The time is now
Do you really think trump is going to risk his OWN life to release the memo? dream on trump cucks
A release on Friday? The day where news stories go to die. No less the Friday of Superbowl weekend.
It's going down. Whether you like it or not shill
>implying he cares about what results if released
We need better memo memes. #mememo
tfw the thing that ultimately takes down the democrats is a meme-o.
I ain't clickin that sheeit
Just release it and drop the theatrics.
They have to make sure all defenses are up
The theatrics are 93.24% of the show my friend
trust user worth the read
>Trust random people on the internet
They sure would make a great team
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 1:06 PM - Jan 31, 2018
The probability @DevinNunes will ultimately go to jail for obstruction has just increased by about 40% given that he won't deny he had his staff work with the White House on the "attack the FBI" memo that Trump's FBI says is packed with lies. No more congressional immunity, dude. explain: Members of Congress have assorted immunities in doing their jobs. (Doesn't include felonies.) BUT, once you cross the line and start working with another branch of government on non-legislative issues to block a criminal investigation, immunity is dead.
...the bottom line, @DevinNunes: You need to stop thinking you can do whatever you want to subvert Mueller and consult a good criminal lawyer - not some partisan hack. Somebody who knows the law needs to explain to you the peril you have created for yourself.
it will be hilarious to see just how retarded nunes is
Trump had a good jaw.
And he was a good bowler?
its not Treason when Republicans do it
GOP is the party of Treason ever since Iran Contra
Mueller won a participation trophy, Trump worked for an actual trophy
It doesn't matter. Once the memo is released and the corruption is exposed, it's all over and everybody on the right side is justified and innocent. Fuck off shill
kek will trump release the memo??
>Once the memo is released and the corruption is exposed, it's all over and everybody on the right side is justified and innocent. Fuck off shill
You realize you're setting yourself up to look like an idiot, right? No matter what's written on this piece of paper, you will be disappointed.
Today is going to be a day that is marked in history.
What you need to ask yourself is which side of history you want to be remembered on?
So you want to be remembered on the sidee of the corrupt or the righteous?
Meditate in this. Because whether you like it or not, the truth comes out today.
So will it be rope, a bullet or simply a large drop for yourself?
Not when it shows that the investigation was a fraud with fake evidence.
>Police officer places weed in your car
>You get upset that police planted evidence
>Police claim that if you didn't do anything you have no reason to be upset
>You ask for help in removing the police
>Police claim you are impeding their investigation
This is exactly what happened with the Russian Dossier, and when it is proven to be false evidence that was planet, the entire investigation will be shown to be a fraud.
Nope. I disagree. The contents of this memo will be significant. If you want to think I am an idiot, that's fine with me. TOMORROW, there will be no idiots. Only those who believe in right or wrong
Every Republican has offered essentially the same argument with respect to releasing “the memo”:
GOP: The public has a right to know if there is wrongdoing going on within the FBI.
>And what is the alleged wrongdoing?
GOP: We don’t know yet, but it’s based on the underlying documents.
>Have you seen the underlying documents?
GOP: No. But that doesn’t change the fact that the public has a right to know if there is wrongdoing going on within the FBI.
>And what is the alleged wrongdoing?
GOP: We don’t know yet, but it’s based on the underlying documents.
>Have you seen the underlying documents?
GOP: No. But that doesn’t change the fact that the public has a right to know if there is wrongdoing going on within the FBI …
Etc, etc.
False arguments, we know it was false evidence that was planted from Fusion GPS.
Lurk more.
My body is ready
The wrong doing is setting up the president elect with falsified evidence so his administration could be demonized.
It is highly illegal behavior.
Where is you're head at?
fine. heres what i can do
Msnbc Lawrence something or other flipping TF out over "memo dAy" and its "memo eve". Predicted it will be absolute peanuts and will blow over before the minority memo is released. If that's any indicator (liberals being dead wrong about everything), the memo will have legs.
Bull shite
Hmmmm, a trip of epic truth.