Women should not be allowed to vote. They hold no convictions and have no stake in anything. Women are objects to be used by men for continuing their lineage.
You are a degenerate. reposting doesn't help
This isn't a Mgtow board, now shoo
This thread again.
Agreed. We need to go back to the Republican Motherhood era.
That's how they were viewed for thousands of years. There was no good reason to change that.
That's a man, baby
It's interesting. I keep a kikebook with 5k friends of normie trump supporters. Give me a good sample of what they are thinking. It's always a women that ends up saying something like "I've seen the light and no longer support Trump". Inevitably, there is ALWAYS a relationship change a few months before this happens. They just take on the politics of the man. They are useless beyond that. They absolutely should not have a vote.
White women are smarter than niggers. If you disagree with this, then you belong on /r/mgtow
OP said nothing about intelligence. The reality is that women - even white women - hold totally different interests to men.
probably, but that goes nowhere.
They may be smarter on paper but they definitely lack something essential. Women lack wit, make cringe statements and otherwise exercise very poor judgment. This universally applies to all women. I say this as a married man with much prior experience of playing the field.
Has nothing to do with it. Like this user said, , women are guided by the men they're with. All women's suffrage has done is split the family in order to create, at best a redundancy, at worse, the ongoing rebellion of women. Think about the ideal scenario in a society where women can vote. The ideal is she'll what? Vote like the men vote. In which case, why do we need them to vote at all? If the best they can do is what men already do, what's the purpose? It's just entertaining a child's fantasy. It's like when you let your kid sit on your lap in the car while you're parked so he can pretend to be driving. That's what women's suffrage is in the IDEAL. But back here in reality, we don't even get the ideal, do we? We get women who by the millions outright challenge male judgment through the franchise. It's rebellion, plain and simple. How do you put down a rebellion?
Agree. Repeal the 19th Amendment now.
These people get it.
Behavior rewarded is behavior repeated.
Most of the Alt right activists posting videos are girls man.
>I'm a giant degenerate slut that found a good woman who accepted all the gross slag i slipped my dick into
I hope you're married to a coalburner
Women are not objects; however, they will naturally submit to a dominant man and are happiest doing so. And of course they shouldn't vote, they didn't even want to vote until they were told they should want to.
Samefagging again, user? Let's go down to the precinct, you can call your parents from there.
i agree. they dont even have to register for the draft to qualify for federal loans and stuff like men do, so why should they get a vote that decides if the country goes to war?