He’s starting to change my mind on racial diversity. Tell me again why racial diversity has more ills than benefits.
He’s starting to change my mind on racial diversity. Tell me again why racial diversity has more ills than benefits
How did he accomplish getting you to question your ideals?
Did he give you some idealistic, non-pragmatic vision of his utopia where other races give a fuck about Liberty and freedom?
Go be a kike in an oven
White people don't want to lose their power over everyone else.
More accurately, I don't want us to lose power over ourselves. The rest of the world can do whatever it wants, all that matters is that me and mine control our own destinies and futures.
He still hasnt fully answered the jewish question, particularly the one about jews having ethnic hatred towards christians and if we will have holodomor kulaks v2.0
>Tell me again why racial diversity has more ills than benefits.
The benefits of racial diversity only happen when the scale is small. A % point or two. More than this and the downsides will outweigh the benefits.
>More accurately, I don't want us to lose power over ourselves.
More accurately, I did not fucking stutter. Whites are terrified of what will happen when the people they've treated like shit for centuries get their hands on the whip.
Op you must be a shill. You fags don't actually listen to anything more then a clip curated to capture an idea out of context do you? Try harder or kys.
Haha. No. Never gonna happen.
It did in Africa. It did in the Caribbean.
OP is a faggot and this thread is D&C cancer
JBP is /ourguy/
>in all fields
Places where whites were always a minority, what a shocker, and those countries in question had ethnic mandates to keep their country's native population above a certain percentage.
Why are rightist teenagers such cringey personality cult brainlets?
Whites have been a minority in America for most of its history.
>People want to use a whip against white people. >We are suppose to want that.
>He’s starting to change my mind on racial diversity
Then you never understood the problems in the first place. Do we really need another infographic dump? Actually though you're just a shill trying to create the impression that based kermit man is le changing le consensus on Sup Forums. Not going to work.
>Tell me again why racial diversity has more ills than benefits
If you follow Peterson (again you're a shill, but we'll pretend you're just an innocent idiot for the sake of this post), you should understand that men and women have markedly different preferences, cognitive aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies due to differences in genetics. Likewise, different racial groups have different preferences, cognitive aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies, because of differences in their genetics. Blacks for instance are statistically dumber, more violent, more impulsive, and have less of a sense of responsibility or guilt for wrongful acts, compared to other racial groups. Read the fucking infographics and don't make this thread again.
>Treat people like shit
>Fear being treated like shit
Oh your fear is totally justified. Your actions and policies, however aren't. And that's WHY your fear is.
He won't /ourguy/ until he acknowledges that no other race wants European ideals of small government and individualism.
This can easily be observed through voting exit polls from minorities who have lived here all their lives and non-European immigrants.
Twin Studies places the Heretibility of political beliefs at .4. This is a considerable number all things considered, peoples of particular genes will have a tendency towards certain views simply due to their genetic makeup.
Bearing that in mind, if Peterson is interested in small, libertarian governments that protect free speech, then the population he is going to want occupying this country are Whites.
Africans, Asians, South Americans, etc. will never, ever vote for a candidate seeking to conserve European values in any meaningful amount.
Right, but Europeans (especially rootless European Americans) are also the only group that will bend over backwards to welcome all the other races.
If I wanted to become a citizen in Mexico, China, or India, it would take a lot of work and there's a good chance I'd be denied even if I was a great candidate.
>Whites have been a majority in America for 242/242 years of America's existence
>Europeans aren't welcoming millions of African and Arab migrants right now
Europe and America's problems are very similar.
It's simply different populations traveling north.
Intellectual diversity over cultural diversity.
We are the most complex
Civic nationalism is the way forward. There is nothing stronger than one united people behind a strong national identity.
I believe in European exceptionalism, but I am still looking for the cause of this exceptionalism.
European Caucasians are responsible for 90%~ of the worlds major inventions, significant events, and significant figures.(Bearing in mind that most of these things occured during the Enlightenment)
It's not intelligence that has driven this level of innovation, as both Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent on average.
Tell me again why Japan should be *wonderfully* diverse and lose their people, culture, and way of life instead of being Japanese...
What does it mean to be American?
We would consider patriotism a part of civic nationalism, but it doesn't mean anything.
We have no core set of ideals or beliefs, we have no ethnic identity anymore, as whites become a minority we begin to lack a racial identity.
Civic identity means absolutely nothing and is completely unachievable.
>listening to some kike tell you whats wrong or right
Read Aristotle's views on philia.
Everyone will come into an area of grey average. Average IQ, average sports performance, average musical talent, and all diversity will be lost.
not all races are equal.
one has the capacity for fairness, humour, problem solving.
others dont
Peterson fag
Literally this
and maybe you shouldn't use to many chemical cleaners because of the fumes you know.
I really just dont want the white phenotype bred out of existence. Simple as that. An aesthetic preference like wanting to conserve the purple rainforest frog. Or a natural distaste in seeing the Mona Lisa smeared with shit.
Didn't even realise he even spoke about race at all...
It doesn't but caring one way or the other is pointless. Better to just live with dignity and respect the same in others.
>He won't /ourguy/ until he acknowledges that no other race wants European ideals of small government and individualism.
Why is Hong Kong higher than the US on the freedom index?
That would simply be one reason.
Whites have justified their existence by virtue of being (by far) the greatest innovators on the planet.
Must be why the Islamic slave trade of Africans and their castration of African slaves is ignored, really makes you question why only whites are singled out for the practice of slavery, yet were the only ones to end it, meanwhile it is still practiced to this day in Africa and the Islamic world. And lets also delve into the the Jews who facilitated the trade of slaves, owning the ships, financing the aquisition, but no lets just blame whitey without giving it anymore thought.
What are the metrics by which freedom is measured? (I believe it's measured through economics rather than policy)
Would you say that Hong Kong adhere's to what European's consider freedom and liberty?
Is free speech respected in Hong Kong?
Is the US the paladin of freedom worldwide? Not really, the US finds itself in the position of the newer demographics voting to change traditionally European ideas of individualism and small government.
>What are the metrics by which freedom is measured?
It's personal and economic
Freedom and free speech are respected in HK, but not the mainland. China is 130.
I would say that Hong Kong's situation is an anomaly given, the much more populated, Mainland China's propensity towards authoritarianism.
It was also established by the British Empire upon European ideals.
They've evidently been well adhered to.
It's not about race, it's about it being my prerogative to defend my culture and way of life and to try and maximize the quality of life for the people around me.
The less homogeneous the population, the more cultures are going to bang into each other and fuck themselves up. I actually don't care that much if someone is racially distinct from me, even if they have a low IQ I think that's fine because it's alright for people to have a low IQ. What matters to me is what that race is going to correlate with other people supporting ideas that are going to be actively hostile towards my well-being. I don't want to pay higher taxes. Minorities are almost invariably going to think I should pay higher taxes. Therefore I wish there were less minorities with power in my country.
I don't want them genocided or kicked out (If they're here legally, that is.) because if they're a citizen they're a fucking citizen, but I'm going to fight them on every decision that is functionally a bad situation for me and I'm not going to feel guilt for doing so. This is a capitalistic mindset applied to cultural hierarchy; I'm just advocating for my own interests. The cultural Marxist perspective would say that since my race is at the top of the privilege hierarchy that I should have my privilege siphoned away and given to other people. Fuck no I'm not going to support that because in no reality is that going to be good for me.
Since I don't subscribe to cultural Marxist beliefs than I'm not under any circumstances going to shoot myself in the dick with a smile on my face to appease people that want me torn down.
Civic nationalism is shilled against because its the easiest sell to the masses and a good first step
Which favors the culture, not race argument.
Hey, I'm personally biased because I have Asian friends+GF who are conservative
Civic nationalism is literally impossible, it's an absolute dead end that leads right where we are now.
You will never get non-whites to vote for European interests in any meaningful capacity ever, why would they?
If it's not in their best interests, it's a hard sell. If they can have children subsidized by White's taxes and ethnically replace the majority then fill the power vacuum, why wouldn't they?
Have a look at exit polls and the difference between those polls and polls that ask minorities whether they are "conservative" or not.
Many minorities describe themselves as conservative, but what they want to conserve is their way of life, not European, Greco-Roman, or Judeo-Christian values.
It shows clear as day in those voting exit polls.
Tell me again why we shouldn't kill every fucking kike?
Because murder is bad.
>an outlying small chinese population is representative of the majority of Chinese
>we should let them all in the country, they all support freedom!
Except they don't.
Asians vote 85%+ towards democrats. The Democratic party is effectively a proxy Socialist party.
That's their true tendency.
Hong Kong is an outlier as well due to its economic status. What they're doing now is working far better than mainland China, so it's in their best interests to continue that.
You have diversity. What you seek is sameness.
jbp is devoted to liberal democracy. his analysis is correct for the most part, he's just unwilling to accept the prescriptive. this is why we stress him out so much, he's between a rock and a hard place and the furthest he can go is to attack identity politics, albeit somewhat effectively.
the problem is that he's not being realistic about the mechanisms at work. marxism is psycpopaths lying to morons in order to pool their voices for the social capital.
as an example, here's a link to thomas sowell making the same arguments in the early 80s as jbp did so famously on ch4 a week ago.
they're both smart guys, they both have integrity and they both spent a lot of time making zero progress. marxists care about subverting social institutions with ideology. they don't care at all if they're debunked. they just move to a different audience and try again.
this is because in liberal democracy, they can't be outcast or disenfranchised for speech. so they just devote their enfranchisement to enslaving liberal democracy to communism.
liberal democracy has been hacked. it is no longer a viable system in total. in order to maintain solvency, it either needs to be broken into smaller states, or some of the rights have to go. those are our choices. that's a tough thing for a neurotic and principled guy like jbp.
>Tell me again why racial diversity has more ills than benefits.
think back to the entire history of the human species...
When exactly are the only times when massive amounts of different races exist in the same place simultaneously?
And before you say "Trade", remember, trade caravans were small amounts of people, hundreds or thousands, not millions, and they were transient.
The geographical barriers that created the various races of humans are very difficult to overcome.
multiculturalism is the most common denominator of genocide
You know your countries politics better than I do. Harper had a majority of immigrants voting conservative. They were skilled immigrants who supported what worked. Trudeau subverted that system and the system we have now is no longer skills focused and those immigrants are more likely to vote left, but they aren't even the left most party, NDP are.
theres an organized effort on Sup Forums as of a few weeks ago to DESTROY this man.. often half the threads are passive-aggressive digs like this, or manipulative sorcery. I was waiting for this, part of me wonders why it took so long.
Kek. Shithole offspring think in terms of dominance and victimization. That is why your ancestors home is a shithole and that is why you are shitty to live around.
>multiculturalism is the most common denominator of genocide
You're gonna have to explain this
Does the US or Canada have a financial penalty for having white babies? Or do they subsidize having babies regardless of ethnicity, and white people aren't choosing to have kids
>More accurately, I did not fucking stutter.
>m-more accurately, I d-didn't fucking st-tutter
m8, I'm talking about look at the degree of spacial mingling between all peoples for whom one of them decides to genocide the other
Jew and Germans
Colonialists and Natives
Tootsies and Hutus
you can go peruse a list of genocides from your source at leisure
it is FAR less often that a group looks over to its neighbors and says "hey fuck those guys let's go over there and not only wage war on them but outright intentionally try to make sure they stop existing forever" than it is for two or more distinct groups of people who live among each other, are constantly treading on each others' toes, being put in positions of power over one another, clashing culturally, finding themselves generally mistrusting and woe begotten by one another's lack of mutual compassion, and generally being worn on by the stress of existing among an Other with no private place to retreat to to recharge and be among ones own, to decide that the situation of mutual existence in the same location is untenable and must be remedied through expulsion or controlled extermination.
I mean that of all the instances in which genocide has occurred no single circumstance which ties them together is so common as the belligerents and victims being crammed in together. Familiarity breeds contempt and all that.
because its government was created by Britain
Here we see a fine example. Observe the frustration and built up anger here. What remedy is there for this? Certainly not further exposure of his race to ours. I don't even mean that as an insult, it's simply not fair to either of us to be made to live like this. Why should his race (whichever it is, the grievances against us are endless) be expected to 'get over' its experienced slights? And us vice versa? It will only end in tears between us. To have exposed our people to one another in the dehumanizing conditions of multiculturalism now has necessitated that history repeats itself and we are now doomed to struggle against one another.
That's simply no way for any group of people to live.
Multiculturalism is death, for one group or another, there is no other way to interpret it.
So what you're saying is culture matters
Not race
It's full of freedom because it was made by Britain, but is still #2 on the freedom index because of the culture they created, even though all the people in it aren't white
Go to bed Micheal
"other races" should not even be polled for "opinions", the lot of you belong in a mass graves
mongs like you and this chimp are gonna get fucking murdered
think whitey gives a shit about niggers like you chimping out?
read up on antrhax or any other bio-weapon that will get shoved up your ass, once whitey stops playing games
dumbass fucking victim
the REAL question here is, WHY after a 100 years in the civilized world, the shitskin (you) is STILL "mad" about something
We literally spoke about that earlier.
Hong Kong is a non-representative population.
Their core values did not come from within, but were instead imposed through colonialism and adhered to after they proved to be successful because it is in the, very wealthy, population's best interest.
>Twin Studies places the Heretibility of political beliefs at .4. This is a considerable number all things considered, peoples of particular genes will have a tendency towards certain views simply due to their genetic makeup.
Honk Kong is not indicitive of anything related to civic nationalism.
At its core, we would still be talking about a 94% Homogenous Chinese population.
Not a ringing endorsement for civic nationalism. Hong Kong has a strong, distinct identity.
The one arguement that supplants all is this:
Other than whites, every racial group votes with their tribe always
No matter what.
Whites are tge only race that bucks this trend. But as much as the 'judge everyone by their merits' argument moves me...and I knoe their are great outliets....EVERYONE VOTES WITH THEIR TRIBE
>So what you're saying is
no I'm not you fucking retard
Hong Kong isn't a democracy and it's citizens have no say in how its government is run. Not even the Chinese government has control over it, because keeping Hong Kong explicitly capitalist was a mandatory term of Britain decolonizing the region and it will remain that way until 2047. And trust me, when that day comes the chinks will eat it alive and turn it into what they've made the rest of the country into.
Are you legitimately retarded or incapable of reading?
Civic nationalism seems more like a gatekeeper. Those fags over at reddit the_donald have been civic cucks for the past 2 years. There is no gateway drug to the confirmation that yes, White people should deserve to exist and control their homelands.
t. Nignog
Reread what was said, Jesus.
Peterson's views are not possible.
He believes, in the face of real, legitimate evidence to the contrary, that his idealistic(not pragmatic) view of how races interact.
Peterson believes that if minorities are shown European values that it will somehow become desirable to them.
It's not the case in voting exit polls, it's not the case when observing the heritability of political beliefs.
It's a thorn in the side of egalitarians because it so easily eliminates their multicultural utopia.
So when some fuckhead with poor read comprehension and punctuation starts screaming a bunch of nonsense, you'll permit me to take offense or you can shove up your criminal, emu-rape baby ass.
If Diversity was a strength, India would be a superpower by 2020, the Middle East would be peaceful, Myanmar would not be committing Genocide, and Africa would not be a mess.
Sub Saharan Africa is not particularly diverse. Their biggest problem is having an exceptionally low average IQ among their population.
It prevents them from generating GDP, from creating non-corrupt governments, and generally preventing them from functioning like we imagine human beings should.
Diversity is a uniquely Western problem.
Drop this faggotry and go back to Jared Taylor and Alternative Hypothesis. Just because he sounds nice doesn't mean he's scientifically accurate.
Leaf, most non-white countries AREN'T democracies. They don't get to vote for anything there.
It doesn't even matter about ((( economic ))) benefits and such. If we don't keep people separate, we destroy all diversity. There is no difference if you mix everything together. That would be a terrible tragedy and a sin against mother nature.
Diversity of thought is the only diversity that matters
Holy shit rare
Checked. And, no, he changes people's minds on malevolent thinking.
Hard to be racist when your house is in order.
His "rules for life" are not getting into the hands of young blacks, Muslims or even lefties, however. So, that's a problem.
Hard to clean your house and rooms, when entire cultures of people don't do the same
If you cant see why letting foreign peoples outnumber you in your own country is a bad thing, especially in a system where the majority vote decides who runs the country, then i don't know what to say, you are your own enemy
>More accurately, I did not fucking stutter.
We should not be forced to compete with tens of millions of foreigners just to remain in control of our own lands. If you want to take our lands, grab a rifle and take it like men
>Hard to be racist when your house is in order.
If you have nothing to say, don't say anything. Lose less dignity that way
Well Macedonia is majority Bulgarian but there's still no popular demand for reunification with the fatherland.
most of them are blue pilled idiots
A loser way of saying that you dislike his opinions
You really convinced me to accept diversity. I can't wait till shit goes down and people like you get dumped in the ocean.