Jewish dominated group the SPLC confirms that White displacement was planned long ago.
Time Stamp:
Jewish dominated group the SPLC confirms that White displacement was planned long ago.
Time Stamp:
It's all payback for WW2.
"thinking you can change the demographics, you can't, these things have been planned for a while"
a nasally nigger tranny
does it take a jew to explain the fuckin obvious? is logic void in your goyim heads?
i didnt need Sup Forums or the jewish press to put 2 and 2 together. if you didnt figure this shit out back in kinderfuckingarten, i am sorry for you and the future of the goyim.
wher´s part 2
>what was the white australia policy dismantled by global american-hebrew mafia
apparently your ancestors werent as fuckin dull as the newly hatched batch who submitted to yiddish rule
>implying without Whites, spics & nigs will get along even better (as proven in raw primal instinct in prison politics)
>implying without White's taxes, gibs will continue
>implying in the ensuing chaos in the future and potential state collapse, China (a extremely homogeneous country without compromise in feels or guilt) won't try to conquer the disarrayed multiKULTi scoundrels
>implying China won't be the first country to be Super Aryan Cyborgs, because of current secret and unethical R&D in genetic engineering & advanced robotics (to be stolen from U.S.A./Japan)
>implying there isn't a covert feminization & sterilization program, along with absolute power via proliferation of God-like a.i. and weaponized nanotechnology
>implying non-whites want to live outside of their city enclaves, in rugged rural areas where being self sufficient is praised upon
>Implying the Jew infested United States government isn't going to do everything in their power to destroy the European American.
Once again: more proof of what we already knew.
Glad to have confirmation yet again.
It's like the ((swamp)) is just removing their masks now, discarding subtlety
They better git gud at urban farming. America is special because most of her 500 million+ guns (about 85%+) are in the hands of .......
Nope, the jews were already planning this BEFORE WWII so the revenge for the Holohoax angle doesn't stands up.
Very. Fucking. Interesting. Read.
The Tribe wasnt satisfied with their full control over the US since the passage of the 1965 anti-white bill. Straight after their defeat of white america in the 60s, they started barking at overseas strongholds of Whitedom- Australia and South Africa. Ultimately Australia succumbed to Yiddish nagging and harassment and withdrew its White Australia policy. South Africa collapsed under the incessant nasal shrieking of the Burger Yid and Europe opened its anus to the browns under the command of Dictator Goldstein
>Compulsive lying olfactory
>Holocaust memory centre
>Directly adjacent
Coincidence or (((coincidence)))?
>"thinking you can change the demographics, you can't, these things have been planned for a while"
>these things have been planned for a while
Remeber goyim, white genocide is just a wacky conspiracy theory!
Remeber goyim, white genocide is just a wacky conspiracy theory!
Oh shit
White genocide was confirmed real decades ago, and continues to be confirmed.
And so the slow chemical, psychological and historical castration of Western society began.
Makes sense when looking at Germany today. Do you think there will be any resistance or will whites be bred out of existence? I guess this means Trump is in on it too?
Someone answer me this:
When are we allowed to use physical violence to ensure our own survival? When does that become the "responsible" decision?
when you learn to radicalize and mobilize the millions of white homeless victims of the globalist white genocide scheme
Where are we moving lads before SHTF?
Poland? Hungary? Japan? Where are the last bastions of white identity?
Don't talk about this.
If you are angry then spread it to a right wing normie.
move to the local parliament, expel the traitors, and occupy your new house as the new King
Fuck that shit, i'm joining Hezbollah.
Time to remove kikes from Earth.
And I advise you to do exactly the same thing.
30-40 years ago
words are violence. STFU nazi!
We're in a pretty shitty position since we live in anarcho tyranny, we can't fight back without the state stomping us down so the only answer is either when the state is no longer against us or is working with us (i.e. we're in government). Aside from the obvious "Nigger broke into my house with a machete" situation of course.
In multiculturalism, voting means leveraging the violence of the state against other ethnic groups. Much of the USA is already in a state of low-level race war (riots & crime).
Will America ever free itself from Jewish influence?
Just look at this mongoloid-kike crypto-commie Milliband yesterday.
op, what is the exact context of this shitshow?
one of /ourguys/ went to an SPLC lecture and recorded it.
Jews for refugees? Can't argue with a trade like that.
splc lecture for what? where?
In a way I am grateful to the Jews. They have made the 4th Reich in America possible
They have made the 4th Reich in America necessary.
please soon. There is a particularly upity non-white that needs to die but i cannot do anything to him or i go to jail, but he isnt above assault and every time i hit him back i end up in jail.
Im out of legal options for dealing with this non-white as harrasment charges and my attempt at a restraining order where both dismissed.
Ive beat him up for his shit before but he doesnt care and wont stop, and despite him swinging first im always the one who gets an assault charge.
What do?
i wish i could just kill him but hes smart enough to never bring a weapon.
Imagine being this out of touch
The goal of Jews is without question, making every country they live in without an ethnic majority.
Jews feel like a minority and they want everybody to FEEL THE SAME.
So they will probably stop their activity once WHITES BECOME A MINORITY in the US.
I can't promise you that, but talking publicly about the plan of making Whites a minority is less cooky than talking about "White Genocide", which is too much a hyperbole.
I don't fucking get it, all Jews are welcomed to Israel except niggers.
They jailed them and kicked them out and the world didn't say anything.
God I wish you were right.
I don’t understand why Jews would want to let refugees in. The refugees are Muslim, and everyone knows all Muslims want to kill all Jews. So why would the Jews let the Muslims in?
Because destroying the country comes first.
the imperitive to create a multi-ethnic society is stronger than the fear of muslims. It's not like there's this Big Jew sitting up there planning it all out in detail. And it' not even Jews completely, it's a jewed way of thinking that has corrupted our souls.
These are hilarious...
Dropping my collection..
>I cannot do anything
That is where you are wrong kiddo. You always have options. You are an underage kid in school I think.
No. It's part of elites trying to enact Talmudic occultism into a NWO they govern with a Gentile slave class subdued through communism and multiculturalism leading to a monoculture. Centuries in the making. Notably ramped up starting about 300 years ago with Illuminati fraternities and then spearheaded by the Rothschilds overtaking English banking and funding wars and communist coups.
Herr Bartoszewski himself..
imagine being a "brit", """making sense""" when 'looking' at germany
angomuttsphere, you funny
If it's for you western chriscucks, we Muslims would literally wipe those big nosed rat race off of the existence, but you sided with them, now reap what you sow bitch and quit moaning.
go wipe the shit from under your fingernails, you pislamist joke
>Aside from the obvious "Nigger broke into my house with a machete" situation of course.
user that requires the people in the government not being the same niggers with the machetes breaking into your home to kill you.
The primary issue is retaining power. Demographic decline can be reversed if you obtain control of the government and begin breeding programs to incentivize people to have children while sterilizing or forcibly removing other groups from the nation.
Nothing can be done when you lose power. At that moment your destiny is in the hands of those who want to see you destroyed. The only chance you have then is war.
You mean the war when millions of English, French, Canadian, Australian and American men died saving kikes from Germans?
Makes sense. Kikes are just trying to get genocided
>mudslimes laugh at goyim under the thumb while they are even more so
>which is too much a hyperbole.
I get you could argue that the general White population would see White genocide as hyperbole at first blush, but it is indeed White genocide.
>It's all payback for WW2.
Payback for what about 80 million europeans died on all sides, and also last i remember US fought against the nazi's. But it really looks like they should have joined up with them by the way this seems to be going. I think it's great they so openly admit it, including that it has been planned for a while since that's technically attempt of genocide and highly illegal. Even being complicit in it is highly illegal.
Also the official number of jews that alledgedly got genocided was about 1.5 million, yes they reduced it by that much since the original claim which was 6 million. Also they also say that they mostly died due to infections and diseases and starvation, like everyone else because it's war and so you don't go down to the grocery store and buy some food. supply lines cut off etc. Is why the corpses were so emaciated. Because they were starving. So let me get this right, so therefore they claim that what a billion europeans have to be exterminated due to mass immigration? many more europeans died during the war on all sides, it's so ridiculous that they pretend the holochaust is the biggest mass murder in history, it isn't. armenian genocide which was a tiny one, was 1.5 million aswell done by the ottoman turks. Why are they not genociding all muslims on the planet?
I'm sorry but everyone who advocates this should be in jail for life.
Notice also how they openly admit that they know the reason why people become anti immigration, or as they call it white supremacists, is that because of mass immigration is displacing them in their own nations. So they actually know that it's LEGITIMATE that white people are getting angry about this, and it's actually a legitimate cause to stop immigration and not some bigotry or anything. So they KNOW THIS very well, so they're basically lying and know on purpose that they are trying to make white people minority in their own countries. What's extremely obnoxious about it is having a black woman say these things, she has an entire continent and 55 fucking 99% black nations in africa she can go to right fucking now, but her ancestors refused to leave the US for 153 years. I'm so tired of these self righteous black people who's ancestors didn't do shit but pick cotton, and what like 0.2% of what made the US what it is. Whilst white people are helping them tremendously with all kinds of things in africa, and including in the US.
And as a commenter points out to the video. It is agendas like this that are making white people 'racist'. When these people are actually 100x worse than any racist on this board for example. Blacks and people like this are the biggest racists, bigots and assholes on the entire planet.
They would never do that you shitlord
What made me race oriented was not any white person whatsoever. It was solely non white people and specifically open agendas like this. See i thought growing up that we all respected eachothers people and that it was about seeing past these differences, but ofcourse respecting that people were majority in their own nations, but that if other people came and lived there from other places we should get along. Well it seems that nobody is honoring that line of thinking whatsoever other than white people. Non whites are ultra fucking racist, even normie ones, but nobody calls them out on it, and they don't see it as wrong in any way either. Yet they are the ones complaining about fucking racism. I'm SICK OF HEARING THIS NONSENSE FROM THEM.
>See i thought growing up that we all respected eachothers people and that it was about seeing past these differences
Most of us really wanted to be libertarians before it was made impossible.
Also the reality it was never possible with non Whites. libertarian party is 95+% White, only ones who care about such ideas.
It's not 'genocide' strictly speaking, it's filling up your living space with another ethnic group to make you lose exclusive ethno-political control of it.
The goal of Jews is not to make e.g. Blacks a majority in America. Their goal is to make at least 3 ethnic groups large enough so that all groups check the other from becoming a ruling majority.
That's my speculation.
No, payback for blood libel, payback for the deicidal curse, payback for 2000 years of diaspora, payback for Rome casting down the temple stone by stone.
Egalitarianism was always implicit in the founding ideology of America, that's why it was so easy for America to become non-white. It's just a logical extension of its founding principles, something which the founding fathers never considered in great detail.
America was never going to be a majority white country for long.
>It's not 'genocide' strictly speaking,
You are wrong, strictly speaking is is.
Also, the goal is to race mix, kill, prevent breeding, prevent working, and any other method they can come up with to get rid of Whites completely.
Like kikes will arrest other kikes for kike made laws.
Even sewer rats have more honour than a Jew.
yes im sure the jews were so innocent when anything of that happened, it was blowback then, holocaust was blowback and the holocaust 2.0 will be a new blowback, keep looking forward to it
>No, payback for blood libel, payback for the deicidal curse, payback for 2000 years of diaspora, payback for Rome casting down the temple stone by stone.
This is a typical fucking jew, only a fucking jew will think like that. What the fuck do people today have to do with that. And for what the jews are doing they have destroyed much more than that. By that same token all jews should be hunted down and exterminated. But europeans aren't like that, so jews have to fucking even invent that, it's embarrasing to say the least that someone can be so immoral.
that's a long stretch, my dude. If white countries were flooded with +500% of foreign population, I would agree. But with changes that are below +50%, immigration doesn't sound like genocide to normies.
Of course, if unlimited immigration continues as it is, then after decades and decades, whites will become a tiny minority. But that is about stretching out trends wide into the future.
You won't convince normies with your very alarmist apocalyptic rhetoric, while mine argumentation is easier to swallow:
> multiculturalism = diving the nation politically into multiple racial minorities
Look how easy this is to argue and sell to people. Easy like IOTBW.
Once you get them to agree to the premise, you can get them to the conclusions: it's about taking political power from Whites.