I love you. All of you. You are beautiful and incredible and despite the disgusting behaviors of the thots I know that there are trads who really want to save the white race. It's because of you, our sisters in arms, that I find my motivation to strive for betterment every single day. You are the reason I commit the 14 words to heart. Thank you for being a component of our lives, and the match to our souls that we have always needed. Despite all depravity and Jewish shilling, I know that you are on our side. Hail Victory
Dear White Women
Other urls found in this thread:
Bro no chicks are gonna read this, you're posting it on Sup Forums. At best you'll get a few traps reading it. Anyway finally got a gf after 21 years of no gf. Feels good man
Congrats man!
You would be surprised how many women are on Sup Forums
God speed American-user!
Nice, well done bro.
>I know you are on our side
we really aren't, because you aren't on our side. if you think otherwise, go ahead and poll the general public of conservative women and ask them what they think about giving up the right to vote and work and being completely dependant on men by law. I'll wait.
I'm for the white race and the 14 but you'd have to be a complete retard to not understand our interests never the less are at odds because you want to control women and women do not want to be controlled.
I just read it, and it was sweet. We usually get shit on around here. I hope to find a nice man like OP. They say women like bad boys, but in this world, hating Jews is being the bad boy, so it's nice when the bad boys are sweet.
Pic related is the future of the white race
OP is a white knight cuck
And you're an internet cuck. Put down the chicken fingers, step away from the monetor, and go outside.
There you go again trying to sound smart. Yer not
kekekeke femanons can't even spell properly LMAO.
I am on the side of my people and whatever is best for them. So long as tradition and a focus on the family are prioritized I'm sure that compromise can be achieved.
Smell check
> Muh liberashun
Being united in a family unit is not being controlled in the interests of men you puke.
you likely wont find anyone here who agrees with that sentiment in large numbers, and the fact of the matter is, you aren't some omni leader or anything. womens relationship with this board will be defined by the groups behavior, just like our relationship with niggers is based on group behavior, not the one nigger who says "you're rite guis"
>men have all the power and leaverage
>women litterally depandant from cradle to the grave
>politics favors male interests
>wages and agency provided by them all in the hands of men
>not in your interest
the only thing you could say that could possibly surpass the level of stupidity embodied in your post is that women not being allowed guns makes us more "free"
>I love you. All of you. You are beautiful and incredible and despite the disgusting behaviors of the thots I know that there are trads who really want to save the white race. It's because of you, our sisters in arms, that I find my motivation to strive for betterment every single day. You are the reason I commit the 14 words to heart. Thank you for being a component of our lives, and the match to our souls that we have always needed. Despite all depravity and Jewish shilling, I know that you are on our side. Hail Victory
Thank you. I hope that you can meet the man your heart yearns for. It's important than we restore our union so we can care for one another and our beautiful families.
Women only have it so good in the west because men let them have it that way.
As a woman, everything about your existence rests on the decisions men make about you. That is nature, that is life, it's not sexism or muh traditional society oppressing you.
Rainbow flags always know best...
While the rainbow shills, this mom of a growing brood will continue to read and learn on /pol, knowing the worth of motherhood, thankful for the opportunity to be at home to be a support for a loving husband and home school our children. It's the Christian way. It's the way of our fathers. It's the way that will lead us home. Hail victory! (Drifting back into lurk mode.)
White goddesses must be protected
God bless you.
>more this blue object isn't blue because its in fact a real object
other than that I have nothing to say on your content because I'm already well aware of this. I do have to slam your face in for being so illiterate you don't understand I already know this however. the comment on firearms is one step short of dunking your face in it.
I hope that beautiful Britannia can find redemption from this age of darkness. Never stop striving for greatness.
You know, I hate Canadians more than Mexicans.
> assumptions and cherry picked aspects of a system
And yet women have become increasingly LESS happy relative to men since your libarashun. Really makes you think huh?
Keep crying and enjoying your freedumb not to procreate your shitty mentally defective genes.
Obviously a troll, but let's get one thing straight. Nobody wants to control women, we just want them to understand the importance of traditional gender roles. Men and women both play their parts to keep society functioning. Men's parts are best played in the workforce and making use of superior physical traits. Women's parts are best played primarily at home to maintain the household and support the provider. Think about it this way, if men and women are both in the workforce, who will raise the kids?
Traditional gender roles aren't about controlling anybody, it's about doing what's best for society and future generations, i.e., being selfless. Men don't like having to bust their asses everyday to pay the bills anymore than women have to stay inside and keep things at home running smoothly, but it's necessary and its kept civilization from utterly falling apart for thousands of years.
I would like it more if this bird stopped being so hostile to women. It’s annoying how if a woman shares her perspective it’s just
>show tits
and that’s really too bad because white women have as much stake in this as our men.
> wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct. Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands
>more dumber than rocks posting this tired study again no matter how many times I btfo their dumbasses
rite because back in the 70s when you could buy a house for 20 grand, when women could both work and vote and be a house wife if they chose, the time of their absolute peek liberation, is insurmountable proof that we'd rather be enslaved
while it lasts anyway.
>I'm so stupid I'm gonna call this poster a troll even though everything I said is undeniable proof that we want women to be subjugated
hey dumbass, your supposed duty sure gives you a plethora of options and rights while we get to sit in a glorified prison cell teaching our daughters that we belong there.
>who will raise the kids
why don't you do it if you feel that its that important?
>muh thousands of years
yeah, thousands of years of us working in industry with the kids also working along side. women where never home makers unless they where opulant enough to not be one of the some 90% of the population that lived and farmed. even then they still had to take up crafts without any direct pay.
White women are worthy of respect and it's disappointing that so many people are jaded towards them. They have been raised in a society that has conditioned them just as it has conditioned us white men. They need our support and our love as strong passionate men. The modern white man has become so meek, it's simply unacceptable. If we can't even meet our sweet ladies half-way, what right do we have to criticize them?
Thank you.
Amen user.
Thank you.
theres plenty of room to criticize women actually, though if you meant how pols collective behavior is not even reminiscent of their supposed superiority over us in any fashion then yes, you have a lot of work to do before meeting anyone half way.
>We'll always be here for you, user.
>Just remember when you feel sad
>that there is a white woman waiting for you.
>Unless you're a fag and a nigger.
>I think we all agree suicide is a good answer (esp nigger, if you're gay please pray)
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
>hurr its your attention whoring and thinking being a women gets your opinion yous, so we';re gonna fite that shit by giving you a ton of yous and over all pretending that you would believe outing your vagina would ever earn you any respect on Sup Forums.
I'm probably an older user than half the people on this board yet time and again the most charitable, if you could call it that, explination for this kind of stupidity is that pol believes every poster that is a woman must be a newfag fresh from reddit every single post they make.
Hey retard if you want to send a message that our identity doesnt matter and that you only care about the content of our posts, stop giving it so much attention and validating it by caring so much about the identity.
This photo. What the hell is this photo!!!!!! I think this is the most frightening image I have ever seen.
you havent seen diabetus whales I take it
I never give up my sources.
>hey dumbass, your supposed duty sure gives you a plethora of options and rights while we get to sit in a glorified prison cell teaching our daughters that we belong there.
Where did you get the idea that women aren't free if they stay at home? You can go shopping, you can go to the beach, you can hang out with friends. And guess what, you can do that even if you have kids. Nobody is trying to lock women up in prison cells.
>why don't you do it if you feel that its that important?
Because they came out of your fucking womb and women are naturally better caretakers? Have a sense of responsibility.
?????? Don't show me????
You're very welcome. It feels good to acknowledge the love in our hearts when so many are focused on the hatred. I'm angry about what's happening too, but we have to remember that our anger is not an end in itself. Our goal should always be one of intimate personal love among our people as a great family.
Respectable Copypasta. Thanks for spreading it.
If we don't have sustainable rates of reproduction, either we decline in total numbers, or we import others.
These foreign immigrants will necessarily have to have cultures which deprive women of rights otherwise they'll just decline as well. Also, think to yourself, of Mexico and Japan, two equally populated countries, which one has more young people flocking to the USA? Probably the one with the culture which makes more babies, right?
By acting in a manner which declines White births, you necessarily import cultures which literally view you as property. I'm trying to be a good person here, but I don't know what to do.
Do you really want this? Is this how you want Western civilisation to end? Because you couldn't be a fucking mother.
Also, just as another point, your prison analogy doesn't work. Office cubicles are easily smaller than most houses, although this is a minor point.
>you can do inane things that cost money,
>you can do even more inane things that cost money
>you can bond with other prisoners
>and you can raise your kid to know that she too can enjoy some tiny privlages for constant meek self debasement
>because they came out of your womb
yes, because in the world you described the only thing a woman can ever do to not die on the streets starving is sell her womb to a husband and raise his kids as he sees fit
>and women are better caretakers,
you sure dont seem to think so given your hatred of single mothers as compared to single fathers
>you should just let your sense of responsability and guilt lead you to the path of being a complete doormat that does what we say
nice arguement kike
I guess its the white persons responsability to their fathers pensions to import a bunch of shit skins to keep the economy afloat too.
how about you rip off the venear like the animal you are and admit you only care about controlling us, or you actually take some kind of action that shows you don't want to control us, by say, allowing us the right to choose our own fate.
Yes. I think some people live on the internet so they do not experience what it is like being with our people, regardless of age, helping one another, being involved in the community. They get caught up pontificating all day on twitter about Jews and Niggers they don't actually do anything nor do they grow themselves. I'm praying for us.
I don't think the glass is half empty for you, I think it's just empty period. If this isn't bait (strongly leaning towards that), it appears you're destined to lead a bitter life, perpetually angry at the world. Another sad loss I suppose, but I hope your 12 cats at least fill the void in your life.
Also, just as another point, your prison analogy doesn't work. Office cubicles are easily smaller than most houses, although this is a minor point.
Btw, I meant to include this image in the previous post.
> More dumber
Shill please, what I posted wasn't even a study it was an article about a consensus of studies showing that women's relative happiness as compared with men has decreased since the early 70s when, BY EVERY FUCKING METRIC you people bitch about women were less liberated than men
>If we don't have sustainable rates of reproduction, either we decline in total numbers, or we import others.
close borders, get rid of overpopulating nogs
let the population sink down to appropriate levels.
that would be ideal yes.
Japan got fucked in the ass despite being an ethnostate specifically because theyre overpopulated, which lead to husband and wife having to work extra fucking hard to even have a kid that they'd never see let alone eachother, destroying their family unit, you have a supposed view that women are inferior here on pol yet you cant draw conclusions from living examples for what kind of shit happens to ethnostates that overbreed.
>muh office is too small
quit your job and become a lumberjack
>well its still not a prison?
well I'll just quite being a wife and.. oh wait, I'm dead because I cant get any work or housing legally.
I understand. I think it's silly how people claim superiority yet they can't even foster a meaningful conversation with their own women. They assume a stance of isolationism to protect fragile egos.
We can't afford this fragility anymore. Our people are dying and it's my wish to protect all of us. I don't see myself as a superior, but as one part of a whole. Without my match, I can never be truly complete.
I dont into pets, I'd probably get a horse if I could devote the full time and attention they would deserve but I cant. maybe if shtf and I'm unusually lucky enough to get two.
>hurr muh females cause society to collapse
interesting, you have tons and tons and tons of data showing women revolting over and over again, supposedly to the detriment of society in your view. so where exactly do you have to stand when you say women don't want to be free from tyranny? is it all just a coincidence? if so, why should I believe women had anything to do with those collapses?
>muh jews shill about the 70s being a terrible antifeminist time
theyre all retarded. I already explained why the 70s was the golden age of womens rights, gtfo
No, I agree. I think many "pro-workforce=freedom" supporters that are women simply aren't even working to begin with.
>if they worked
>they'd rather stay home
Although I make about 3x more than min. wage as a woman, I really, really cannot wait to have a husband that will take care of money. I can take care of home beyond the level of imagination, and was properly raised to caregiver over children. Not to mention tutor them with school. And there's the whole "trained by a professional cook/business owner" part that helps. It's honestly really great. I can cook for 7 hours straight no problem, can watch babies all day, can clean the house top to bottom daily.
>It's natural, so it feels rewarding, not to mention it's something I can do everyday, no problem.
But...Working? Fucking pain in my ass. I go in everyday, and working WITH women is another fucking pain. You wouldn't believe the amount of call-offs, like the same girl calls off 3 times a week, and when she does come in, it's like 2 or 3 hours late. It's no biggie in a desk job, but when this person is supposed to relieve you off a 72 hour shift, they better damn be there.
>Pay days are nice though
>I'd rather not be working
I cant be complete without oxygen but I'm never the less superior to it in a number of perameters like self awareness and thought,
So why are you whining? Are you complaining that nature is mean?
Men in western society like women so much that they'll let you have it easier than them in a society that basically gives you everything and limits your hardships.
I noticed a couple years ago that a certain talking point was springing up on the internet, ie. "women have it so hard because of biology, men have it so easy, men are so bad".
I mean that's just insanity. I'm not apologizing for biology especially when western civilization is set up so women have it easier anyways.
ok. You still have it easy though.
Women should not be working. It creates an unsafe, hazardous, unmoral workplace.
>working with women sux so why would anyone want to be free and have the right to chose their own destiny?
maybe I have a better relationship with my job because I dont work with a bunch of frustrated catty sluts.
I do, you're right. I'm thankful I have a good Father, because of him, I have had it really good.
>how many calls offs have you had last year?
Hint: 1 is too many.
Please leave the liberal brainwashing narrative at the door. You all use the same speak and tongue, in case you never realized.
>btw your chatting with a woman who works 140 hours/week
>So why are you whining? Are you complaining that nature is mean?
if you haven't picked up on it after a gorillian posts I'm mostly telling you that acting like women will agree to sell ourselves into slavery willingly is retarded and if you had half the superiority that pol claims they'd know that.
>Men in western society like women so much that they'll let you have it easier than them in a society that basically gives you everything and limits your hardships.
all that shit needs to go, its front and center a deathclock on my rights as men get more and more frustrated thanks to sjw retardation.
I think you know what I mean. I'm not trying to instigate any arguments. All I want is for my kindred to be united and capable of love with one another. There is man and there is woman and there is the natural bond between them. This is sacred to me.
I dont take days off you delusional slut, working 140 hours a week is obviously draining most of your cognative energy becuase you seem to be incapable of understanding that some peoples experiances could be different from yours, let alone something as obvious as my talking points being completely divorced from sjw lefties.
wow, what a cringy fag you are.
I heard an user got on Sup Forums because he started dating a conservative far-right girl he met on okcupid or something. Femanons are real, but normally women are not interested in most things Sup Forums covers + real trad qt's are busy raising children/working in the kitchen.
>putting white women on a pedestal
This is why we can't have nice things.
Women completely killed the workplace.
They don't know how to work.
If you left the brainwashing at home, you'd see the truth.
They are unfit for about 99.9999% of all jobs in the universe.
>close borders
>get rid of overpopulating nogs
You're banking a lot on this being possible, and you're betting that corporations seeking short-term profits won't fight you tooth and nail to stop this.
If you can secure borders, then the rest of your argument follows, but if not, your proposal will only result in you being ruled by brown men as opposed to White men.
>you have a supposed view that women are inferior
You know that it's more complicated than that. The reproductive organs of men and women are what pivotally divide them, and the other differences follow from there. It's not about inferiority and superiority, it's about necessity and nature.
>Just become labourer
I think you missed the point, you were drawing on claustrophobic imagery to make your point but this also applies to most jobs our economies cater to.
>It's prison
And what happens if the men quits his job? If you're anti state-compulsion, then I fail to see why you'd want the government to force men to hire you.
>Female liberation causes collapse
That's just the title, which I now regret not photoshopping out of the image.
The point of the data is that workforce participation/making women like men (this is what GII measures) cannot occur while also sustaining the population.
As it is, I got my charts mixed up as I meant to select one which shows female participation in the workforce.
You said in another post that the 70s were the golden era of men/women relations.
Clearly, you want everything to work in your favor, but instead of being an angry faggot, tell me what your contention is here.
You already live in a civilization that gives you everything you want and then some.
What. Is. Your. Issue. Faggot?
doesnt stop you from working 140 hours a week. guess you're just the special exception then.
This is what male feminists in the (((alt right))) actually believe.
Instead of finding points of disagreement can we instead find what we agree on? This is hardly constructive for anybody.
Beta pussy sucking man ho!
That’s right.
Okay so do you "agree" with the 40 hour work week or do you think we should go down to 30?
You are so angry I can't even read your posts. I think you may want to get your heart checked. Don't be so mad all the time. Take a couple of white pills, breathe a little, have a salad, lighten up.
wishing I could be the kind of waifu that great white men like yourself deserve.
the internet makes the world seem so small sometimes, it makes you forget how alone you really are. thx m8
>You know that it's more complicated than that. The reproductive organs of men and women are what pivotally divide them, and the other differences follow from there. It's not about inferiority and superiority, it's about necessity and nature.
thats bullshit and you know it. the vast majority of pol sees all womens behavior as inferior to their own, morally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
>you're banking
on the only solution that will see our civilization survive
the only alterantive is let all the shit skins in and hope we master genetic engineering that we can uplift them
>I think you missed the point, you were drawing on claustrophobic imagery to make your point
more topic shifting kikery from you I guess
no dumbass I made it clear that your role in society gave you a rainbow of options while womens are "marry the first person who will take you while young, do what father and husband say till you die, and raise the rest of your daughters to do the same, and if you refuse you can starve on the streets jobless and alone if we give you the dignity to do so at all.
>The point of the data is that workforce participation/making women like men (this is what GII measures) cannot occur while also sustaining the population.
female participation in the work force has always existed through out human history so according to your chart, humans are extinct. the only reason that chart is relevant in the modern world is child labor laws and white collar work.
It's not just because of him, but I don't want to spoil your musings on your dad. Good luck arguing with the crazy autistic lezbo.
>no dumbass I made it clear that your role in society gave you a rainbow of options
That's where you are very wrong.
I dislike everyone that isn't German
Wanna see my ancestry DNA results?
I am German. *rolls eyes*
>while womens are "marry the first person who will take you while young, do what father and husband say till you die, and raise the rest of your daughters to do the same, and if you refuse you can starve on the streets jobless and alone if we give you the dignity to do so at all
That hasn't been true in western society for decades. You're wrong, faggot.
I am hardly fit to be a strong husband myself so don't fret. We all need a hand getting up and dusting off. We've been victimized by our own countries since birth and finally we're starting to wake up. Stay strong, white sister.
I'm not arguing with anyone. LOL I can't it's boring
>You said in another post that the 70s were the golden era of men/women relations.
I only said that they where the golden age of womens rights, where women had the most choice they ever had access to.
>clearly you want things to work in your favor
no different than men.
>but what is your contention.
that over all women wont accept this movement willingly, as I've repeated numerous times in this thread you fucking leaf, because for us its a shit deal. the contention on your end is you're all a bunch of delusional morons incapable of understanding how one size does not fit all and persist in arguing that women should be happy just doing what theyre told and that isn't submission or slavery somehow.
this is leftist tier levels of self psi op.
I dont have any strong opinion on the number of hours but I imagine if you are working 140 hours a week you probably should spend your time doing anything else than be on this board.
>your post triggers me so much I wont read it, but i'll totally make catty remarks about what its contents say about you despite not reading it
yeah you're definitely one of "us"
Being bitter can lead to a shriveled womb - and more bitterness.
Lord Jesus, please let me never take for granted the anons fighting for our future. And don't let me ever become bitter. Amen.
Godspeed anons. There are plenty of healthy families that find this crazy feminist propaganda, to be the garbage it is. Modern women are choosing trad because we realize our mothers bought a lie. We won't turn our children over to be raised in daycares until they're old enough to be raised by the state in public schools. We will raise them with love, love for motherhood and fatherhood, love for healthy relationships, love for classical education, love for our history, hard work, community, and God. And we'll do it while being thankful for our men who are not afraid to be men, to work and provide, to be a covering of protection for us. And we'll be like a fruitful vine that expands our roots across this land and into the heart of the next generation. The mark we make together, with our sisters and brothers, raising a healthy generation, will not soon fade.
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
I barely read anything you wrote. You are boring and angry. It's sad. I feel bad for you.
Noooo. I like to shitpost nigger photos.
Keeps me alive, honestly.
My favorite are nigger families hanging from trees.
we're talking hypothetical pol society here leaflet
well if nothing else your general behavior is consistant with your 140 hour work week because you're obviously running on fumes.
Right, so aside from your autistic blathering, I still don't see what your contention is.
Lets isolate the points here.
You live in western society, which ensures that as a woman, you get everything handed to you in every aspect of your existence on the backs of men.
This situation works in your favor.
Are you telling me you're scared that online posting from men give you the impression that this perfect concoction for you might go away?
Answer me directly, yes or no.