As bad as Cathy Newman looked after the interview, Peterson lost even more face in this moment.
I understand that it'd be the end of his career to give an answer to the question, but what's the point of refusing to cede linguistic ground to radical marxists when you've already surrendered history, logic, and polite conversation to them?
'I can't do it.'
>cross dressing tranny
>clinically depressed
>takes multiple anti depressants
>physically weak
>dindu nuffin philosophy
Why do you follow such a shallow intellect?
((( )))
Mad cause you can't get """"a"""" follower?
Grow up user.
Anyone who enjoys watching Peterson for his talks isn't going to fall for this amateur tier attempt OP
U jelly?
U jelly.
character assasination threads on this guy round the clock now. maybe i should look into him
A philosophy that revolves around dindu nuffin and does not subscribe to the superiority of European civilization is a philosophy that ultimately denies physical reality.
>Peterson lost even more face in this moment.
To Sup Forums maybe but he pulled it off expertly. This moment will slide away from the public view and he will soar to even greater heights in the eyes of normies
Peterson is more based than RD. He is truly a crusader trying to elevate the human spirit and mind. I suggest anyone whose not a shill check him out, I have seen him convert radical SJW's with 5minute videos.
>buy my post modern rug
>elevate human spirit and mind
not anti-peterson, nabbed the life authorship thing when he offered it to the frogs for free.
just really disappointed in all the ground that has already been given to marxists, to the point where you can't give a truthful answer to an actually easy question.
why fight over pronouns when you've already accepted that 2+2=5 or are too afraid to say that it's 4?
>Fuck communism
>Fuck Jordan Peterson for being a capitalist
>why fight for anything if you've ever lost a fight?
bullshit black pill nonsense. at least he was honest and just said "i can't do it." Of course he's ducking the question. if you aren't a shill you're a turbosperg.
you want to prove the holocaust didn't happen or hitler was a good dude, go out and do it. but you don't just go "i don't care about anything unless everything is absolutely perfect."
pretty sure you're a shill though.
Have you ever considered that he just doesn't have a strong opinion on it? One of his rules is to SPEAK THE TRUTH AND NOT LIE. So when he says, "I can't do it." he's saying he either doesn't fully grasp the truth or won't lie and say there's nothing to the JQ.
Let him go at his own pace. He's doing more for western civilization and whites as a whole than almost anyone. He literally is telling people about race and IQ, gender differences, why white privilege is bullshit, constantly cites authors who were race realists, etc.
I don't trust you anti-Peterson shills. Just because he won't immediately go full 1488 and appease you stormniggers you're going to try to ruin him? Fuck you.
Oh and another important fact: despite that guy's "antisemitic" rant, he still thanks him for the book and says he will read it. Have some fucking perspective. He didn't screech and call him a nazi he simply declined to comment.
Because he’s really a liberal who is afraid of young men rejecting a society that they recognize as dysfunctional and in moral decay. Society requires white men to accept it to ensure its survival.
He functions in the same way libertarian philosophers did in the 60’s, by giving white men hope in a philosophy that deceived people into a individualistic, prosperous civilization while at the same time importing third world subhumans who never independently developed a civilization and are incapable of sustaining one.
The web of lies must always expand to keep the lie a secret.
He makes some abstract art, sells it and that discredits everything he says?
gr8 b8 m8
fucking this.
His body language in response to his strangely late realisation of what the question asked is getting at points toward a bias he's forced himself into either consciously or subconsciously, and likely to adapt himself to the perceived social ideal.
Upon realising the question being asked he creates as much distance between himself and the man at the mic as is socially possible in that situation; his immediate response is to isolate and exclude the man. He doesn't often do this from what I've seen of him, even with the types he more often focuses on, so it seems clear to me that it's not a normal response for him. Not only this but he hides his face in a faux cringe at the mention of the topic, giving his audience time to empathise with his posture and its meaning and to react in kind (which they do). Again he's trying to appeal to the social norm in the immediate sense to retain his social position.
That said, it's strange he gave the answer he did. He could easily disavow the man and keep the majority of his base yet he says he "can't do it" in such a vague and not necessarily dismissive way. Having spent a moment in relative silence he had thought out that answer decently long. I would think he acknowledges that the question given to him is plausibly correct, but both his social status and his personal (self-imposed) philosophical doctrine prevent him from conceding the point publicly. Not to say he agrees, I would be very surprised if he did. I would guess instead that he considered the response he would get from a strict denial or shutdown of the situation even though I would think he wanted to, a vague diffusion may have been his best option.
He has directly addressed the JQ and chose to defend them with the classic ashkenazi IQ-tactic. He could have chosen to ignore it, which you shills pretend is what he is being accused of, but he in fact directly addressed it and subsequently defended them.
There are more whites in the US alone that qualify for MENSA than are jews in existence.
The most likely explanation is that the majority of the audience knows the answer to the question, he recognizes it, thus it is not in his interest to deny it.
>why fight over inconsequential shit when you should be fighting broader battles
>at least he was honest and just said "i can't do it."
>Of course he's ducking the question
what's honest about ducking a question?
really makes you think
address the meat, shill
you don't kill a great general because he hasn't won the war yet. you are the sperg that would have stayed home election day because adolf hitler wasn't on the ballot.
He's a fucking shekel loving centrist boomer cuck. Fuck you and your subhuman IQ.
>epic meme flag
here's what you do when you totally realize your fucking pinko academic faggot hippies caused the destruction of the United States but you don't really want to blame them...
you call them "boomers". That way the nam vet who spent his whole life busting his ass and paying shit loads of taxes can be lumped in with draft dodging professional pussies.
>a vague diffusion may have been his best option
You're probably right, but I feel that Peterson right now is one of the best minds and voices out there bringing the crimes of the Soviets and Bolsheviks to light.
If someone where to ask him 'who was worse, the marxists or the nazis?' I believe he'd lament that both have innately destructive ideologies but ultimately fall on the marxists because they have a greater deathcount.
Semi-related. I don't care about his brain dead commentary but his mannerism are pure autism and a strange grafting of his own person onto his perception onto Peterson's.
The JQ is such a large thing to address, my perception was that the idea pushed him away, while there it seemed he was actually considering if he could handle it in that forum/time allotment/coherently but I think it was a pretty wise choice not to attempt it.
>address the meat
apply your own logic to peterson and yourself dipshit,
is fighting over pronouns addressing the meat or would fighting marxists to regain control of your history be more important?
He probably understands it at a higher level than all of us then compartmentalized it somewhere where it's inaccessible to him
>centrist boomer cuck
He is our guy and effective
>the majority of the audience knows the answer to the question
if this is true then the questioner is a class act redpiller, he even got peterson
ffs, why are you fucks shilling such a peripheral figure. nothing jbp says which ctr finds offensive is anything that pol hasn't known for years.
you should be on reddit, there are still secular creationists there.
>fighting marxists to regain control of your history
he does this in nearly every way except addressing JQ directly
>fighting over pronouns
this is by no means all he does. it isnt even his main focus. it's also PART of fighting marxism.
he's doing just fucking fine. he's been a massive help at redpilling normies and all he has to do is keep doing what he's doing... people can investigate on their own elsewhere.
This isn't a character assassination attempt. We are pointing out that Dr Peterson, despite all he says about standing up to radical leftism, despite all he says about free speech, even he refuses to acknowledge the over-representation of Jews in news/television/newspapers/Hollywood/academia/government/banking... "To know who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Do you even know where the fuck you are, newfag?
hmm interesting points. maybe he meant "I can't do it" as in "I can't call out the Jews in front of the whole world because it would end me"
>fake quote followed by a long list of assumptions that it would take 10 hours to untangle
>so now that i've completely muddied the waters and made it impossible for you to respond, do you think opposition to Russia in the media is due to Jewish ethnic hatred of Russians?
Peterson should have honestly just told that sperg to fuck off.
peterson will never address group dynamics
This is so obvious that it amazes me when retards yank their hair out because someone "cucked"
People like Peterson are doing so much more than anybody who wants to publicly humiliate themselves
his response was fine but the reaction of the audience was the same mob reaction he is supposed to be teaching people to resist. the nervous laughter from the audience was pathetic.
>muh jews
He cant touch the jews or he will loose everything he has, you know this, but you choose to shit on him
Sort yourself out OP
He has said multiple times in multiple contexts that he hasnt read 200 Years Together because it hasn't had an English translation.
He has also in the past not answered questions because his knowledge on the subject isn't up to standard.
So I imagine he will read 200 Years Together and the verbal misstep he dreads, will come out in the next year regarding the Jewish Question.
Which is a totally valid question (that has been asked for centuries) and needs to be addressed.
I've only seen him on Joe Rogan so maybe I should give this other interview a watch
I think that directly and honestly addressing the JQ is how we wrestle control of our history away from the marxists.
I don't mean to belittle the linguistic battle peterson has fought, my degrees are in classical history and language and he better than anyone I've seen conveyed just how much even the preference of 'they/them' destroys the rhyme and reason of the noun-verb agreement.
I just think that he should be trying to figure out how to address the JQ. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already doing doing so and just wasn't ready.
In two or three years I think if someone asked him the same question he'd be able to do it.
he does have a point that some questions arent asked to be answered
and yeah he's autismo as fuck
I'm so fucking tired of the media pushing this guy and these fucking threads.
It's Spencer 2.0
Dugin bots!!
Yes. If he can't dance to the tune he started to play, he deserve to be assblasted.
Trying to dismantle our identity while protecting ((theirs)) is not going to fly around these parts.
This. We really should start saying European civilisation rather than eestern though. Even better, drop the civilisation thing altogether and just talk about white prople.
>loaded as fuck question
>too vague to answer with certainty
>lefties are on standby for the latest slip up, to try to ruin his career and momentum
>some naïve Sup Forumslacks
>*presumes to fap to futa and continue his recluse, shut in life, while his only social interaction is online anonymously*
If you are new to Dr Peterson, this is probably the best video to start with
is there a underground discord for faggots who plan on making and participating in these shitty threads about the same shitty clip? can we find out who the asker was in the video? i want him to an hero
>He is our guy and effective
>Sort yourself out OP
>STOP making fun of by Zionist boomer eDaddy!
> I'm not a postmodernist in fact I hate it
> Buy my abstract art rug for $2k
The leaf is a fan pretending he isn't one
And the Aussie is right, Peterson fags are beyond convincing otherwise, cults are hard to break.
>abstract art
which is modernist, not post-modernist
>cults are hard to break
Peterstein is now calling himself a prophet on national TV (typical cult stuff): DAILY REMINDER:
KEK has spoken through the digits:
Take the Peterstein redpill and begin deprogramming yourself from his slick anti-White brainwashing, pic related.
Juden B. Peterstein has explicitly stated that his primary goal is not to stop the Marxists, but to prevent "young White men" from "being tribal" to stop the Marxist genocide of the White race.
He admits he targets Sup Forums with shilling and he consider you a "lost kek boy" who is a racist that hates jews because you're a mentally ill loser.
>how do you do fellow Sup Forumsacks
>This isn't a character assassination attempt
Wash it, bucko
Defend Hitler's drug use and weakness then.
Go away you shekel whore. Stop pushing these threads.
Kill yourself
Juden peterstein
That's DR. Juden Peterstein to you, bucko
Saved, based leaf
Communism through the backdoor backfired, it's time for individualists to rise up to the task to corrupt the minds of already nihilist populace.
For Jordan Kikerson, breeding a new generation of boomer- neoconservatives is the imperative for his mission, which is why he is promoted in every massmedia outlet...
Peterson is like Shapiro, but if Shapiro were a man and not a tiny outrage merchant.
Peterson is like Milo, but if Milo weren't a flamboyant provocateur.
Peterson is like Spencer, but if Spencer weren't a colossal fucking faggot who got BTFO by Antifa cucks.
Peterson actually adds value to a civilized debate. He brings facts, avoids ad hominems and keeps the opponent in a constant state of confusion as to his education, intellect and rhetorical skills.
End Peterstein.
>getting the Ben Garrison treatment
Kek, he absolutely deserves it
>Kek, he absolutely deserves it
>End Peterstein
With fucking pleasure, he will be JUSTed by the end of 2018
These shills are so obvious. You fags make 100000000 peterson threads then cry that pol hates this philosemite. Sheckle for a good goy.
How is the life authorship program? Worth it or crap?
Keep those balls tidy for me, bukco.
>How is the life authorship program?
My balls have never been cleaner and my desire to support Israel stronger.
Holy shit you must be pretty butt hurt about this whole thing to make this thread everyday for weeks now. Maybe you should take a break from the internet and think about what you are doing with your life bud
Supposed academic giant who "refuses to cede linguistic ground to radical marxists.
>> Silenced by a question about jews.
>think about what you are doing with your life bud
>Supposed academic giant who "refuses to cede linguistic ground to radical marxists.
Juden "I can't do it" Peterstein
Mentally ill..........check
Attention whore..check
Marketing products unrelated to his Dialectical naturalism......
>> shekel grabber confirmed
>tfw the anti JBP psyop actually worked
PBJ was always a jew financed psy op.
Keep in mind the radical left he attacks is also anti Israel.
Get it?
>>> shekel grabber confirmed
>if i post with a communist meme flag and pretend that outing Peterstein as a Zionist was all a leftypol scheme it make the buckos clean their balls
This happens all too often. Either people on Sup Forums are too stupid to understand when to ally with someone or there are shills about to strengthen the cracks in the system.
Or maybe both.
Cry more emu