Why are millennials uninterested in starting a family?
Why are millennials uninterested in starting a family?
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Have you lived in this world?
We wouldn't want to wish this shit on anybody
dam..she's what...40?
Implying anyone here can get laid in the first place.
Who is this slut?
Speak for yourself.
Why do you always post the same girl when you make these threads?
this fucking bot
because you're gay
>Who is this slut?
She's dressed pretty conservatively ...
Oh right, you are a sub-human
cuz theyre poor and kids are expensive.
theres also the responsibility issue, parents cant do drugs and fuck ppl on tinder every night
Self hatred leading to unwillingness to self actualize my existence. Pessimism for the future. It sucks because I know I am wrong and should be reproducing, since I am at least not a 2 digit IQ mong.
I'm not a bot snow nigger.
>make more consumers goy
>who will buy my products and fight my wars
>breed faster! fasterrrr!!!!!
two things I will never do: pay tax and reproduce. fuck all you legacyfags, it's gonna be planet of the apes in a hundred years even if we killed ten blacks each
Post her feet
I saw this thread 5 times already get a life!!
Speak for yourself. Getting married to long-term gf this year.
Daily reminder that
>Italy is the only Western country that has ABOLISHED alimony
>Italy is the only Western country where there is a legal standard doctrine of "division of goods" in marriage - you get to keep your and her shit separated, legally AND fiscally - forget about losing you house and shit in divorce, this is the LAW, not a prenup.
>Italian Supreme Court just told the cucks in the parliament to get fucked and die by making the abolition of alimony legally binding with absolute majority.
Synthesis? Even if I get divorce I lose NOTHING of my own shit, won't have to pay anything to her and will by law get at minimum joint custody of any children and probably get primary custody in case of said joint custody.
So..we Italians will keep fucking our women and enjoying our freedom from the fear of losing everything in divorce. You enjoy getting fucked in the ass in family court people!
most white women are grossly overweight and aggressively feminist
Shits expensive yo
>Why are millennials uninterested in starting a family?
mainly because they've never really had one, so they don't know how.
We recognize that the dystopian end-times for this wave of prosperity are coming.
Millenial here. My parents (especially my dad) could hardly have made raising a family seem any more miserable. Aside from that this world is no place to raise children in and I'm pretty badly broken psychologically.
Soe Penski. She's some E-sports commentator for Blizzard.
A lot of them can't.
millennials will be the first generation to have babies at later ages, on average
jealous desu
we warned them this would happen.
why do people always bring these threads to max?
Wrong, that was the boomers. This is why many millennial have old parents.
My father is like 70 and my mother is 60. I'm a 30 year old millennial
>it's all the white women fault
women are followers if the leader is a shitty leader then they are fucked
they follow feminism
Maybe you should had left the nazis alone instead of fighting alongside with the fucking commies.
Because no one has any fucking money. Delivering the baby alone costs $10,000. For me, that would be equal to about 20 months' rent, 60 months' groceries, or a third of my student loans. And that's not counting the other costs you'll be paying over the next 18 years. That's just delivering the baby. And if you want to properly replace both yourself and your wife, you need at least 2 babies, so that's $20,000. For that price tag, I could buy a brand new Honda Civic.
If you go around and take a random sample of 10 Millennials, and ask them "do you have at least $10,000 in your bank account right now?" chances are none of them (or maybe at most one) will answer yes. Nobody can afford to even give birth.
they are, they just don't want to fuck you.
so you are a jew
whats teh diference in 3 words or less
subhuman or inhuman, does not make a diference in the eyes of god
>taking your wife to a (((hospital)))
jews told me not to
Selfish bastards who will be slain in the streets like the dogs they are by gen Z
And ur a white knight
And I know u will respond
i want to hold soes hand
>Sister goes to (((College))) for Political science
>Has gone from politically and religiously apathetic to progressive nut and crypto-athiest harlot.
>Claims she doesn't even want children after I got in her face about how no man wants to deal with a bitch.
For the love of God don't send your Children (especially your daughters) to university unless they are very talented, the Jews there turn women into degenerate marxists in no time.
It's become something exceedingly expensive just to own or rent a home let alone have kids too unless you get all the gibs.
Just as planned
If the only solution offered is 'hurr just move somewhere cheaper' you're too young to understand about aging parents.
Do you want to risk death from birth complications?
I'm married to a 10/10 and self employed with a successful career. would love children, but cant make any.
&b4 you say "adopt", yes we plan on doing that. but that isnt going to help with white population.
>Why are millennials uninterested in starting a family?
Now is not the time. That being said, the chaos that springs out from the approaching balkanization of the United States will provide me with more than enough opportunities to fulfill my reproductive duty.
adopt white babies and raise them to place significance on family so that they have many babies one day.
They've been conditioned by all the funny comedian men into thinking children are for squares and that they wouldn't be a good parent anyway so it would be better if their children never existed
Tell me, what's the point of starting a family if i even could?
I don't gain anything from having a family, i don't create anything of value, so what's the point?
It is only for those who think their genes are worth to be preserved.
>Great family life
>Being surrounded by people you love
>Coming home and family is waiting for you
>Having valuable relationships is the main key for happiness
>Happiness of being a father and seeing your children growing up
>Joy of beating the Jews, doing the opposite of what they want
>Being in alignment with nature
I can think my genes are worth preserving as much as i want. There's no changing the fact i am unfit for having a family, both innately and by choice.
If you are unfit and have weak genes you should not have children obviously.
You think we had any money when we had you you dumb son of a bitch? We worked three jobs to buy your diapers you self absorbed waste of skin. Having children is self sacrifice for the greater good. You want to keep your bills down so you can spend 90 percent of your time being a non productive waste of oxygen on the internet.
Have fun dying old and alone.
I am tall, white, broad shoulders, graduated uni, physically fit etc, i am mot fit as a person
But you just said you would be innately unfit for having a family?
>We worked three jobs to buy your diapers you self absorbed waste of skin.
All so you could hand our future over to non-whites so you could have cheap labor and ethnic food. Fuck you, if there's a Hell you will be burning in it.
Bank Bailouts
Purchasing power
House prices
Cost of living
Life is a scam
I want a family but no girls will give me a chance.
So I buy drugs off the deep web to deal with the pain of loneliness.
I can't deal with these feels.
>why do girls not talk to a fat neck beard like me?
Why do you post this? You are contributing nothing
Males are playing games
Females are playing males
Can't raise a kid on retail wages without the help of the American taxpayer and I run the risk of the kid hating me for growing up in abject poverty.
>Go to work at shitty job all day for rest of life so that the wife can stay home and play with kids.
>Wife's vagina no longer pleasurable
>Have to buy a $700k house to have a stable and sufficient place to live
Yeah sounds awesome. You really convinced me guys. Oh yeah and I will make sure my wife is a 2/10 white girl instead of a 8/10 asian to further the white race.
Don't want to be stabbed in the back in my later years.
>husband stressed out trying to afford mortgage and work at high stress job
>kids are autistic and retarded thanks to modern life
>decide not to tell kids they have been replaced by robots and nobody will hire them when they grow up
>wife has a mental breakdown and can't even do the chores
It’s not affordable.
stop being a beta and get a women
I enjoy pizza probably as much as you do but please stop pasting this everywhere my fellow italian.
because kids suck, and raising one to be decent requires too much effort and money.
A hunter is unfit to have children in a world full of farmlands.
Not affordable, I need to gib my money to the gubmit, so they turn it to gibsmedats for THE FUCKING CUNTS THAT FLED THEIR PIECE OF SHIT COUNTRY LIKE COWARDS.
Also women became really vile.
Western women are disloyal sluts.
The Justice system rapes men when it comes to divorce/custody.
Rent and housing prices are too high. High-paying jobs are scarce. Most are burdened by student loan debt.
Popular media/music/movies/news makes white men out to be demons, corrupts women, destroys god and family and law and order.
How do you start a family when you aren't sure how to pay a phone bill next month?
Im confident I can get women thanks - that wasn't the question.
How do you assume OP is a fat neckbeard? I mean whats the point?
Because of the internet, globalization, terrorism, retarded left-wingers and corrupt politicians (Killary)
>So..we Italians will keep fucking our women and enjoying our freedom
>EU cuck
we arent
shut the fuck up already
>Jewish propaganda everywhere
>Trans and gay lobbies polluting minds
fuck off NAZI scum go dance in circles around a burning cross LOL
Fucking based pizzaland
As a millennial, I think I'm giving up on the idea of settling with a millennial girl. I actually have more in common with Gen Z and I seem to be talking to a teenage girl who is very much redpilled and anti-feminist and wants to be a mum as early as she can. It's just a bit weird for me though. I never liked the meme of April-September relationships and I do like how much easier it is to talk to women my age. But it's just not to be.
I think the Gen Z meme is real.
You must be new here.
It's okay. You'll be a National Socialist too before the end.
It's better to be alive , even if that means you have to fight.
She has nudes right?
>the current situation seems bleak and isnt going my way, we should now stop reproducing and cease to exist.
If you are too weak to fight then yes please go. Nature makes life a struggle, it ensures that only the most psychological and physical fit will survive and thrive in the long-term. Your soyboy genes are not meant to make it.
Found the kike.
If this would be the case then we would not exist today.
It is your fault if you are not smart enough to settle down far away from the city, become self-sufficient and raise the children yourself. Simply teach your children skills that cannot be automatised that easily.
Cause families are expensive pains in the ass.
Her looks are starting to fade. Makeup starting to look a little thick around the eyes and corners of her mouth.
It's happening, and there's absolutely nothing she can do about it. I bet she's even starting to notice some creases between her itty bitties.
why do you fags fall for this slide every time?
they use the same faggot in the picture
$10,000... wth... for what?
She did half her make up to show the difference.
Divorce courts.