The private snapchat was screenshot and shared in public forums to rally support against the woman who made the Snapchat.
Now the school is involved
Is free speech dead in Wisconsin Sup Forums?
The private snapchat was screenshot and shared in public forums to rally support against the woman who made the Snapchat.
Now the school is involved
Is free speech dead in Wisconsin Sup Forums?
Pol not care about some roastie getting expelled for saying nigga?
Show real flag or else no answer.
Until then: sage.
Thots are thots. She can sue and win if it does happen.
I'm a burger how else would i hear about this
She has a point though.
But can she? If it violates their code and shit then why would she have a case?
she can sue
Why do americans snitch so much and betray friends in favour of subhumans niggers
Yeah freedom of speech is dead. its worse here than America, and worse in Europe than here. Outside white countries? Forget it. No such thing as freedom of speech.
Leftist crusades know nothing by way of friendship in the states
It appears to be a private comment. A third party can’t really act on private comments (even if they are verifiable) because that party has no stake in them. If she publicly stood on a podium and said NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER like in that text, they could expel her, because she would bring negative attention to the university and harm it. But if she says something in private, then it becomes a case of a third party controlling private interaction.
>Goes to Sup Forums once
Do black people actually care about the word nigger? I'm serious. Is it just an excuse to do certain behavior? Even if there was a vile word for white people I don't think it would impact me at all. I am who I am despite criticism and I'm not ashamed of where I come from or who I am. No slur could ever reduce me to tears or make me violent. It just seems so stupid. In some aspects black people are more free than white people in america. Not going to say ethnic names on resumes don't scream hire me or profiling does not exist but they are as free or more free than anybody else in this country. They can get an education, start a business, do whatever they want to in life. They are not slaves and have never been slaves. Maybe someone in their bloodline has but what is the relevance of that today? Quite literally stuck in the past.
Weird isn't it
She said freedom of speech was dead and then this happened? Kek
>muh free speech
american hypocrites
>how else
>he thinks USA is a space colony
goway Norway ur known for exporting drunks and buzrum
WI College considers expelling woman for saying nigger
>We Need To Go Back
A word should not be allowed to have any particular power. It's ridiculous.
The comparable vile word for white people is cracker. You never hear anyone complain about it because white people aren't phased by name-calling.
>going to college
nothing of value was lost and roasties btfo