Discussion of what Baphomet meant to the Yemplars, continued from
Templars and Baphomet 2nd thread
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Alright lads where was I?
You discussed first operation of alchemy and aries
right here we are. the second major operation in alchemy is dissolution which corresponds to the zodiacal sign of cancer. Chemically it is the dissolving of the ashes from calcination in water. dissolutions is represented by iron oxide (rust) which demonstrates the corrosive power of water on even the hardest metal.
I responded to a couple of you after the the new thread was posted, just so you know.
Holographic Disclosure
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The Unmasking
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psychologicaly this represents the further breaking down of the false or artifical structures of the psyche by total immersion in the unconcious non rational feminine aspect of our minds.
Can I get more info on this Molach chair?
user in previos thread wanted some practical instructions. Here is a powerful practice to ignite the inner fire.
“During visits to remote monasteries in the 1980s, Benson and his team studied monks living in the Himalayan Mountains who could, by using Tummo meditation, raise the temperatures of their fingers and toes by as much as 17 degrees. It has yet to be determined how the monks are able to generate such heat.” – See the Harvard Tummo Experiment for more info.
Tibetan Lama Thubten Yeshe taught that inner fire meditation is a perfect meditation for westerners because it brings very quick results and it is like a recipe, when you put all the ingredients together it just works.
Note: you must be careful to follow the entire instructions. If you build up this energy but do not project it upwards, it can be released into your body, which will feel like a sunburn.
The Beginners Practice of Inner Fire Meditation:
1. First sit in an upright and comfortable meditation posture: back straight, chin tilted forward, mouth closed, tongue resting against the top of your mouth, eyes either intense and fully open or relaxed and half open.
2. Visualise yourself as hollow, like a balloon. Your skin is glowing and brilliant and on the inside there is only empty space. Take a few moment to strongly establish this visualisation.
3. Visualise a ‘central channel’ about a 1cm thick from your perineum to the crown of your head and two ‘side channels’ going in through the nostrils up to the third eye or eyebrow level and then going down either side of the central channel merging at just below the navel. All the ‘channels’ are hollow like plumbing pipes. Take a moment to establish this visualisation, it does get easier and even instantaneous with practice.
it is for the most part an unconscious proccess where the conscious mind begins to let go allowing the surfacing of hidden material and the opening of the flood gates
4. Even if you cannot do the former visualisation this next step is the most important in generating the blissful energy: Take a medium sized breath and, as you exhale, imagine your breath energy going down the two side channels and merging into the central channel just below the navel (about a few cm in front of the spine). Imagine a very small and very hot ball of light in the central channel and your breath ignites this fiery ball and makes it extremely hot. Now exhale completely and hold it. Hold your exhaled breath, your lungs empty, there in that ball of heat at the navel, for 5-15 seconds (experienced yogis can hold the breath here for several minutes). WARNING: stop immediately and breath normally if you get dizzy or lightheaded.
5. Now release all the energy you have created – straight up through the central and bursting out the top of your head like a fountain. As the energy rushes up through the central channel it blows away any blockages in all the chakras from the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and crown chakra. this energy cleanses and purifies your entire body mind system. You can also imagine releasing the energy into parts of your body you need to heal.
6. Repeat steps 2-5
…try Inner Fire Meditation for 2-5 minutes to begin with. Do not practice for extended periods of time until you become familiar with the practice and feel confident and strong enough to do so.
This may have sounded complicated, but it is incredibly simple to practice. For an easy and modified version simply exhale long slow breaths right down into the navel area and hold it there for a short time and release it, this can also be enough to generate heat and bliss.
In your meditations you may come to a state where your awareness is a point-particle within yourself, surrounded by a sea of darkness within a "shell". You are the point, the shell is your physical body, and the darkness is the "in-between-substance". This is a very strange sensation to experience for the first time, so many students exit their meditation when they reach this place, it freaks them out.
However, if instead of coming back to the world the student attempts to cultivate this state, the tummo begins.
When one consciously focuses on them self as the point-particle, something interesting happens.
The "shell" and the "darkness" begins to expand, sort of like a balloon blowing up. (of course this is a matter of perspective, the physical body does not grow in size, the point-particle-consciousness reduces in size.)
As the "balloon" expands, a spiritual heat rises up from within, burning away illusions.
The most obvious physical effect is an increase in body temperature, but that's just a side effect. (though useful in it's own right. Ever get lost in a blizzard?)
The true purpose of this meditation is not merely to increase the body temperature, or even to consciously effect blood flow patterns.
It's purpose is to cultivate this spiritual fire and use it to purify one's self.
This has been a brief and beginners overview of the Inner Fire Meditation method, but it can still bring all the benefits listed above if done regularly.
seperation is third operation and its sign is scorpio. chemicaly it is the isolation of the components left over from dissolution by filtration and the discarding of unwanted material. seperation is represented by sodium carbonate or natron.
For a kore comprehensive explanation of inner fire meditation read this:
Bliss of Inner Fire
Click book cover to download
Thanks user
Any of you listen to John Lash Lamb as of late? He wrote that Not In His Image book years ago about the Nag Hammadi codex you might be familiar with and was on RedIce a few times back when it was good. Guy is kind of a ranting lunatic and goes on about the Mandela effect but he fucking hates the jews, talks to Sophia on the reg, and is calling for Europeans to rise up in racial unity. Guy is basically 14/88 at this point. It's certainly interesting and worth a listen if you know his work.
one thing i want to make very clear before continuing is that i'm a student and do not fully grasp all this myself but i am sharing what i have learnt to so that it may speed your journey. but remember this is all my current understanding and may or may not be entirely accurate.
>5. Now release all the energy you have created – straight up through the central and bursting out the top of your head like a fountain. As the energy rushes up through the central channel it blows away any blockages in all the chakras from the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and crown chakra. this energy cleanses and purifies your entire body mind system. You can also imagine releasing the energy into parts of your body you need to heal.
interesting, few months ago i've read a rosicrucian book with the exact same meditation exercise, it was published for a parisian lodge in 1895.
>The greatest saint, even if he has sacrificed a thousand times all that he held most dear, even his life itself, for love of others, for that of a God, or for a noble ideal, remains a prisoner of death and rebirth if he has not understood that all is a childish game, empty of reality, a useless illusion of shadows which his own mind projects on the infinite screen of the Void.
"Kundalini" is this, also.
Mates, lancer 08 vs Mazda 6 08?
mazda 6 looks better desu
psychologicaly seperation is the process of rediscovery and reclaimation of our essence previously rejected by the rational masculine part of our minds. it is for the most part a conscious process in which we review formerly hidden material and decide what to discard and what to keep and intergrate into our refined personality.
Interesting, please continue.
Conjunction is the fourth operation of alchemy and is associated with venus. an interesting observation is venus is known as the bright morning star a light which challenges the day star in its role as a light for the sky. Conjunction as i explained in the other thread is da'at which takes place in the heart or sun chakra which has the star of david as its symbol. chemicaly it is recombination of elements from seperation into a new substance. it is represented by a nitrate compound known as salt of petra or stone salt or potassium nitrate which the alchemist called natron or simply salt. blue coloured natron acid (aqua fortis) was made by mixing potassium nitrate with sulfuric acid and was used to seperate silver from gold.
Archive of previous thread: archive.is
sorry it's taking so long friend, i've been up all night and im having to dig through my notes and type it all out.
I'm convinces we now live in the end times
Hey no worries, thank you for your efforts, I'm copying down what you're writing.
All endings are just new beginnings, cheer up.
psychologicaly it is the empowerment of our true selves the union of both masculine and feminine sides of our personality (the positive and negative serpents of the kundalini and left and right pillars of kabbalah)
the alchemist reffered to this as the lesser stone and after it had been acheived the adept is able to clearly discern what needs to be done to acheive lasting enlightenment. often synchronisities begin to occur to confirm the alchemist is on the right path.
no problem brother, i'm glad i can share what has been shared with me, it's my duty.
>adept is able to clearly discern what needs to be done to acheive lasting enlightenment
In my experience it is necessary to meditate 3x a day for 30 minutes to maintain this effect once achieved.
You have no duty really. This is more or less a meaningless dream. Nevertheless, it must be mastered to "progress", so I am greatful to you.
Fermentation is the 5th operation of alchemy. Fermentation is a two step process that begins with the putrifaction of the hermaphroditic child created from conjunction resulting in its death and resurrection to a new level of being (yet more proof christianity is directly linked to the very teachings it would consider blasphemy). The fermentation phrase then begins with the introduction of new life into the product of conjunction to strengthen it and ensure its survival.
know what movie this is?
>Guy is kind of a ranting lunatic and goes on about the Mandela effect
That makes him a lunatic? It sure can come off that way if he is talking about it since those effects dont effect everyone.
Its kind of like someone who spent their life doing high level work, they come out and talk about it, annnnnnnnnnnnnd they sound like a lunatic because its so far fetched.
How to generate spiritual merit by using the bathroom:
>Someone who knows how to accumulate a vast amount of merit without great difficulty is, indeed, wise. For example, throughout the day, whenever you go to the bathroom, there are visualizations to be done and mantras to be recited. We divide this into two parts or two activities. When you urinate, visualize your body as a large golden vase, and visualize the urine that you are emitting as a stream of ambrosia, dedicating it to all those pretas who actually thrive on urine. There are pretas for whom urine is as good as it gets and it will actually alleviate their thirst and suffering to receive it. They can only receive it if it is intentionally dedicated to them. While you are urinating, as you recite the mantra OM AH MUTRA AHARE BHYA SOHA think they are receiving the urine and are delighted, satisfied, and relieved; afterward recite the aspiration, "May those yidaks who enjoy urine be satisfied." When you defecate, imagine the excrement to be excellent food because there are pretas who eat that and can only receive it if it is dedicated to them. As gross as this might seem to us, it is very, very good for them and it relieves their suffering tremendously. As you are doing that you recite the mantra, OM AH VISHTHA AHARE BHYA SOHA SARVA PRETA NAM KHA KHA KHAHI, and afterward recite the aspiration, "May those pretas who enjoy excrement be satisfied." In this way, the two things that you have to do anyway become sources of great merit because you are actually directly relieving the suffering of pretas by dedicating these substances for which you have no use.
chemicaly fermentation is the growth of a ferment bacteria in organic solutions such as occurs in milk to make cheese or the fermenting of grapes to make wine. it is often represented by a mixture called liquor hepatis. Psychologicaly the process starts with the inspiration of spiritual power from above that reanimates, energizes and enlightens the alchemist. (im not quite sure about this step to be honest)
It's transmutation, in any case.
Distillation - virgo. distillation is the 6th major operation of alchemy. chemical it is the boiling and condensation of fermented solution to increase its purity. distillation is represented by black pulvis solaris. in psychology distillation is the agitation of psychic forces necessary to ensure no impurities from the ego are incorporated into the next and final stage. distillation is the purification of the unborn self.
thanks, i guess lol
Reminder that Lucifer is the hero of mankind Jesus pretends to be.
Coagulation - Taurus. this is the seventh and final operation of alchemy. chemically it is the sublimation of the purified ferment from distillation. it is represented by red pulvis solaris. in psychology coagulation is first sensed as a new confidence that is beyond all things. acheiving this operation is the acheiving of the philosophers stone or greater stone.by acheiving this stone the alchemist believed he could exist on all levels of reality. upon the completion of these operations the crown and third eye chakra should be open. a point i missed about calcination is only through extreme pressure is carbon or coal turned into a beautiful diamond that expresses or reflects the amazing geometry found throughout reality.
Tantra is called "the diamond path" for similar reasons. Thank you again for your summary.
again brother, you are welcome. i hope my contribution helps you on your journey.
If you ever have a near death experience or hallucination start chanting: "None of this is real, it is all something I am projecting and I just need to let go" and focus on that mantra and eventually someone famiar should appear and guide you to saftey. I hope my contributions help you as well.
i'll leave a final parting summary. an individuals journey to enlightenment is the journey up the tree of life which culminates in direct knowledge of the source and a higher state of being or consciousness. the tree is the tree of life described in kabbalah among other places.This tree represents the chakra system which is found within the body and outside of it eg the solar system. "man know thyself,and you are going to know the gods" and as within so without, as above so below. to progress to the higher chakras on has to acheive da'at a heart that knows knowledge or gnosis. this i currently believe is done through the unification/balance of the left and right pillars of kabbalah, the positive and negative, male and female energies (often depicted within the body as the caduceus the two snakes wrapped around the rod or kundalini travelling along the spine) radiating electricity and magnetism, the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The singularity is a duality and the duality is a singularity and if you want to understand it you are going to have to realise you to are a singular duality instead of getting caught up in the blinkered half of the picture duality.
If anyone was following this please point me to the post where relation between these two are explained. I know them separately but can't connect.
King Solomon===Templars
So many beginners in this thread, always nice to see.