I'm a reading this wrong? "Y'alls ain't know our struggle living in all black neighborhoods, we gon kill y'alls chillins so you help us. And download my mixtape"
How do we fix this problem of non logic.
I'm a reading this wrong? "Y'alls ain't know our struggle living in all black neighborhoods, we gon kill y'alls chillins so you help us. And download my mixtape"
How do we fix this problem of non logic.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stop the genocide on my people(white implied)
>98% of black homicide victims are killed by black perpetrators.
Hopelessly, irredeemably retarded.
Go ahead and jump then nigger.
We can go to war if you want. You're crying about us killing you but we haven't even started trying yet. It would be real easy to find all of you. We know where you live and you can't blend in.
My country may be shithole but at least there are no nigs here.
Kill ever single nigger. That's the only way to stop them from killing, stealing, and robbing.
native southsider here, crazy to see mtg on page one.
where you at, OP? should i be sending this to friends in the area (i live out of state now).
yes that will do
Yes there are. My son was there twice on school trips. There were niggers in the streets in every city they visited: Milan, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Napoli, Mecina, Rome, some beach town I don't remember the name of, and even Pompei.
They both the tourists wanting money all the damn time.
Same thing happened to him in Spain last year. Nigs everywhere.
I'm thinking of not letting him go on the school trip to France this summer. Probably a bunch of mudslimes begging there.
Much rather have us all to Hawaii.
No they arrested him already but he was on Facebook today so I'm sure nothing came of it