Democrats are cray

Democrats are cray



Fake AND gay.

Fig if Treal

Fake. Obama is never that direct. If it was real it would say something like “Now, if this memo does come out, don’t let it change the opinion of the African community. We need to move forward and pointing fingers won’t get us anywhere”

Holy shit is this real? Lmao I never knew Dems were this brazen with their pan dering

Fuck, it's real.


That's the guy from Bully in the middle right? Who are the other faggots?


wasn't this guy president? Heard he was a gay nigger lover

Sup Forums btfo once again

Waffle Stomper of coursh

Literally who?

Big, if true.

The memo isn't real. It's talk nonsense against complete that once never would disagree push back who the softball stand against. Can we please talk about real issues and not waste all of our time on this? There is nothing to gain about spreading lies, it is most logical for all of us to move back to real issues and ignore memo threads.

Who pays you to post in every thread?

The first thing shills do is accuse others of being a shill. I'm honestly tired of arguing about ad hominem attacks. You can argue the merit of the point or you can continue to try to accuse me of things I'm not guilty of.

I have one ID and one post. How can I shill if I'm just joining this thread now?

>It's talk nonsense against complete that once never would disagree push back who the softball stand against.
>dat filename

They'll give a blue tick to anyone nowadays.

Ya, you've quoted me but I fail to see the point you're making. If you want to argue with me feel free to spend the time but at least try to give me something to work with.