Enough said

Enough said

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>by jews
>for blacks
>fuck whitey

wow really makes you think

yes ypipo, don't go see black movie so it can bomb and we don't have to have another "MUH BLACK WE WUZ KANGZ" movie. Stay away yppipo

Did they just steal an entire movie?

dear wipipo u ain't allowed to watch dis mobie

Fuck off, nigger. That movie is going to be shit. Which will mean that the SJW disease will have spread from the comics division.

check'd n kek'd

so atypical a nig nogging

It honestly just looks retarded.

My predictions:
>Niggers going to make sure this makes a lot the first week.
>Will do decently 2nd week.
>3rd week this movie will do a complete nosedive.
>Will get mixed ratings by audience but loved by critics.
>End up being profitable but by not much. Will be the least profitable Marvel movie.

It's by the jews, for the jews as well - they're the ones receiving the lion's share of shekels.

This movie will set records.

Not box office records. Most bootlegged movie of all time.

The only niggers that will go see this WE WUZ KANGZ bullshit are the ones who'll record the movies with smartphones, make copies, and sell them out of the trunk of their hooptys in the 'hood.

Thas rite bitch boi! Stay the fuck out! And crawl back you yo cave

>AYO dont spend yo money cracka.

I smell a flop.

Could you repeat that, Rashan? I don't speak ape.

You had to get a good movie about a good black protagonist and shit all over it, didn't you?

Can't we just have cool stuff?

Elen Ripley did more for women than 800 years of feminism will ever do.

It would be funny if this could be meme'd into reality. So much so that it'll flop and there won't ever be a Kangz movie.

Oh im sorry let me say it again (cough)

Oh, they'll be plenty in my area doing it. They'll sell them to other spooks and trailer trash for ten bucks a disk months before official release on DvD/Blu-Ray/Streaming Services. And the theatre ushers don't do shit because they are fucking lazy.

Don't worry, Jamal. I won't rat you out for you bootlegging movies. If this film even breaks even, it will be because of white guilt libtards and SJWs buying most of the tickets, instead of niggers.

>Fails in the chink market

>watching movies, ever
>caring enough about movies to know what the new releases are

I can't imagine a life this empty. Fucking normals

It is going to lose money.

Crawl back to your cave foreskin



Latest DNA study finds Egyptians had more genetic relationship to sub Africa


Kinda hard to miss it when I'm trying to watch the fucking Science Channel, and get hit with the ads for this piece of nigger pandering garbage.

Of course. Niggers are not the main movie goers for new releses, and haven't been since the Blaxploitation era of the 70's.

Sorry, nigger. But your WE WUZ KANGZ N' SHEEIT fantasies don't stand up to scientific scrutiny.


Now, what was that bit about Y-T being created by a big headed nigger named Yakub 10,000 years ago again?

Dolemite > Nigger space ship movie.


I knew you were going to bring that up


It can't be any more contrived than Hidden Figures was. At least this movie isn't taking the real-life achievements of whites and attributing them to niggers.

dear whyte peepol,

We wuz kangs, our culture created your film tech, interwebz code, latin phonetics, and did I mention WE WUZ KANGS!! Now gibmedat 1st o tha month so I can smoke sumtin and dindu at the theater

>actually taking this much of a clear rage bait larp seriously and trying to flex as you do it
stop posting here you are too new and lame to be posting here go back to lurking until you work it out. not even trying to rile you genuinely stop posting you post like a try hard faggot babyboomer.

>not typical/usual
Is this really what you meant?

"Lower Egyptian groups have tended to pool more with European and Mediterranean groups, while Upper Egyptians are biologically more similar to southern African groups. The geographic proximity of Lower Egyptians to the Mediterranean Sea and of Upper Egyptians to Nubia likely explains the phenotypic and genotypic differences between the two areas"

-Egyptologist Barry Kemp (2006)

>inb4 movie flops cuz raycissm
God damn, I love being white!

Will Bucky and Cap be in it? A continuation from CW's ending?

The Culture? The Iain M. Banks books?

if it was just a movie directed at black audience first, i wouldn't care
but why do they have to try and shame white males?

Those numbers don't lie.

The third post was the best post.

>dis is fo da cultur
i cri evrytiem

>this is for the culture

Jeez louise, it's a fucking Disney comic book movie, why are americans so fucking embarrasing

Well wh*Te boys, the day you've always feared has finally come. We BLACKs have risen to dominate you in every way. Your colleges and businesses can't discriminate BLACKs anymore, so we're quickly becoming the most educated and prosperous people in the world. Your women are free too choose what they've always lusted for but couldn't have, BLACK MEN. I laugh when I walk past one of you pale chubby pinky dicks and watch your submissive body language as you cower in the presence of a real man. I fuck a different wh*Te girl every weekend when I go out, and you probably haven't gotten laid in your life. We have risen. And you are powerless to hold us down any longer.

Becuase you bois are filthy! You fags went all over the world enslaving people that were all ready living in da land and fuckers like you stoled shit and now you gotta gtfo! And crawl back to your Neanderthal cave

Since the premiere, the reaction on Twitter is all about how the movie "celebrates blackness" and is "Marvel's most political film ever". It's almost certain that Black Panther is a Pan-African identitarian film.

I really, really hate niggers.