A civic cuck who doesn't give a fuck about the browning of america accused of being a pedo

fuck niggers, jews, and styx


Other urls found in this thread:


>not mentioning Americas declining white population

fuck off kike



I made my own thread about the nigger takeover, but I guess it's gonna get sent to the bottom. I posted these two links, and if you look at the first one it has been put in a purgatory mode even though it's an objective news report.

I quote from the other thread: "Our forefathers warned us repeatedly that these "people" would never be able to mainstream into polite society and therefore must have their animal like tendencies suppressed or we get what we have now. Integration has benefited no one and scenes like this will only be more and more commonplace as multiple generations of these niggers are growing up without restraint, rules, manners, or even basic intelligence. This is the legacy of Lyndon Johnson. Thanks buddy!"

if you dont discuss a topic, you are automatically sided with the opposition. thats borderline lefty cuck logic

fuck off kike

>not wanting prime teen pussy

valid arguements are for jews and niggers. only true pure whites would spam petty insults that a 12 year old cod player would think of

Fuck off kike

Anyone notice how Styx seems so nervous? I wonder why...

This. It's almost like the lying is catching up to him.

Also who the fuck writes this 13 year old edgy crap? I thought this guy was around 30.

Look at him. He doesn't get out much.

People like him are why we get attacked, he makes us look crazy. This guy is literally delusional and you can tell just by the comment, if you want more proof you can watch some of his videos of him praying to Satan, talking about how he's performed magic spells, believes in alchemy.

Wow this e-celeb stuff has got to be the dumbest most gossipy tumblr-esque fandom bullshit I've ever seen.

It's all for the memes and no one here actually cares.

Enjoying living a shallow life and caring about the ground these people walk on regardless if they're good or bad. Engross yourself in the petty debates between these cultural and intellectual giants and become everything you ever wanted to become. Truly spending your time wisely and growing as an individual not declining and collapsing into a dimension of reality where your perspective cant even see past the horizons of an internet community.

>defending pedophilia


looks like the bot broke down


He looks exactly like one might expect of someone who calls themselves styxhexenhammer666

>Woman hair
>Pedo glasses
>Gay leather bar outfit
>Exposed pasty pigeon chest

He looks like a scrawny goth CWC

fuck off kike

and some girls still lust after him. Tho charisma > looks almost every time.

Do not post in anti-white threads.

Do you kiss your rabbi with that mouth?

i'm a bot?

Shareblue your bot broke down pls fix.

Quit bitching and just recognize the obvious.
If he were to declare to be a "white nationalist," He would box himself into a small audience shortly before Youtube bans him. It is quite obvious he lurks here going by things he says in his videos.
No one converts overnight unless they are larping.
Plus, it's easy to be tolerant when you live in an area with only a few percent of minorities. People learn slowly.


cock sucking shill fuck off

ill work on it

If you care so much about the white race dying off because everyone else is "outbreeding" how many kids you got?

Yeah, accused.
I wonder what their motivations are for that accusation. Surely it isn't anything malicious, I'm sure they're just concerned and have everyone's best interests at heart.