Kek the left is each other alive

Kek the left is each other alive

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Is eating each* fuck my spelling man

>gets face raped by goblin shaped kike
>still gets shit on by mentally ill trannies
Tough crowd.

KEK nobody wants to fuck Frankenstein pussy gtfo

A room full of severe mental illness

2025 president Oprah makes it illegal to turn down a trans person if they ask to date you


She could have had a bunch of babies and instead she leveraged a career of sucking Shlomo’s cock into a gig cat fighting with dick girls at a book store.

Holy fuck what a waste.

Not like anyone believes me but I know her close cousin and told me that Marilyn Manson straight up told him she fucked her way to Hollywood.

But it's not like it's anyones business.

why is it this crazy bitches responsibility to "do things" for trannies that got raped?

Trannies expect everyone to do stuff for them when they can't do shit for themselves.

what a freak show.

> Trans women.
Oh, you men cocks in frocks.
The mentally ill, only happy with they can get on a soap box and brag about how fucking insane they are.

Because no one’s replying to me

Rose is obvs unstable, but this just looks like an attempt to shut it down.

Betting pool on how long it takes her to "tragically" tie of a drug overdose?


Wow. Who ever would have imagined? But she's so brave. #metoo #timesup

>That betamax that yells out "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!"


I feel kinda of bad for her, she was fucked by the Jew and stalked by Mossad. I mean she was stupid enough to do it, but she got pretty screwed.

Mcgowan is mentally ill

She caught feminitis

>trans women
>sexual assault
So, like when trannys get their asses kicked after they suck a guy off and then say they also have a dick?
>or so I'm told

Jim Varney reprises his classic role in Ernest gets a Sex Change.

I bet her cunt stinks

*jewish clown car honking intensifies*

The moment I saw her, I knew she had bipolar disorder and/or boarderline personality disorder. She's got crazy written all over her, but everyone takes her words seriously

>a gig cat fighting with dick girls at a book store.
Gee whiz. The prose here on Sup Forums. Worthy. Straight, and true. I love you people.

Definitely would've fucked that, current day mcgowen is grody though


She's legit scary insane. She's gonna be institutionalized (or dead) very soon.

People who rape children are cool but people who have sexual relationships with whores trying to further their career are the scum of the Earth.

this is almost as funny as BLM the nigress calling bernie supporters 'white racists' at the seattle rally

Imagine being suck a sociopathic cunt, that you literally suck dongs for entry into Hollywood and attention whore like that. Then act like a victim of sexual objectification, and then the entire cucked society heralds you as a hero when you grandstand after you hit the wall. I fucking hate this world sometimes



Trans women can be victims of sexual assault? Dudes want to fuck all the time. I call bullshit.

Yeah but imagine being one of the people she regrets fucking

snigs gonna snogs

>do stuff for them when they can't do shit for themselves
sounds like women

Rose McGowan wishes she was as hot and as talented as Winona Ryder for this to boost her career.

imagine going outside dressed like that
imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and not wanting to shoot yourself

Did every one of these females dye their hair? That's not a natural hair color.

she should've signed up for the dog beating commercials before alyssa milano

>I don't come from your planet
>I do not subscribe to your rules

case closed

t. schlomo

Maybe the left shouldn't have aligned itself with the mentally ill.
[spoiler]They're all mentally ill.[/spoiler]

>you should be grateful for what i've done
why do feminists think full-time complaining is an achievement worthy of praise?

>a gig cat fighting with dick girls at a book store
jesus fucking christ

2, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5.

because they've never cooked a meal worth complaining about therefore inflating the void of their weak, helpless souls which leads to even more complaining when a simple backhand or threat would've sufficed

Man, I lean left on a lot of issues but what I wouldn't give to just see all Trannies fed through wood chippers honestly. Feet first.

Rose McGowan is a living meme

are you kidding, that tranny just showed everyone how bad feminism is, both are literally on the same level of crazy town.

>if they ask to date you
If they ask to fuck you

I honestly don't care the context but Trannies turn EVERYTHING into being about them and really every single one of them deserves to be curb stomped until their skull splits open.

I wonder if normies are getting sick of them yet

It's just like how niggers talk. It's all about passion and agression over substance. The left operates on emotion not logic

I for one am. at first I was kind of like Dave Chappelle about it... do what you want but don't expect me to participate in your self image, that's on you, not me.

Now I just want them all to die.

But why would they intentionally ugly themselves up with red hair?

>28 trannies in the USA have been murdered in 2017
Truly a genocide

Im wondering from this if they are not starting to realize what a huge liability the trannies are for them.

Just a guess, but they were mostly murdered by niggers? Yes?

Let's just say that most of the murders happened in areas where I wouldn't e pectin to find many Nazis.

wtf i love rose mcgowan now

*Wouldn't expect.

Trannys are mentally ill and full of aids

Love this war between feminists and trannies. I think I will make a feminist sockpuppet account to drop redpills about transgenderism.

Harvey took her soul. Wow.

You see that there? that's modern western culture, that's what many of you clowns are "fighting" to defend. You should see the latest British army recruitment videos to emphasize this reality.

>Imagine being suck a sociopathic cunt, that you literally suck dongs for entry into Hollywood and attention whore like that. Then act like a victim of sexual objectification, and then the entire cucked society heralds you as a hero when you grandstand after you hit the wall. I fucking hate this world sometimes
Hey Harvey. You still rich? Hit me up sometime.

Dangit, I hate it when my vilest supposition shit posts are right.

They have completely abandoned the scientific highground in an attempt to claim a moral highground.

>The WHITE CIS FEMINISM chant at the end
I fucking died. We've reached peak clown world.

Much like the end state of dementia, we are watching the final stages of liberal mind virus. Hopefully, they protest next with their own mass suicides.

> 2



Oh shit slap this on every McGowan tweet. Bitch was okay with the systen before she got too old to use it to get work.

>you havent done anything for trans women who are victims of sexual assault.
wtf, thats really specific.
I feel like most people havnt done anything about this. thats fucking bizzare.

It's because Rose/#metoo has been all about women being the victims of sexual assault. Being a trans rights is how you can virtue signal in a room full of feminists.

ya, but like. why not just show up and start yelling at everybody? I feel like somehow that would be more reasonable lol.

>people actually listening to the tranny
Where was I when they went from "ahah, some faggot who dresses like a woman" to "hey guys, listen to it's super important" ?

That happened in less than 5 years.

There is so many fracture lines to split the left, and the only thing holding it together like superglue is Jews.

Naturally it'll destroy it's self over time, but we can speed up the process.

because that's how you grab maximum attention and signal your virtue

You're thinking like a rational person. Imagine you are:
1) emotionally driven and illogical
2) craving the emotional high of being seen as virtuous
and now look at this scenario with fresh eyes. It makes perfect sense. Standing up during the meeting and yelling your trans rights shit tells everyone that:
1) you are for trans rights, which is even more progressive than feminism
2) you are a dedicated, brave, and strong activist
3) what you have to say is really important. it cannot wait.

its a slam dunk.

This is how Occupy was destroyed.

ya okay, this totally makes sense now.
instead of being the strongest, best dressed, prettiest person in the room and making sure everyone knows it.
its about being the most victimized person in the room and making sure everyone knows it.

>did you see that becky walking around with her p r i v l e d g e.

fucking kek. these people

Yeah its how you put yourself atop the sanctimonious shaming pyramid, which they are obsessed with.

Exactly. I wish I had a screencap of an occupy guy who brought his own yurt and set up a library.. only to get kicked out for a "women's space" to take the yurt. The dude's description of leftist insanity was chilling.

I agree desu. She was just naive and very young when she met the devils she was never warned about. :'(

Bro if you find it post it all over Sup Forums so I can save it.

She was a whore who fucked her way to success and after she got too old to work the system she is redefining her past whoring in order to milk more money and attention.

It's not just about being a victim. That's one role you can take, but it requires that you can check all the boxes required for the victimhood you're trying to claim. Once in a while you get an imposter like Shaun King, but most of the time, people don't choose that route. Instead, they just become "activists" who advocate based on the victim group. These are people who lack meaning in their lives and whose environment (education + popular media + social transmission) has taught them that there is transcendent greatness in being an activist. That's what we're seeing here.

>The dude's description of leftist insanity was chilling.
I think I remember something like this.


Its like trust fund babby losers who say they are "artists". Bitch everybody is an artist.

Remember when Sup Forums would do micro-Operations to take advantage of these little situations with sockpuppet accounts pretending to be SJWs of various tyoea depending on the situation? We dont do shit anymore.