America, where 15 year old girls get locked away in insane asylums for 40 years for crimes they commited when they were 12
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once again the system proves it works
ya... stabbing your class mates isnt a good idea
Insane people don't belong in society.
Slender man is impressed. Now get fucked.
>Crazy people with violent tendencies should not be thrown in psychiatric wards
And this is wrong how?
Some kinds of crazy can't get fixed.
>15 year old
shame, she looks ripe
Those psy nurses WILL have fun with this cuties...
Oh psy nurses are mostly males wink wink..
Are you suggesting she doesn't have breasts?
Has SomethingAwful gone too far?
Will they let her screen the new Slendie movie? Would be cruel not to.
No, he's just pointing out OP's grammatical error.
That is not how it really works. You only spend time in a mental hospital until you are mentally comptetent to be tried; until you are able to understand your charges, process, etc.
She dindu nuffin she a good girl
are you implying she shouldn't get punished or that 40 years is too long?
I'd say 40 years is a bit too long time. 20 years would be more than enough.
Murder is murder.
I don't know the story on this. Did she kill anybody?
Do the crime
Do the time
40 years is without a doubt long. It might as well, imo, suggest that the system wants you to stay during your youth and pop back out when ur middle aged for every person.
40 years she won’t be able to reproduce, 20 she would.
She’s also white, which is a strike against her. If she was black or Latino she would get 5 years max.
Muslims stab people for allah. Do they throw them to insane asylyms? Anyway she got what she deserved
She ended someone's life, why should she enjoy hers?
She looks gross, user. Learn how to JB.
The victim survived and is still alive and well today.
>40 years of mental health treatment, no prison time.
Sounds about right. No one died, kids do stupid shit.
We need more insane asylums in the USA. Maybe the prisons would be less crowded and there would be less homeless people rotting in the street.
You do realize that the person she assaulted will still have trauma for the rest of their life right?
I'm sure its hard for you to imagine in your propaganda state.
She has a nice pair of tits I would suck on that.
lol im dumb
what did rule 63 Sam Shkuvsky from Moonrise Kingdom do?
You must be like 12 bruh.
>Send picture of bobs pls
Where did I state sympathy for this crazy girl? She deserves every year of her sentence
I mean just look at OP's pic you could clearly see her boobs
stabbed her classmate
to death
cause slenderman
Just FYI, she's fat and retarded now and doesn't know how to close her mouth
I go hiking alone in the forest that she was planning on meeting Slender Man in, Nicolet National Forest in Wisconsin.
Unironically a pretty spooky place
go ask /x/
This is true, i used to work as a janitor and can tell you that this happends a lot and its pretty fun.
Nice try but that's gonna be life in brison with no barole
Protip: A lot of the drugs they give mental patients have those things as side effects. I used to volunteer at the Pennsylvania state hospital years ago. Watched young, fit, relatively intelligent people turn into drooling morons within months. Thorazine is a hell of a drug.
I always wanted to be a janitor, no joke. Seems so damn comfy and solitary. Just a moving piece is scenery
>Implying that /x/ actually know anything
/x/ is just a larper board at this point
Not to death, the girl lived, it was attempted murder
t. lolberg pedo
picrelated also has breasts, you'd fuck it?
Than you americlap
what, how old is she in OP's pic?
Firstly American prisons are ten times worse than Norwegian prisons.
Secondly her primary purpose in life (get married and have kids) is totally gone, completely. She will be 55 when she gets out. She will be beyond the point of marriage let alone having kids.
Yeah when you let out teenage psychopaths too early you get things like Edmund Kemper.
A proper society would have used capitol punishment.
What a disingenuous poster. Especially coming from Russia. You faggot cross the line on this type of thing.
She has the look of a democrat when they heard the fisa memo is going to be released
Christ, even Russia has virtue signaling cucks. The girl is clearly sexually mature.
>they tried to give me meds once
>never took them
>still smart as a whip
Can’t kill me niggers
>15 years old
what did he mean by this
If she was a man then she would have gotten the death penalty.
why not 30? or 50?
it's so arbitrary, they should have just set it as TBD until she's stable
not like she would get out within a couple decades anyway
Should just get the soylent treatment
>Geyser and her friend Anissa Weier, both 12 at the time of the crime, lured their 12-year-old classmate into a park in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where they stabbed her 19 times to impress the Slenderman, a boogeyman for the internet age. The victim survived, crawling to safety before she was discovered by a passing bicyclist.
Mental hospitals don't seem all that bad...
Just imagine those tits when she hits 18
Do you know where you are ? Sup Forums has always pointed out females getting away with shit and now that one gets real equal treatment, its bad ? gtfo
When I was 16 I fucked a 15 year old
Does that make me a pedo ?
Yes now rot in hell you sick fuck.
you're delusional when it comes to your last statement. minorities get fucked ten times as hard when they get sentenced
>being in this much denial of basic biology
don't you believe in science, faggot?
>implying you can't be batshit insane at 12 years old
>implying that just because you're 15, you can't be so insane as to warrant being thrown into an insane asylum for 40 years
In the old days psych hospitals used to give patients lobotomies to make them more compliant.
They're still doing basically the same thing, they just use drugs instead of an icepick so we all get to pretend that we're more humane these days.
It's is also not nice.
>where 15 year old girls are treated like fucking 2 year olds and are raised to think they will never have punishments for their actions and get pumped full of extra estrogen (the pill) which makes them even more mentally unstable to the point where they try to kill other children to please their imaginary demon monster daddy so that he will reward them with a nice long fucking session in his mansion in the woods
she should be thankful that she doesnt get lethal injection.
Shes 100% coal bait.
I would destroy her anus
Sotu,Memo and the Rothschild murder plot train crash
Terry Davis time special
Unite my brothers !!!! Like fucking rome!!!
Niggers are the problem should pay her a lawyer.
I really do believe Terry to be a good man. God smiles upon him. I just know it.
She's a big girl
He's bbfs with The Rake.
When people know what insane asylums are like they rather rot in the streets.
I bet if she was a man insane women would be writing love letters for him. Just like they do to other psychos
Yeah, she should get the death penalty by firing range. Why do we have to spend millions to keep her fed and housed for 40 years only for her to get dumped into welfare for the remainder of her useless life?
Its a mental facility they can always release her early if they think she's sane. The fact that they gave her so long is a pretty clear indicator that they think she's cuckoo for coco puffs.
Ha I did that
It's pretty short
no. no its not. not at all
>dole out punishment like she's an adult
>don't treat sex attributes like she's an adult
Fuck off you nonce.
hungry for tittes i am
Good taste mate
just to clarify, you're advocating against someone with a very serious illness to get the in-patient care that they need?