Jew haters are mentally ill - J.B. Peterson

"The Jew is the fetish of anti-Semitic Fascists (the most common strategy is to blame the other in order to avoid the alternative conclusion, which is that we are responsible for our own (high) existence.) You cannot reason with an antisemite as you would with a normal person – a fetishist feels satisfied in their fetish, they experience no need to get rid of it."


Other urls found in this thread:

he never said that

do not respond to anti-white threads


>he never said that
Oh yes he certainly has.

Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100':

At this timestamp you can see a jew he was on stage with state that:

"Antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease."

And watch Juden B. Peterstein nod his head furiously in agreement:

Here you can watch Peterson be asked to address the JQ, and his response is that jews are simply genetically superior to Whites, and that if you have a problem with their success in your country you're just a resentful bigot who has accomplished nothing with your life (he uses his psychological authority to pathologize antisemitism):

This man is anti-White, a Zionist, and he focuses on trying to stop White men from stopping White genocide.

Jordan Peterson needs to lay off the anti depressants and weed

> "You need to come to terms with the objectivity of absolute truths"

What about the jews?

> I can't do it!

A fraud in sheeps clothing. Idiots will still Patreon him though.

He's right, Sup Forums is full of losers who blame all their problems on an imaginary conspiracy.

Stay mad Kek Bois.

>implying any of us are mentally healthy

'good goy' Peterson

>A fraud in sheeps clothin
He's a wolf in sheep's clothing, a false prophet who is now claiming he is a prophet in national television: He is not even Christian, he denies that Christ raised from the dead, and he teaches that the Old Testament is purely symbolic (probably because it's a historical record of the jews jewing for millennia).

I don't intend to start a debate about religion, let's leave beliefs about Christianity aside, but focus on this: Peterstein is calling himself a prophet and is forming a self-help/political/religious cult.

And he is intent on stopping White men from stopping White genocide, and intends to sick his sycophant buckos on "the radical right" (AKA any White person who dares resist White genocide as an "evil collective), and that means you and me.

We have to destroy this false prophet boomer Zionist fraud.

I'm creating a Peterstein exposed video at this very moment. Just wait until you see Peterstein ranting about how great Israel is while Israeli soldiers chainsaw Palestinian olive tree gardens and punch Palestinian children in the face.

>an imaginary conspiracy

>Stay mad Kek Bois.
Is that from Maps of Meaning?

If so, that's fantastic. Those words are logically invalid and can be torn to shreds.

>man delivers uncomfortable facts about life that hit pathetic alt-right numales too close to home
>boo-hoo he doesn't hate my scapegoat!
He's right, you're all diseased.

Denying reality and historical facts is mental illness aswell, i won't dress it up with some psuedo psych guff like fetishism ala dr peterson the sri chugger.

>reeee he doesn't believe in my space ghost coast to coast
>i'm going to expose him as a fraud... somehow!

It is possible to notice Jews control the media and are behind starting wars without necessarily hating all Jews.

Holy shit maybe petersonfags will finally fuck off Sup Forums
I don’t think he’s a wolf in sheeps clothing more like a snake oil salesman or the male equivalent of a twitch whore

Clean out your desk.

Lol the absolute state of petersonfags
Go worship your internet daddy someplace else and don’t forget to clean your room and wash your balls

>oy vey a picture with ben shapiro!
Shut up faggot.

Hes simply can't be defended. The man obfuscates truth and espouses lies.
Doing the devil's work.

If Jews do control the country and they hate white people, why is Israel and the conservative Jews onboard with this administration and their immigration initiatives?

It almost seems like the Jews aren't monolithic.

>They don't hate jew for any reason other then to hate on them

if only you knew how bad things really are.

Anyone who has visited Sup Forums knows that the highlighted text is actually true.
There are tons of deranged idiots who make the jews the entire focus of their life. They're totally unreasonable, and unrelatable.

If you haven't noticed these people, you're probably one of them.

pointing out the vast jewish overrepresentation in media ownership is indicative of pathology even if it is factually supported by numbers?

What's hilarious is that many of the cucks know that he's being disingenuous about the JQ, but somehow their cognitive dissonance keeps them brainwashed even if Peterson has shown himself to be an unreliable source.

They are literally putting faith in a liar to them to make them feel better.

The jews have found a useful tool in PBJ.
He's admittedly mentally ill but high functioning much like many Jewish intelligentsia.
He promotes personal accountability but equivocates that with individualism.

>oh no, he's laughing at how i hate a guy for not sharing my scapegoat!
>i'll project my stunted development onto him! that'll show him


Exactly what does JP have to do with Slovenia? What an odd country to pick for a VPN.

don't listen to that pseud

Or agree with jews or get fucked by jew
Agreeing he garanted to keep fighting he is a smart man h3 understood it

In the context of finding that you have to be brain-damaged in threat-recognition part to be genuinely supporting multi-culti his words ring hollow.

>it is imperative all public speakers answer the JQ

>"The anti-Semite is the fetish of Jewish Professional Victims (the most common strategy is to blame the other in order to avoid the alternative conclusion, which is that we are responsible for our own (high) existence.) You cannot reason with a Jew as you would with a normal person – a fetishist feels satisfied in their fetish, they experience no need to get rid of it."

>He's right, you're all diseased.
Sorry that your dad left your mom when you were 2, but your Zionist eDad is a fraud and we are in the process of destroying him.

Wash your balls, bucko.

>without necessarily hating all Jews
This is true, there's no reason for them to be allowed to live in our countries though.

The truth is undeniable. Why media? Obviously to control the information,set the parameters of civil disclose, and control the narrative.


He’s right though. Sup Forums is often like the negros blaming wypipo for everything. It’s pathetic.


He's right ya know

>I don’t think he’s a wolf in sheeps clothing
Please read this screenshot.

He's a Zionist whose stated mission is to prevent White men from working together to throw off the yoke of jewish tyranny.

5% of Jews are actually good people and not anti-white freaks.

look at how upset they get when you make fun of them!
it's almost like they never grew up!

>Shut up faggot.

>collectivism is bad (for white people)
>gives an hour long speech in celebration of literal racial nationalism (for Jews)
I can't believe I ever liked this huckster

>that filename
JIDF you're supposed to rename those images first before you start your shilling shift.

Proof positive jewish shills are pushing Peterstein and are on suicide watch that we are exposing him for the Zionist shill that he is.


LOL juvenile natsoc LARPers BTFO. You know it’s true, faggots. Stop jacking off to anime and clean your room.


Why does every single photo of this man make him look like he's just farted in an elevator..?

JIDF please.

You are killing me.

Calling the consistent rejection of Jewish ideology and culture of contempt for their host nation, self exclusion, usury, and rent taking a disease is easier and doesn't beg the question Is it us for two thousand years or is it them

thats not what these wonderful people believe
>jews who hate other jews because they consider their ideology the root of all evil are nothing but part of the same vast conspiracy!

>organised folders are a jewish tool used to undermine the hwite race!

I'll actually agree with you there, Satan. Prog, Reform, Zionist, and Orthodox jews -- they all have partially divergent interests with an apparent lack of centralized coordination among the rank-and-file. However, you can count on all of these types to circle the wagons when push comes to shove.

Someone post the screencap of the Sharia Blue slide that instructs their shills to rename their anime girl memes before posting them.

You are glowing, CIAnigger.

pointing out jewish power is usually considered anti-semitic.

So to things
1)Psychology is often used as a form of social control.
saying people who hate jews are mentally ill is just another application of this.
Anti-semites are mentally ill because hating jews is abnormal behavior. So no they can get committed for hate speech, and be at the doctors whim for when they think they should release you and declare you "fit for service".
This is the beginning of jailing people for hate speech.
They can't becuase freedom of speech, however if you have ever seen some crazy dude on the streetcorner, doing nothing else but spouting absolute non-sense in a very aggressive manner. This guy then gets hauled away by police, taken tot he ER, Dumped in a psych unit, or the drunk tank.
Imagine that when you post or say something anti-semitic, a concerned friend can call police, or some sort of mental health hotline. Then the state sends out a police officer and maybe an EMT or social worker for a safety check.
They haul you away to the next psych unit, and thats where the real fun begins.

2)theres a bunch of people , high profile people trying to suppress the JQ. Why the fuck is this guy being posted on pol about why he disapproves of anti-semites.

Psychology is a science of conjecture a lot of the time, but this is some weird bullshit, could someone explain to me how this makes any sense? We blame the jew for our shortcomings? every natsoc I've ever met turned their life around after becoming what they are, is that because we blame jews?

Hes right. Jews are our greatest allies against the mudslimes and globalists Nazis.

as a Canadian I've gotta say, his upper class Alberta accent is annoying as fuck

holy crap look at this paranoia!
it's so... what's the word?
ah, pathological!

Not answering it is respectable. Answering it both disingenuously and wrongly is unforgivable.

Satan please.

Israel and Netanyahu can be cool, but then they start more shit in the middle east that America and Europe has to solve, and then they go after Poland, because they dare to suggest they're not to blame for concentration camps in Poland while they were occupied. Almost like they were occupied or something...

For what it's worth, I think you're an idiot who's being poisoned by a cult leader. A prophet, as per his last interview.

>calling people mentall ill
Your glowing intensifies CIAnigger-kun.

>anti-semitism is an extremely unpopular opinion
yes, we know

The fact that this is the only thing that Sup Forums can fixate on tells me enough about the base on this board. You're all a bunch of drooling phony intellectuals. You're retards.

kek they think it hurts our feelings

He demonizes white identity politics while acting as an apologist for the collectivist jew and jewish state.
He is peddling individualism thinly veiled as personal accountability.

>You're all a bunch of drooling phony intellectuals
Your big brain Zioninist eProphet daddy is going to sort out all the buckos!

if you really have 400, your virginity is eternal

I think that's the least of JP's problem. I think he's a snake who's gloating about destroying white identity so that his favorred people (being anyone non-white) can have their united power over it and Marxism can win.

The guy talking about free speech who immediately deplatforms people.
The guy who talks about individualism, but only to right-wing white men, and then gloats about curing them of their right-wing beliefs.

*as long as you buy his $10 personality test and $2000 rug

this fucking meme gets me everytime

He's not as bad as say... a boa constrictor with a machine gun. He just looks like he farts a lot, that's all.
They can tell how politically correct you are by your farts in Canada.
Old man Petersons eggy boffs are very high pitched, almost like a dog whistle so the thought police watch him closely.
But that president they've got, I can't spell his name I don't do French but you know the one, his farts are soft and sound like a big dribbly St. Bernard dog letting out a sigh. That's why he's the king of Canadioons.

>if you really have 400, your virginity is eternal
No one collects exactly 400 smug anime girls and then renames them by hand "n out of 400".

He's dumping memes from the zip file he was emailed at the beginning of his shift.

He is a literal shill. Really makes your almonds jiggle that alphabets are shitting themselves about the fact we are destroying Peterstein.

Hey Jordan, I've always hated the term intellectual, its like skeptic. Very annoying

But hate isn't abnormal at all. Hate of jews is completely understandable and normal.
Only Jewish media says otherwise

it's almost as if i'm mocking your paranoia with my filenames!
look at how upset they get when you use a certain word!
oh my g*d(christian) please keep going, you're making my day!

Upset? I'm laughing at you.

Cults are for sad people. You're the scientologists of the internet and you don't even realize it.

>a fucking rug salesman

He refuses to debate the topic, does that seem like someone who's honest? especially a person who specifically said that you cannot suppress these ideologies but rather have to defeat them with facts and reason.

whether or not you are going to let your country go into a completely disastrous war for lack of courage to name the groups leading that country to war—at the risk of being called ‘anti-Semitic’ simply by naming them” (as paraphrased by Anne Morrow Lindbergh 1980, 224; italics in text). America had entered into an era when it had become morally unacceptable to discuss Jewish interests at all. We are still in that era

It's really hilarious. The JQ is simply claiming Jewish overrepresentation in key positions of power and that Jews are clearly exhibiting ethnic nepotism by favouring each others. Somehow this very simple idea is twisted into ''Why do you hate the Joos? You're a bitter failure, clean your room!''.

I don't hate Peterson for not tackling the JQ, I understand that it would ruin his career. What I do have a problem with is his weak insistance on hyperindividualism (directed mainly at white men, the dangerous ones). He has not explained how white men are going to lose by starting to prefer each other over others.

>it's almost as if i'm mocking your paranoia with my filenames!

>gets called out that he fucked up his shilling shift by not renaming his CIA smug anime girl files before starting
>tries to pretend he it was his plan all along
I run over CIAniggers like you for breakfast.

Judaism is a cult.

>''Why do you hate the Joos? You're a bitter failure, clean your room!''.
Peterstein also agrees that "antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease":

The CIAniggers in this thread will defend this.

it's called a cult, molymeme 2.0

> JP runs like a bitch from discussing the topic and takes snide potshots to his fans
Your false prophet would get his ass reamed by any alt-righter of note.

What's that got to do with Petersonism

>not hating a man and believing he's part of a vast conspiracy because he's not an antisemite is clear evidence that you're a cult member!
>of course all jews are evil and hell-bent on destroying us! believing in vast, absurd conspiracies is totally not cultish!

please, it hurts so good!

Molyneux is not even close to that guy. He's not selling himself as a prophet, isn't afraid of debating and actually presents facts not feels.


kek, saved

> I need to make shit up because muh daddy prophet Peterson is being insulted on the internet
> Please take my money for an abstract art rug daddy Prophet Peterson, tell them I'm not in a cult please? ;_;

Canada already has a founding Father.
We dont need a mentally ill Zionist apologist to tell us we are crazy to love our race.

wow, 2nd pic i've had 404 on me in the last half hour whilst in the process of downloading/trying to view, weird

post again please user

its true doe, with amerifat goyshekels behind their backs the kikes in the ME can roll over any state except for Iran

>They are literally putting faith in a liar to them to make them feel better.
This is why cults are so dangerous and why Peterstein's threat can no longer be ignored.

The way it works is that if they lose faith in their cult leader, it will lead to a feeling of loss similar to losing a close friend or even parent (he's very attractive to fatherless young men).

So for them to accept Peterstein is wrong and even malicious, is for them to also go through the process of grieving the loss of someone they have become very emotionally attached to.

Typical cult stuff. It's far more dangerous than your run of the mill eceleb who is just wrong about stuff, this guy is intentionally making a cult. He understands the psychology of this very well.

Now he is calling himself a prophet on national television.

i dont blame jews for my own problems
i blame jews for societies problems and future developement which they keep encouraging through media and NGOs.