How long before he shows his face on the NEWS again?
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Why? What did I miss?
People like him dont feel emotions
I hate this dude and all, but that's sad. Shouldn't rejoice in such a thing.
seems fishy
>can't swim
it checks out. rip
Damn that’s one ugly chick
fuck off you dirty niggerlover
oh shit
his sister isn't easy on the eyes either
>taking death in general seriously requires you to love anyone who dies
Retarded faggots. Go to infinite chan with the other twelve year olds.
its not sad, its pathetic
Plot twist, he was living as a woman outside the CNN studios and it was actually Don who died.
>Niggers can't swim.
He’s my neighbor lolol
I don't agree with his politics but he's a very nice and reasonable guy. I feel sorry for him that his sister died.
You would think by now niggers would learn to swim.
Sup Forums should meme high ratings while he's out and tank them when he comes back so he gets fired.
>death means joke can't be funny.
Where did all these faggots come from? I don't even want to spend energy replying to them.
He's not nice or remotely reasonable. He's a stupid, blithering asshat. But, it is unfortunate about his sister.
Was there supposed to be a joke?
the trump curse....strikes again?
>if your enemy dies they win
aka she died of an OD and they didn't want Don's family looking stereotypical in a neg way. SO SHE TRIPPED WHILE FISHING K? this is cnn
Yes, because that's exactly what I said. You should prob kys so I feel a crushing defeat.
don "time to grow a fro" lemon sequire, the third
don "what is going on here" lemon
When life gives you lemons...
When life gives gibs you lemons...
he's still not as bad as van jones, the must insufferable nigger to ever live
Don "NO NO NO NO NO" Lemon
tweet this masterpiece to him
Dick sucker can get thrown off building in Islam for all I care
I no haz Twatter.
dont cut yourself on all that edge
I don't know. At least Van Jones gave Trump credit for his address to congress, and admitted muh Russia was a nothing burger. Don Lemon legitimately flirts with the threshold of mental retardation.
go back to plebbit fag
I'll never understand how a grown person can drown. Unless there is a large wave or heavy current there is no reason you shouldn't be able to stay above water for a while.
I know blacks can't swim and all but it's ridiculous that they can't keep their heads above water.
That was brutal
Your country is the literal Plebbit of the earth, you leafy faggot.
Wait a minute...
>my oldest sister & partner in crime growing up
>partner in crime
>dat spacing
>dat civcuck logic
you have to go back
This asshole hit on me and touched my thigh at the in & out burger on Hollywood Blvd like 5 years ago. I was kinda shocked and just played it off. Yes it really happened no I’m not going to go public on twitter because I’m a dude. But I’m sure I wasn’t the only one he’s ever touched without consent so I’m sure guys will come out soon
she sank faster than his ratings
Black people always joke when. White person dies stop caring about people who will always hate you
Sounds like you want an excuse to act like them.
I haven’t acted like anyone asshole. But being kind and worrying about black peoples feelings is why this country is turning to dogshit. You don’t slowdown for the class retards asshole. Keep apologizing to the people who hate you and want to fuck your women moron damn Americans are all cucks
why do black people insist on being anywhere near deep water despite not knowing how to swim?
I feel bad for his parents
Now they only have a faggot son
In all seriousness. How the fuck do you trip, fall, and drown in a pond while fishing. If you can't swim, maybe you should wear a life jacket if you're going to be do activities around a drownable sized body of water. This is like rock climbing without a harness.
She was obviously drunk off her ass and they’re concealing it not to embarrass her
she's a nigger
>I guess being an anchor runs in the family
I'm not worried one bit. Not about anyone's feelings. Just how I act and contend with my own judgment and values down the line. Lulz is not excuse enough to act like a savage retard and rejoice in this idiot's sister's death.
>drowns in a puddle
>having foresight
i hope this race traitor gets lynched by a group of black people.
Which one takes it in the ass?
>Don Lemon asking for prayers on twitter
>While making a living mocking GOP Politicians who tweet out their prayers and sympathies to victims of actual crime not drug addicts who die in puddles
That face looks like he's sucking on a Lemon
You are clearly misunderstanding what acting like a 'savage retard' and feeling similar to a 'savage retard' are. Please go back to whichever subreddit you came from commie
The one with the biggest dick
In all honesty I feel sorry for him and his family. He's still a shit anchor, but I do feel bad for what's happened to his family.
maybe i should invite maxine waters to a pool party.
Dont be an edgy nihilist faggot, its ok to be a moral human.
If the death of the nigger sister of a leftwing nigger faggot is not enough reason to rejoice, then what is the point of living?
go back to your blacked porn you cuck
...How is it sad?
Why is this death not one tiny step towards a better, brighter Republic?
Can you even defend your virtue signalling bullshit?
Why do you feel bad for them? They are niggers, they will be over it in a few days.
I've seen time and again how niggers do not even give a fuck about their children dying. But turn a camera on and point it in their direction. They will start wailing like banshees with tears streaming down their faces and pretending to pass out etc. Turn the camera off again it's back to zero emotions. Most of the niggers only come to funerals because of the food. In South Africa, nigger funerals are huge parties.
You need to do your research about the an hero meme.
They laugh when they beat your sons and rape your daughters you’re a cuck coward fuck off collaborater
i've seen it first hand, can confirm.
Fuck this Left Wing FAGGOT. He's a dangerous ideologue. The death of his sister has nothing to do with how dangerous he is and that he works for filthy Jews bent on the eradication of White people the world over.
just died, my sides are in orbit. saved
Fake news
>drown when fishing
Why are fishes so racist? They should just offer themselves to kangz 'n qeenz