______ Death Camps

______ Death Camps

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maybe they should have just arbeitet like the fucking sign says



Need more


Polish (pronounced paulish, like polishing your knob).


"Party Death Camps"

Imagine a place where in a liberal paradise adults could go to these camps to PARTY TO DEATH and it will all be legal. (Think Soylent Green).

Musical Death Camps

This x 6x10^6


Indian potty training camps


But I always thought they were cleaning Jews off of lice?

Is this what you eat?

Also how come media speak about doctor Mengele? Its a fucking joke

>the onions are always red in india

the oranges are always green in vietnam, even in commercials



>Party Death Camps



Work is worse than a gas chamber to the kike.

>During the Napoleonic era there was a rabbi in Metz, Aaron Worms by name, who felt deeply the shame of the traditional Jewish attitude towards manual labor. He took the trouble to publicly rebuke the people for it, and, as an example, apprenticed his son Eijah to an artisan. But it was a vain gesture, as has been the effort of every Jew of integrity to civilize his people. For his pains, there were Jews in Europe who called him an apostate — and worse. The Jew’s feeling of superiority to manual labor has become second nature with him. It has been inborn and inbred in him as carefully and painstakingly as the virtues of a life of useful labor are inbred in the lives of the children of the rest of the nations.

>Jews Must Live - Samuel Roth



that shill flag never said anything smart until today





>upside down letters
Reminds me of those lemonade stands with the backwards letters.

Judeo soviet

Fun fact of Jews being outjewed by dumb polaks.
The truth of the matter is, jews has been the core of polish ((nation)) and cuckdom creation.
They whined at each other, but coexisted for almost 1000 years just fine.

Bit of gassing, 70 years ago turned everything upside down, even the ones, that escaped breed in to new jewry refusing to go back to their 1000 year old homeland, even though polaks are making a law to not to admit their involvement...

Polaks do show their trait of begging and complaining learned from their masters, although seem managed to scare (((them))) away.

Strange affairs!

>I know the plans I have for you...

What did he meant by this?


>______ Death Camps




The fuck you're saying, Mohammed?



t. jew

just leave poland and go to israel already


Never seen this pepe or flag. 10/10 post

that's one for the collection

please no, Palestine has too many jew already

Read a fucking sign, you fucks.
It's spells WORK CAMP, not death camp.
What kind of evidence you need more?

you should be proud of the fact you wipe out the enemies of god

>Lice = Jew
Can I be proven wrong?

French Death Camps

Imagine the streets after eating that

That looks delicious until you remember none of those guys washed their hands

why in every thread a indian show up and defends jew?


Polish work to


Fun fact: 23andme and most other such services add jewish and black genes "just to fuck with caucasians", sorce? They said so.

German _______ camps. What now shlomo? Nobody is falling for your tricks since you abuse them the fuck out 24/7.

you will always be sandnigger







Jews have equal rights to live pooland as polaks.
You have no right to be living in leaf country

Even a meme flag, but need to be educated
>Daily reminder

>Jews have equal rights to live pooland as polaks.
by that logic Poles have rights to live in Israel

he is jew, i guarantee it.

They have a right to live in israel. Not You!

pay reparations for defamations mordehai

Here is your reparations.

Yes, both nations contributed and recreated Poland ever so many times over centuries, both Judaic, both killed each other in ww2 ((both caused ww2))

Even marginally different in the mental development spectrum, both historically, inheritantly are equal as family unit partners.

>pay reparations for defamations mordehai
Pooplack almost outjewed a jew, almost

old Poland was a friend to Jews, new Poland hopefully has learned not to trust them. my people trusted them and have and paid the price.

too bad, now we have to look for 6 gorillion corpses and try to prove right all bullshit that you imagined along the years

This. Hight time to debunk this lie. Everybody speaks about it.

>They have a right to live in israel. Not You!
Bit harsh Shlomo.

t.Serius Q:
Would you consider going back to PooLand for good, considering it being your home in Europe for 1000 years?

I am certain, poolaks just flaming the hatred towards your people, they need to be hushed firmly and that'll be that.

>Jeudeus Paradisus

>old Poland was a friend to Jews, new Poland hopefully has learned not to trust them. my people trusted them and have and paid the price.
Are you some shitskin moslem degenerate?
I am proposing solution in having both polaks and jews to build new polakia, the great it (as said), it has been, so parasites from all over the world would leave the countries they infected... Even voluntarily.
Win-win - Win


i wish i could go back to Palestine, but the Jewish rats have infested it. this is what we get for trusting them and helping them during the holocaust.

>i wish i could go back to Palestine, but the Jewish rats have infested it. this is what we get for trusting them and helping them during the holocaust.
I thought I was talking to white human, but you are shitskin and certainly dumber than even stupid polaks.

Did you try to move over to pooland?
See if you'd jell inn, breed with polka's, have mongrel mutt offspring, that way you'd punish the jews for your stolen clay

Under the table, we are. However, current political climate is complex and we have to play this silly holocaust game with them. I hope some day we will start digging in Auschwitz and look for evidences of this obvious hoax.




Are you sure it’s not 20 gorillion? Fucking Nazi!

It's official. The Poles have outjewed the jew and the jews are furious. The kvetching has never been this intense and this bill has even caused great problems in Israel.
Netanyahu thinks he is slick by starting this history-war with the Poles but we all know why he did it.
He's in big trouble in Israel and have a lot of corruption allegations hanging over him so this was his way to derail those problems so that jew-media focus on this issue instead.
The funny thing is that this thing has red pilled so many people in Poland even my old jew-loving auntie said yesterday that she can't believe the chutzpah shown by these kikes.
Good Job, Israel, you have converted the last pro-Israel Poles into hardcore jewhunters,


>The official Polish government report on war damages prepared in 1947 put Poland's war dead at 6,028,000; 3.0 million ethnic Poles and 3.0 million Jews not including losses of Polish citizens from the Ukrainian and Belarusian ethnic groups. This figure was disputed when the communist system collapsed by the Polish historian Czesław Łuczak who put total losses at 6.0 million; 3.0 million Jews, 2.0 million ethnic Poles, and 1.0 million Polish citizens from the other ethnic groups not included in the 1947 report on war damages.[2][3] In 2009 the Polish government-affiliated Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) published the study "Polska 1939–1945. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami" (Poland 1939-1945. Human Losses and Victims of Repression Under the Two Occupations) that estimated Poland's war
Just fuckin read, don't LARP, just read fuckin (((polak))) diaspora


>Poland even my old jew-loving auntie said yesterday that she can't believe the chutzpah shown by these kikes.
Pause, read again.
So you are (((polish))) diaspora, LARPing against jews.... #Self hating jew- nothing new!#
>Good Job, Israel, you have converted the last pro-Israel Poles into hardcore jewhunters,
Is it just me, I lost the logic behind particular twist fact telling.

It's you. Because you've been raped so many times the muslim semen has caused your brain to not function properly. Now fuck off LARP

German not nazi

Was that a punch and cry at once?
>übër kike move
Go home to pooland nau!

Funny coming from a bong who's country is literally and unironically owned by the kikes. Waterloo, waterloo, da da da da Benjamin DeIsraeli....la la la.

But I do undertsand your frustration, you live in a country where you will becoma the minority in a close fututre, your food is terrible, your women are ugly, your men are the worst wankers and faggots in Europe, your police walk around in high heels, you are not even allowed to own a knife, you are surveiled 24/7 everywhere you go, even on the shitter. And last but not least, without the Poles your country would have been a German colony. Kek
So please, bong, I know you would've sold your own mother to have the opportunity to move to Poland but unfortunetaly they don't take nice to your kind. Poland wants white people not green/grey mongrels with crooked teeth.
Now fuck off.