Honest thoughts on Mikey?

Honest thoughts on Mikey?

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crypto kike

sunken alcoholic eyelids, seen him on here before so can only guess he's some pewdie-pie-tier male e-thot

he's a good lad

I'd tap his Ayy Lmao mom if you know what I mean


Stufferin schuckatash!

that crawled out of a loch in scotland

he is senpai desu

I love him

Cool thread rabbi

Rhetorically talented, politically retarded, and morally adrift.

great guy, gets a huge reaction out of the anti-white shills for good reason

I like Kike Enoch, you can tell his fury against the (((establishment))) is genuine.

controlled opposition with mommy issues.

I like him. He was very good on Race Warski Live today.

Why does that pic make him a jew?

I kind of remember him getting big-ish around the time Milo did. Never cared much for him.

i like him alot actually. only started listening to him in the past few weeks with this race warski stuff.

i wouldnt pick him as the guy to redpill some normie but his rants are pretty great

t. jew

Major voice in our movement, pretty obvious.


He's the absolute best white advocate there is. If you only listen to one person, it should be him.

What's the name of his book? Simian cognitive process?

Jewish plant


He's pretty smart and has good rhetoric. If you parrot his talking points you can beat liberals in an argument most the time without really thinking. He's fat as fuck though. Also that whole Jewish or 1/2 Jewish wife thing is pretty gay.

monkey thoughts

>corona and dr.pepper

Seder candles

his eyes are too close together

that's /ourguy/

My Roman Catholic grandmother has two thin candles on her china cabinet, am I a secret Jew too?

a good lad and a good debater. definitely one of /ourguys/. up there with taylor in terms of eloquency and ability to communicate ideas to normies without being abrasive.


Also, watch this video without sound he looks DEMONIC!!!


The feebs flipped him whn he got doxxed. He's besties with Spencer and Anglin and that insect h4x0r because the are all feds too, for various reasons. I admit I consume some altright media for the entertainment value, anyone who looks up to these people as thoughtleaders or joins their circle jerky personality cults is a dweeb. Even worse if you are naive enough to gibs them mony. Their handlers gibs them all a nice monthly stipend.
