He was 100% correct about the communists. And today the same fucking communists are calling the memo McCarthyism. Fuck You then. And fuck you NOW. You’re going down!

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That's like saying rape accusations are based. Either you have evidence or you have nothing.

His methods were stupid

Cool blog post

OP is right.

Look at the state of the USA after 50 years of Marxism.

Normies will never know how right Mcca was.

I honestly don't care if he was wrong
Ten honest men could die to catch one commie and it would be worth it. We can't have I've civilization to the rotting mass of flesh as it exits the gene pool

Yep. It was the whole "snitch out your neighbor" shit that was the thing that was the major fuckup. People threw around accusations and a bunch of folks who did nothing wrong ended up ruined.

The problem wasn't that he thought there were commies in the government. There were and still are. The problem was he acted like antifa, declaring people guilty of thought crimes, often with little to no evidence. He did much more harm than good by making accusations of being a communist agent into a joke, letting actual Soviet operatives hide in plain sight as a result.

Anytime someone uses this talking point I know with 99% certainty they are /our guy/

MCCARTHY was a closet commie much like modern day male feminists are rapists. They use their particular white knighting as a cover.

>implying anyone undeserving was ruined.

>implying anyone deserving was ruined.

>implying communist terrorists from the weather underground aren’t pillars of academia now

>implying MLK wasn’t an active agent for the communists, but is now socially exalted to the rank of cultural deity, and any criticism being tantamount to heresy.

all communists need to burn.

they arent human.
the basis of humanity is self preservation.
communists are entirely against this, as referenced by how EVERY (as in ALL) communist states have failed and ended in either war, genocide, or starvation.

>muh CHINA
China is free market capitalism at its best.

Good point, of course McCarthy was right.

No he wasn't.

"Making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence"

You are terrified, shill.

Except accusations without evidence is the entire reason this Russia hysteria and investigation exists today.


Communists and Academia uses accusations without evidence, Incrimination without evidence as their number one weapon. You are a fucking imbecile.


You're reaching beyond what I said. I said just letting the accusations and reporting happen was a mistake. Countering foreign political narratives was and is important.

McCarthy did nothing wrong / also they killaryed him

bump for truth

The media destroyed him you retarded kikes. Like they're trying and failing to do to Trump.

I have read some things about McCarthy to lead me to believe he was definitely right, and that he accomplished a few things that really needed to happen. I can't remember them now, and I'm not doing anything for you simps because this thread fucking blows.

Jesus, I started something. McCarthy was, indeed, right. Here's what everyone is failing to recognize here.

McCarthy didn't get to finish the job. That's why we're in this mess now.


got a chuckle out of me.
hey asp


The ones screaming about MUH RUSSIA are saying the memo is McCarthyism? I swear I don't know how but I live in an alternate universe from a portion of the population

We know McCarthy was right, why are you telling us this?

McCarthy was right, his methods were obtuse, he never would have finished the job properly.


free Market capitalism is a Jewish Trick dumbass, working class whites don't hold the economic status to benefit from a system that only seeks to maximize profits at the expense of cheap labor.

Yeah. McCarthy did nothing wrong. So why call commies McCarthyists? Because commies hate McCarthy and we all know that if there's one thing commies are good for, it's salt mines.

I want them mad, so I use the thing most likely to make them upset. It's the closest thing I have to rounding them up and executing them. Let me have my fun.

The head of the Screen Writers Guild was a communist who personally checked all scripts only allowed scripts that condemned capitalism. Any writer who didn't immediately alter their scripts to conform was blacklisted. This cancer started to spread to the rest of Hollywood too.
It was in response to this that a handful of actors and directors threatened with being blacklisted called for investigations.
The blacklisting in Hollywood was started by the communists, and oh how they cried when it was turned back on them.

Leftists worked into a dingdong-diddly shoot

The irony is absolutely palpable at this point, but have some heart, it is not lost on the American people.

Forums and comment sections across the net, are flooded with people demanding the memo. Even in hard-core liberal outlets, the users are dialing back the vitriol as they realize the contradictions sit dangerously uncomfortably in their minds... cognititive dissonance is a son of a bitch when it finally catches up to you.

People are pissed. The right, for being lied about. The left, for being lied to. The dems are FUCKED.

Rosenberg Jews are Evil!!!!!

He was fighting the entire Jewish media apparatus and the ZOG. McCarthy's only mistake was realizing communists had taken control a decade ago.

Only communists (Jews) are saying that.

As opposed to communism where you can have a whole nation of slaves

They want you to call them McCarthy dingus, like how they're fine with you calling them da real Nazis. Because it reinforces in the normie mind that McCarthy and the Nazis were wrong and evil. It HELPS THEM.

*not realizing

I saw #DraftOurDaughters being created on Sup Forums -- the initial ideal, its quick development, and then its spread on twitter (although I never saw a version of it that looks like the one illustrating the Heatstreet article).

Is it possible, however, that a Russian shill conveniently came up with the inspiration, while pretending to be just another anonymous user?

He's right though....

Fucking this, thank you. Hollywood is a commie cesspool

I agree. Commies or any type of Marxist should be executed or jailed.

It's more likely the deep state screamed "muh russia" because they didn't want to admit they lost the propaganda war to a Ugandan pottery forum

>He was 100% correct about the communists
He was, but you should provide proofs

How did you get my photo, woof? Who the bark is behind this post?

mc carthy was right. fuck all commies always.
Sotu,Memo and the Rothschild murder plot train crash

Terry Davis time special

Unite my brothers !!!! Like fucking rome!!!


There are kids walking around!! Do that in the bedroom!!

conspiracy theories which turned out true

This guy is actually probably a normie liberal. Most of his videos are not so redpilled. But this one regarding conspiracy theories which turned out true, even if it doesn’t go far enough, is pretty good first for pill for normies. It includes McCarthyism.

McCarthy was a fucking soyboy.

I don't get why countries are willing to wage war and die over economic policies. Why did we fire bomb rice farmers on the other side of the world because they didn't believe in private ownership? Are we just running out of excuses to wage war and dig up the pettiest reasons?

It's true. The communists in Hollywood just lied and made it poison to bring up and social suicide to support. One of the biggest lies of the Cold War

>conservatives come up with a new slogan or movement
>Russian bots suddenly attach their name to it
>slogan/movement now labeled as Russian by MSM
Hmmmmm, it's almost as if those Russians want conservative movements to be defamed

It wasn't that. We waged war to protect the interests of European/globalist investments in Vietnam and elsewhere.

Now we have McCarthyism directed towards the us.
Maybe he was Right, but that's just going to be used against us by the fucking establishment and their retard tier sophistry.

We know

he was a fucking boss. and his still remaining legacy is proof of that.


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