What is the motivation for lying about about climate change?
What is the motivation for lying about about climate change?
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>(((climate change)))
I wonder what you could be worried about.
To sell the stockpiled oil in US that we've been saving
I think that being retarded is the main motivation and the secondary motivation is personal financial self-interest.
Which retards elected this person?
A prophet of Kek invites Chaos, not suppress it
So that the rich get richer. Same reason for corporate tax cuts. Sadly the right blindly follow him.
How about the claim on having the biggest State of the Union audience ever. Does anyone have a nice graphic with Trump's tweet and a rebuttal?
>counting only cable views
>in 2018
But he was right.
Nah, this was counting all Internet views as well. Trump's audience was much lower than that achieved by Obama, W., or Clinton.
Seriously, are you a paid shill or do you just like posting false shit for fun?
He was right, with streaming he did get the highest.
>Trump embellishes viewership of sotu
>causes msm to call it out and talk about it for the entire week
>otherwise they would have dropped talking about the sotu the day after
>causes some people to actually go back and watch what all the controversy is about
Climate change is real
Global warming is not a bad thing
The leftist talking point of unprecedented human caused global warming is a complete and utter falsehood.
Read a book.
Climate change does not equal global warming does not equal man made climate change.
There’s your problem you stopped at one
To prevent notice of climate FOULING.
Look at the temperature, don't notice the dying species or the solid parts of the plastic ocean.
>>Trump embellishes viewership of sotu
>>causes msm to call it out and talk about it for the entire week
>>otherwise they would have dropped talking about the sotu the day after
>>causes some people to actually go back and watch what all the controversy is about
He's not that smart. He's just a bullshitter who hates not to be able to project himself as number one. Did you read the comments from the woman he plays golf with? He constantly fudges and alters his golf numbers. The guy is really messed up.
Read some ice core data.
Do you know why everyone called it global warming for years and all the sudden it's now "Climate Change"?
It's because some motherfuckers in The Obongo administration were given millions to research "Global Warming" and After much research they predicted the Ice Cap was going to Shrink by 35%(Don't quote me on the exact number) And instead it grew by a metric fuckton. There's a ton of other examples but I'm too lazy to dig around for what is probably a troll post.
The response those lavishly paid scientists given was "uhhh THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING" Which is correct and irrefutable. The motherfucking climate is always changing from the dawn of time to the last day this rock can be called The Earth the climate will be changing.
honestly dont even give a fuck about climate change. fuck this earth up
Money retard
Climate change is bullshit used to try to get the US to give its wealth to the rest of the world subtly.
Also this: Nature is filthy right now and it's not because of the temperature or co2.
i did
Good little tool.
Koch bros don't even need to give you a penny.
>The response those lavishly paid scientists given was "uhhh THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING" Which is correct and irrefutable. The motherfucking climate is always changing from the dawn of time to the last day this rock can be called The Earth the climate will be changing.
Seriously, you know nothing about how science works or about the history of climate change. You also seem seriously paranoid. Try reading this, for starters, just from today's news.
Polar bears could become extinct faster than was feared, study says
The animals facing an increasing struggle to find enough food to survive as climate change steadily transforms their environment
Polar bears 'running out of food'
Actually user, climate change is a thing, it's just that it's not effected by human produced CO2 emissions. It's actually the sun that drives climate change.
((((Climate change)))) is just a sham to give Jews control of the energy industry
The cover of that book, the graphic design, and the title all make it look like a self-published piece of trash. Where do you get this shit from?
What a fucking moron.. I would not piss in his mouth even if his teeth were on fire
>litteraly judging a book by its cover
>((((Climate change)))) is just a sham to give Jews control of the energy industry
Holy fuck!
>>litteraly judging a book by its cover
Literally I do think you have to judge books by their covers. What do you make of this book?
Also this
> The Earth's climate would change drastically. In fact, a Danish study believes global warming is directly related to the magnetic field rather than CO2 emissions.
Uh what?
China and India are the biggest polluters. It's not up to the USA to fix it even if it is a problem
your first attempt at Photoshop
And so it shall be...
I am all for global warming. I want the sea level to rise so fast that only those who can afford really fast cars will survive, while the plebs who use subsidised public transport drown like rats. I also would like to have summer the year around. The only thing that should be cold, is my beer.
hundreds of trillions in tax money and complete control and nothing else
Repeating the same lie over and over again doesn't make it true. I'm still waiting for the rising Sea levels
>your first attempt at Photoshop
I'm not that talented, I'm afraid.
Can I get a double quarter pounder with cheese meal, medium with a coke?
>Repeating the same lie over and over again doesn't make it true. I'm still waiting for the rising Sea levels
The lie about polar bears? This is the latest scientific research on the state of polar bear numbers. Show me where the lie is?
don't worry, we are already awre
we only have triple ponders
Polar bear populations are doing fine right now. They're listed as vulnerable by the IUCN but shouldn't be. Source: from the horses mouth I.e. Mammal biologist who sat on the committee that makes the classification
>I'm still waiting for the rising Sea levels
There's solid scientific consensus that sea levels are changing. The main cause is the reduction of arctic and antarctic sea ice (easy to prove) and the melting of the Greenland ice cap. This is probably the least controversial area of climate change discussion.
>muh polar bears
I don't need polar bears. Polar bears are dangerous. The only use I can think of for polar bears is something to throw hippies at for amusement.
Ok I’ll have that. Also can I get no salt on the fries, and some free salt packets? Thanks I’ll pull up to the first window
Because all of the "solutions" to climate change are brain-dead retarded, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think taxing co2 emissions or banning coal would be a good idea.
>Polar bear populations are doing fine right now. They're listed as vulnerable by the IUCN but shouldn't be. Source: from the horses mouth I.e. Mammal biologist who sat on the committee that makes the classification
Well why are they publishing these findings in Science and in what way is this peer-reviewed long-reach research incorrect? I'm actually curious, as a non-expert who relies on what scientists publish in top journals.
"A study of nine polar bears over a three-year period by the US Geological Survey and UC Santa Cruz found that the animals require at least one adult, or three juvenile, ringed seals every 10 days to sustain them. Five of the nine bears were unable to achieve this during the research, resulting in plummeting body weight – as much as 20kg during a 10-day study period."
>less than 4mm/year
That's not even nearly fast enough. I'd like to see something more like 4meters/minute and watch the hippies waddle for their filthy little lives in the rear view mirror of my sports car as I'm driving for higher ground.
the colored mc donalds is down the street Tyrone
it was in order to make U.S manufacturing non-competitive.
>>less than 4mm/year
Over a few centuries that's more than enough to cover Helsinki and drown large numbers of Swedes. Maybe this would result in a decline in world cuckoldry rates.
>a study of nine specimen for 10 days
>Being this SALTY
The average land rise in the region is 6mm/year, and that's relative to the sea level, so no.
>>a study of nine specimen for 10 days
Try three years.
>The average land rise in the region is 6mm/year, and that's relative to the sea level, so no.
Holy shit you Swedes aren't easily baited. You realize your beloved Karelia territory will probably be covered too?
China gets a free pass on carbon emissions for the next 40 years according to the pairs climate accord, but of course, they would never go back on their word 40 years down the line. . .
Go peddle you’re kikery somewhere else you fucking meme flag. This climate change narrative is being funded by the Saudi’s.
F sad bear
hope you feel better, bearbro
In both cases.
1. He never said that
2. The it's a lie propagated by the Chinese
>being funded by the Saudi’s.
But I thought it was dah Jooz. Which story are you telling?
Carbon doesn't change to climate. Solar EM has more impact on climate than any other factor by orders of several magnitudes. Fucking learn to science you fucking twat.
Same reason JK Rowling will talk up immigration, but not take anyone into her huge mansions which could house 100s.
The rich & powerful dont care about climate change because they have the resources necessary to protect themselves from the ill effects. They know they won't have to deal with the effects and costs.
> Sea Level Rise
What an absolute crock of shit you and that chart are.
I live in one of the most prolific areas for oyster farming in Australia and have done so for 30 years. Oyster farming relies on tides. If the sea level were rising, the oyster leases would begin to fail unless they were raised to a higher level.
Actual number of oyster leases that have had to be raised....NIL.
Actual number of oyster leases that failed due to sea level rise...NIL.
This is just one example of why this bullshit just doesn't add up, and don't bother telling me the sea level is rising on one part of the planet and not the other. Next you'll be telling me the earth is flat.
Fuck off.
>What is the motivation for lying about about climate change?
To create gov subsidized jobs to make for a bigger government, we have it even worse here
The liberals are SJW retards, yes that is an article 5 years old but the shit has only got worse
t. basically homer simpson at a nuke plant
This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard, no surprise it came from a leaf.
>If the sea level were rising, the oyster leases would begin to fail unless they were raised to a higher level.
Mate, we're talking about a few mm a year. Check back in 50 years and see how things are. That's when you'll be needing to move your oyster beds. The real danger with climate change is that we might be fucking up the planet for good. One obvious problem will be that most of our populations around the world live on coasts and many of the places where people live will become unliveable. Your own anecdotal experience really doesn't take into account the long view of the situation. The fact that you bring in dah Jooz shows there's something very broken in your thinking.
>What is the motivation for lying about about climate change?
Doesnt want the world to know that it is actually being used for the centralization of the world to establish a one world government.
>what was Solyndra for 400 million Alex
How fucking commie are you?
So i found the original Sup Forums thread this popped up on. archive.4plebs.org
This may not be a larp , saving file to cross reference with memo on release.
You're an ignorant, naive fuckwit. Thats all I can tell you when you are willing to ignore obvious facts of reality about climate change, in support of your ideological fantasy about 'big government'.
>natural climate change
>survival of the fittest
how does that correlate? man made global warming
You are a complete imbecile. One world government already exists, and its existed for arguably a century.
For the carbon tax.
Reference some academic articles if you're so informed on climate change. It is next to impossible to find studies that aren't totally contradictory to each other. The biggest jump you can make is the climate is warming and whether or not we are the driving force is up to debate
>ignore obvious facts of reality about climate change
Who cares if the climate changes? that's right the kikes that want to tax me for it. Kill yourself now you idiot
Spontaneous teeth combustion unless we stop CO2
Thanks. Nicely done. I honestly can't believe how retarded this guy is.
The trillions of dollars in fracking and oil
>globalism is bad
This thread is fucking retarded.
>implies we here will live for 50 more years to bear witness
It's always the same excuse....in another 50 years (when everyone will be most likely dead) because you can't prove you were right when you are dead.
Fuck off.
Is that a better pic related?
The last one had nothing to do with the jews, it was to show how, no matter what excuse you come up with, once disproven they just make up another one to cover for it.
The Bureau of Meteorology in Australia can't get the next days weather right and you expect me to believe they still know what is coming in 50 years. Enjoy drinking your snake oil.
Who cares if they climate changes? Do you think a bunch of rich jews willl be affected? It will be poor whites who have no wealth that will feel the effects. Even now we can feel them, just with nutritional issues, and disease.
>The Bureau of Meteorology in Australia can't get the next days weather right and you expect me to believe they still know what is coming in 50 years. Enjoy drinking your snake oil.
We can do long term projections based on changes over time. This is much more accurate than predicting the temperature in two weeks. And we do this because we'll probably still be alive then and we do it because we give a shit about our children and grandchildren. It'd be nice to be known as a generation of people who protected the planet instead of being the ones who were so selfish and stupid that we brought about the end of humanity completely.
pic not really related
The simplest proof that it is bullshit is the banks. Do you honestly think banks would lend people money if the property was going to be underwater before the mortgage is paid off? Of course not. Banks aren't stupid. Properties where I live will be one of the first to go under in the global warming sea level rise utopia they keep spouting. People are paying at least 1.5 million for properties here now, 2.5 million for a riverbank property and over 3 million for beachfront. They must be borrowinig the money from somewhere.....
T. greens voter.
please see this post
numbers checked
The fact is we can do nothing to stop it. There is a huge fusion reactor only 80 million miles away which is always modeled as a constant. Look you the source for the climate mod-programs, they all just assume 1100watts per meter squared, it is fucking retarded and a lie. No account for orbital eccentricity or precession eithther . It is a fucking scam