Women are nearly five times more likely to show an automatic preference for their own gender than men are to show such favoritism for their own gender, according to a study in the October issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 87, No. 4).
No, but we empirically prefer our in-group. No surprise to most here, even though I doubt most of Sup Forums is feminist like me.
Juan Brooks
you just manifest a pathological version of your natural sexual predilections. TLDR: your a slave to pathological version of your Sex. Vis. the Dark Mother - to explain your're a slave to Gaia.
Anthony Wood
vis. #2 your're a Pagan Witch
Henry Peterson
tits or gtfo
Jace Stewart
Haven't there been studies done with similar conclusions about female management? They tend to be biased toward female subordinates and biased against male ones.
Truly they are the more rational and fairer sex kek.
Nathaniel Reyes
and female offices degenerate into bitch fests - primarily because other females are competition for status - because of how their ingroup bias works they don't as easily form close ingroups - hence the saying and i quote (My religion is love and my nation is the world). Vis. woman (unless made to or of a very high moral fiber) don't really give a shit about those around them - as apposed to males who have to because the average male actually leans hostile
Wyatt Gray
so you need a band of other similar males to watch your back
Women are the Jews of gender. Always manipulating while pretending to be innocent victims
Justin Jackson
>the witch cries out in pain as she strikes you
Connor Robinson
>Men and women who implicitly favored their mothers over their fathers--such as by associating more positive words with their mothers than their fathers--also showed a pro-female bias, which suggests the influence of maternal bonding on gender preferences. In addition, people who reported being raised primarily by their mothers also showed pro-female bias on the IAT. Researchers, using self-reports, found no evidence that maternal attitudes influenced gender attitudes. In concert, these results are consistent with the theory that developmental events can influence implicit attitudes more than explicit attitudes, Rudman says.
> In addition, people who reported being raised primarily by their mothers also showed pro-female bias on the IAT.
Nathaniel Perry
>Women's high self-esteem and female identity, on average, bolstered their automatic liking for women, whereas men's liking for men did not rely on high self-esteem or masculine identity. In other words, women can be characterized as thinking "if I am good and I am female, females are good," whereas men can be characterized as thinking "even if I am good and I am male, men are not necessarily good."
This is how stupid women are on an atomic level.
Cameron Martinez
I already told you - slaves to the Dark Mother
Joseph Diaz
Only men get lost in logical bullshit. Women always have a strong intuition in respect to what benefits them directly, and the ascension of the sex as a whole entails more power for the individual.
Adam James
Men don't have an in-group preference and western men especially will overly shit on other men while overly siding with women. It's been that way for a while and got especially worse a number of years ago. This is nothing new.
Joshua Moore
just a source i found in about ten seconds read - and think the feminist goal ericwedwards.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/the-cult-of-the-mother-goddess/ In addition, within these matriarchal societies “…there were no husbands, yet men fulfilled important roles in construction, crafts and trade. Women’s lives were liberal, socially and sexually and inextricably bound to the rich religious system which ensued their prominence. (Gimbutas, 1992). These women-centred and egalitarian societies were destroyed by the invasion of Indo-European equecentric patriarchal tribes from the Russian steppes. - and the ironic horrific catastrophic results
Camden Ramirez
duh women hate men.
Dylan Harris
Yep, even worse when 90% of teachers in school were women that usually on purpouse gave boys a bit weaker marks and sometimes openly admitted doing it.
In the Uni shit is harsher but thankfully most of the professors are men who give the roastie skanks the equal treatment that they are not used to and fail in equal proportion. When its a femprof its a 70% chance that you will be screwed because you happen to have a dick, some 10% chance of equal footing or the other 10% aregoing to be a "boost" because the old hag wants your dick.
Samuel Reed
>logical bullshit >strong intuition This is some next level bullshit.
Carson Hernandez
Can confirm; busted my ass in chemistry and got 90%; chick that was fucking retarded got a 95%. Fuck highschool, fuck it with a flaming chainsaw.
Suffice to say I have retreated into physics and astrophysics for specialization in uni. No bullshit from the associated profs
Cameron Brown
They reach the conclusions without the logical steps
Jayden Johnson
>hurr prereferebce = misandry wow, nice feminist logic op. have you ever heard of the women are wonderful effect? the cause of that isn't penis and none of this is news.
David Reyes
Forgot to mention how sometimes things are completely on our side (but just because we had some common sense). We had this criminal law exam and the prof was the former chief prosecutor. The madman threw roasties out of the room like crazy not letting them even utter a single word ... (exam was oral, like a debate) You see, we, the gentlemen there were in suits or atleast with a shirt and a tie. While the roasties were sporting the regular "The professor is a man!!!" attire that included a certain amount of cleavage, short-sleeve shirts, skirts with questionable lenght and make-up overdose as usual. Needless to say we were hearing a lot of "Vacate the auditorium!", "This is not a whorehouse!", "You are dressed like a prostiture!", "You can not conceal your uglyness and lack of knowledge with make-up ... also you are too fat for that attire". Some fags also got called out for being fags. Dude was based AF.