1% of the graduates were black... but, on the other hand, 100% of the black population would have college degrees in the example.
Given that the general population of America contains no more than 15% blacks, that they get 29% of the BSs is actually fairly interesting as a data-point and may even prove the point Sup Forums has made about Affirmative Action.
>pass their SATs
maybe because 56% plus 17% for latinos
>71% whites.
Nope it's Jews, and the reason for affirmative action in the first place; the 'religious minority' clause.
Jews, by their own words, are not white.
Someone didn't do the multivariate analysis.
also, the P.O.C. make up 8% of World population, the rest of you all have brown hair and brown/black hair. P.O.Color have varying degrees of color, not brown/black only.
If it wasn't for affirmative action it'd be 90% white
bad math bait, is still bait.
>A POC with my exact same grades only has about a 22% chance.
Bull fucking shit.
15% of the pop getting 29% of degrees, that's called over-representation.
oh wait, AAs are only 12.7%.
Funny how theres also a degree inflation now
You also need to factor in the ones who are there purely to play hoopcoon or negro concussion ball and never actually bother with getting a degree.
You need to account for SAT scores and high-school grades.
>people of color
why is the left so fucking racist?
nogs were objectively better off when they had their own spaces
>2.36 mb
how much of that 29% is asians I wonder
>A well trained female wrestler will beat a large percentage of all male wrestler
False. Even a highly trained female athlete doesn't have the same skill as most untrained males.
>POC with my exact same grades...
False. Blacks automatically get +150 on their SAT scores. Whites and Asians have to outperform blacks by a factor of 3-5 to have the same considerations as blacks in admittance.
Its also subtly filters niggers and lesser races. Unironically going back to the natural order of things.
POC = piece of crap
>Niggers get better grades for worse performance
>Wow why won't get me my grades same result when I need to match my performance
>bachelor degree == same marks
>even when poc do get into college they are more likely to fail/ drop out
Yeah because they keep admitting people with no hope of graduating.
No university ANYWHERE would risk not admitting or not giving a degree to a black person with passing grades.
Note those last 2 words - they're relevant and important. OP's pic is incorrect - if the grades are the same the black person in this day and age is more likely to get the position.
Even way back on tumblr, people saw through your shit. That doesn't change now and here. You fell for the disparate impact fallacy. If 'Poc' were as smart or hard working as whites, they'd own 80% of all degrees, not 29%
Or persian an arabs
They're 13% of you're just talking blacks
Sage and kys
What now?
It's about people who have bachelor degrees, so graduated. Being admitted is not equal to actually getting a degree.
This goes into the cringe folder.
Whites + Hispanics (Used for that statistic) is ~72%
All other ethnicities is ~28%.
Whites are actually underrepresented by that statistic.