He started smoking again

He started smoking again.

His daughter is a pot head

His successor is about to completely ass rape his legacy

Was it worth it?

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Who cares nigger

Smoking is cool


Your country got blacked and muzzied at the same time. It enjoyed it so much that it went on for another 4 years. It'll never truly go back.

In the end I think he's going to come clean about hope he was also blackmailed.

It's been memory holed, but if you look hard enough you can find details on how he was wire tapped through out his career as a senator. Imagine what they had on him!

Guess who has it now?

Doctors Without Borders (aka Doctors With Drone Striked Hospitals) wanted to charge Obama with a war crime but no country would step up to back them up.

All democrats do the same, they can't stay true to themselves. Always trying to be somethings else, bunch of hypocrites.

doctors turn backs on countries.
countries turn backs on doctors.
what would snake do?

All I know is that I would let his daughters lick my vanilla popsicle.

If secret service didn’t shoot it off first.

Pepe sabotaged Obama long ago.

no. i'd hoped the brothers would be happy and quit hyphenating their american-ness, but we didn't even get that. fuck it. burn it. his narcissism was bigger than his vision.

> Become the most powerful man in the world
> Make millions for years afterwards
> Have women throwing themselves at you even though you're getting old
> Was it worth it?

Keeping hillary out of power for 8 years?


>amerumutt meme 10
At re-name your images. 1/10

Nothing would make me happier than seeing all the drug dealers he pardoned, his pothead kids and his traitorous fucking self arrested.

tfw not even the president of the united states can stop his daughters from becoming thots.

He put Hillary in power of all foreign affairs brainlet, she was his Secretary of State

He’s retired and worth millions, life is probably good.

Thinking of Harvey

Still holding out hope for a crazed gunman to wipe him and his family off the face of this earth.

> Become the most powerful man in the world

Lost that power the second Trump took office. He has no more power than you do.
> Make millions for years afterwards
Yeah, no. He didn't get the perks and $300k speeches that Bill got. Hillary's getting them. Obama for the most part has done less out of office than any other President.
> Have women throwing themselves at you even though you're getting old

I see no proof that women are throwing themselves at him. Ever.

> Was it worth it?

Not really. Trump has taken apart his legacy brick by brick, he might be facing an indictment for what he did as President, and he's becoming the punchline to jokes, not an elder statesman.

Sotu,Memo and the Rothschild murder plot train crash

Terry Davis time special

Unite my brothers !!!! Like fucking rome!!!

what are the chances he starts house fire falling asleep with cigarette burning and get's roasted in it, with Michael beside him. KEK

B-ut, muh legacy!

He's a closet gay that murdered his lovers and married a gorilla, trust me he's one tortured nigger.

>and married a gorilla

Shameful confession type:

I've fapped to this webm

I bet if we played the game Guess Those Shoulder Blades Michells Obama's would be indistinguishable from Terry Crews


Or guess what's in my pants

I can guess but its probably nothing like the hammer michelle must be working with to satisfy barack. If its a vagina I wouldn't know anything about that

>married a gorilla
>post that fat white pig faced cunt

good one retard


No. Eat Shit.

His daughter is also getting BLEACHED by the eternal Anglo.

He never stopped smoking...

it's because they're pretty much half white

Literally the only thing I can agree with king nigger on.
I wish I had a cigarette rn.

>smoking cigarettes
Cigars, pipes, even cigarillos, but never cigarettes user. You know this.