Whitewitch was the MC?
I bet it would sell better than Saga of Tanya the Evil.
Would Heavy Object be better IF
Mariydi basically needs her own spinoff at this point since she has nothing to do with objects, just the fighter plane angle. But yeah, give her a decent VA and her series would sell like hotcakes.
I must objectively disagree.
Mind if a normal highschool boy bumps?
Literally who?
Nips hate her so no
>Mikoto thread gets deleted
The regular HO audience and the people Mariydi would appeal to are two different groups. I just wish they'd realize that already because she has a lot of potential.
For what fucking purpose?
>that user who wondered if they should delete the thread was actually a mod after all
>forcing general shit
Why the fuck do you think? Go back to ghost and stay there.
excellent post
It wouldn't.
It wouldn't.
Best HO and loli.
It would be worse, but I'd sell more
>It would be worse
How so?
It was disappointed by the way their conflict was solved. they never covered how quenthur got off jail. he should have been in the deepest shit for what he did
Deep shit tends to get resolved a bit easier when you're responsible for billions in damages to enemy nation plus two captured Objects.
Top brass are forked on the situation. They can't persecute/assassinate the kingdom's heroes, but they don't want them having free rein, but they can't discharge them or some other world power might pick them up.
No. I like my idiot duo too much.
It's covered in the LNs. They got sent off to an glorified jail for troublesome soldiers, screw up some more, and then sent to do suicidal missions.All of which turned out to be one big conspiracy 'cause author loves writing that sort of shit.
genocide loli is nice, but when you make her the protagonist it's no longer HO.
>new chapter of Blood sign came out
>all kinds of shit went down.
well fuck.