ITT: Pleb filters





Not sure if I know what you mean.

Pleb filter is anime that stops plebs from watching anime/anime they dont like because they're plebs?

Ergo Proxy is loved by all casuals, just like deathnote because it's so "deep".

>Ergo Proxy is loved by all casuals

Is it? I'm so insulated in 4chins I really have no idea whether that's true or not.

Hardly. Ergo Proxy appeals to anime fans already into cyberpunk, it's just not good. I dont think anyone thats not already interested in what it has to offer would bother watching more than a couple episodes.


It's not. The notion that Ergo Proxy has a broad, mainstream appeal borders on the preposterous.

bad anime thread?


The biggest.


Ergo Proxy is an interesting but incomplete and ultimately shallow exploration of gnosticism and various existentialist topics such as free will and subjective meaning

It spoonfeeds you surface information on these topics but has issues making them actually relevant to the plot rather than just window dressing, and totally fails at any deeper exploration of the broad topics it cover. It also loses focus as it often drops into weak characterization subplots that go nowhere or action sequences that serve little purpose.

If you're watching for entertainment you should just kick back with some dumb battle harem or whatever. If you're watching for something thought-provoking, well, Ergo Proxy might be appropriate if you're a freshman philosophy student or highschooler who wants to learn some shit via anime rather than wikipedia, but it's not got much substance to it so it's hard to even call it 'entry-level.'

unironically this

I agree that its treatment of gnosticism is fairly uninspired; anyone looking for an anime that uses the vocabulary of mysticism would be better served by Utena or Haibane or the like.

However, I feel it does have value as a narrative experiment, particularly in its middle section. The episodes there are each fairly novel and interesting in their own right, largely by virtue of their irregularity. While I found the series disappointing in the end and as a whole, I don't regret watching it on account of getting to experience those middle episodes. It is perhaps entry-level, within the realm of narratively experimental anime.

This is the face of autism.

More like the face of senile dementia.

This is what an arts degree does to you, folks

This was the best thing ever.


I agree with you there, the middle was my favorite part also.


I can't believe people are responding to this thread unironically. actually I can, this is normal for Sup Forums now. dead board.

ergo proxy is a standard entry-level series. it's probably the tenth or so I watched back in the day, along with texhnolyze and lain.

all three are absolute garbage, but people who haven't seen a lot of anime tend to like them because they haven't seen anything better yet.

This series might have been OK if you removed about 20 episodes between start and end in which nothing happened. I suffered from start to end because I wanted to know what the proxies were. This was only explained in the last or one of the last episodes.

I was able to watch a few breastfeeding scenes before I was disgusted enough to drop the series.


>tfw there is a boxxy anime
>nope but reminiscing commences
>why am i still here?

Having an actual discussion of the subject matter in a calm fashion after which both parties actually seem to have agreed on something and moved on with their lives? How unf/a/ggy of them.

>tfw ywn know if Dedman wonderland manga is actually good or bad because you watched the shit adaptation.

This 100%.

I don't understand how anyone would claim that you can't watch something like Ergo Proxy or Lain or other deepfag stuff for fun. I get nothing out of battle harem and moe schlock

Aside from the fact that almost no one in the "casual" crowd watches Texhnolyze within their first ten anime, what then are your "deep cuts"?

The episode where they're waiting for the wind to pick up. And they're all stuck on and around the ship together.

It's the best thing ever.

How shallow does an anime have to be to be considered a masterpiece, the best anime of its era? On the one hand you have Ergo Proxy, as deep as you can get, and as such, has all (extremely infrequent) threads dedicatedly derailed for it being "entry level trash"; on the other hand, you have Madoka, extremely shallow and uninspired, hailed as AOTD, constantly discussed.

>constantly discussed.
but it's just an image dump of madoka and her whore friends


In case you hadn't noticed, the cult of cute has taken hold here. All a series need have to win praise is a cast of visually appealing girls designed to appeal to lointhirsty d(weeb)s. Everything revolves around their libidos now, as a jaunt through the catalog reveals; but, to borrow a quote: "An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex."

given the premise I don't see much in the way of potential

I legitimately enjoyed Madoka for the plot and art direction.

legit cant make it through this cartoon

>Ergo Proxy is loved by all casuals, just like deathnote because it's so "deep".
Fucking hell dude, get your shit together, You are right on the Death Note thing, but saying that Ergo Proxy is loved by the casuals kinda reeks of summer.
>ergo proxy is a standard entry-level series.
Well, havent you saw the threads mane? at least 3/4 of people still windering what the fuck Ergo proxy was all about.
>along with texhnolyze and lain.
Texhnolyze is entry-level too? Man, you have to work on those baits, this is making them too obvious
>This series might have been OK if you removed about 20 episodes between start and end in which nothing happened. I suffered from start to end because I wanted to know what the proxies were. This was only explained in the last or one of the last episodes.
>about 20 episodes between start and end in which nothing happened.
Summer... summer everywhere

You are giving too much credit to your regular Sup Forumsnon if you think they can understand Texhnolyze.


>freshman philosophy student or highschooler who wants to learn some shit
Sometime I wonder what is the difference between a freshman and a graduate. The latter would have written more shit as they study for sure but most of the time they're certainly not getting smarter. Usually when they graduate they're much less brilliant than a freshman.