How do we stop this?
How do we stop this?
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awesome shot, where do I hit like and subscribe?
whats going on
A racing drone pilot decided he needed more likes and views so he endangered a plane full of people.
Hahaha what a moron. Who records and then publishes this sort of thing?
link to original?
This won't work against a racing drone, you won't be able to keep your sights on them
Hard to use on a racing drone
literally wouldn't cause any noticeable damage if he hit that plane. If he hit a miracle and sucked into one of the engines they would of land no issue. These drones are 5 fucking lbs of plastic.
What does the pilot risk for real ? is he in trouble or the authorities don't give a shit/didnt saw the drone ?
I know you're a leaf and you're being retarded on purpose. But they're 3 pounds of carbon fibre
200,000 years our species has been on this planet and we got to be here now
A carbon fibre drone impacing the cockpit window could kill the pilots
>he didnt take apart a microwave and nigger rig his own version with a tin foil directional antenna
Are you happy or sad about the fact?
Laws that make sure all drones are disabled when their GPS location comes near (~100m) ADSB tracked flights
I don't know anymore
your a literal dumbcunt to say that
Signal Jammers
Drone makers would need to be compliant to sell their products, disabling would be an automatic process written into the code. If the system recognizes tampering the drone will also disable itself.
Track this cunt down. Send him to jail
birds dont break the window
carbon fibre does
dumb cunt
>Rick And Morty fan
HAHahahahahaah fucking hell RaM fans are such faggots
you've obviously never worked on, and/or near aircraft...
>The Holocaust couldn't have possibly hap-
i don't mean the airplane pilot, but the drone pilot, what sanctions, did he broke any law ( breaking aerial corridor without authorization at least i guess ?)
bigger issue is the drone getting sucked into the engine and redefining the term "drone strike"
I hear ya
What? He wasn't anywhere near that plane you babies.
Of course it's only a matter of time before someone straps explosives to one of those things.
He could have killed everyone on that plane.
That's actually interesting. According to the tech specs, it can incinerate 2-3 tonnes per hour, that's 50-70 tonnes per day. If an average person weighs 60 kilos, it's roughly 1000 bodies per day. In 3 years, that's over 1 million bodies, so just one of these units would have taken care of all cremation required at Auschwitz.
I hate drone enthusiasts
Holocaust deniers BTFO.
How did my thread about drones turn into holocaust denial?
planes hit birds and shit all the time some shitty piece of plastic isn't going to stop it. If it did I would never fucking fly again.
>inb4 c-4 plastic explosive.
I support drone rights but this dude is damaging that cause. Anyone with any knowledge of Aviation knows how fucked up this is. Losing half your thrust at landing because a fucking drone was flown into your engine is a great way to end up in a crash. Purely irresponsible. There are people who qualify with the FAA to do camera work like this.
Welcome to Sup Forums?
Birds aren't carbon fiber. Birds have also taken planes down.
Dude a drone probably wouldnt kill the engine but it easily could. Easy to say shit like that on the ground.
>implying all drones are carbon fiber.
>Implying a large bird is the same as a small piece of plastic or carbon fiber
you guys do know they test plane parts by firing frozen turkeys at them right? It was in myth busters. The windshields aren't very good at this btw.
>this video shows a drone made of carbon fibre
>but they're not all carbon fibre!
you're a fucking dickhead
Most of the racing drones I see are.
Mine is.
I wonder though, how high was he flying?
It didn't seem that high.
Perhaps the Pilot of the large aircraft is partially responsible?
the airplane pilot is coming in to land at nevada airport mate
>drone pilots
>actually social misfit manchildren
They endanger people and don't even realise it.
Hurikan == hurricane == cyclone == zyklon
The fucking commercial airliner is supposed to stay out of the way of your manlet toy?
Fuck off, you faggot.
Black market in open source firmware would ensue. In fact an open source drone flight control firmware already exists.
If you lock the hardware, ti will create a market for open source hardware as well.
What a comfy pic
it's not hard to make your own drone without these regulations