>the drug war is bad because black and brown people are going to prison
>we need to legalize DACA mexicunts
>lol dude weed
Wow, absolute and complete faggot. Never listened to this cunt before.
Take a listen.
>the drug war is bad because black and brown people are going to prison
>we need to legalize DACA mexicunts
>lol dude weed
Wow, absolute and complete faggot. Never listened to this cunt before.
Take a listen.
Other urls found in this thread:
>felons should be able to vote
>blacks and mexicans smoke weed just as much as white people, but they get arrested more because we arrest poor people
>felons should be able to vote
absolutely unironically undisputably GAY
>senator Rand Paul tells Stephen Colbert where he stands on the biggest issues currently hanging over Washington DC
>dude weed
I can't believe this shit
Libertarians are shit eating faggot scum. This is nothing new.
Rand is no libertarian. He is basically just a democrat who likes guns.
He used to be a conservative libertarian. Then in 2016 the Libertarian went full left wing and I guess Rand followed. Fucking gay.
>mexicans are good hardworking people
>we need MORE legal migrants!
>we need to legalize DACA children!
>sessions doesn't like weed because he's trapped in the 1930's
wow BASED libert
theory: Lefty Media is promoting Libertarianism because the democrat party has his days numbered.
possible but I HIGHLY doubt it
Rand is probably positioning himself to run in 2024 as a centrist solution to the "divisive rhetoric" of Trump
I will not be voting for him, and I was a big fan of his 2 years ago.
they dont just get arrested more, they all happen to be carrying burners and have fucking bench warrants
its crazy that people dont realize the difference between the average nig and average white weedman
>"legalize weed"
>colbert looks at camera man
>audience wooooos
I'd have voted for his dad, but not rand.
Rand is a smart guy who is dumb as bricks.
DACA is right-wing. Free movement of labor is capitalism. Fuck off commie.
>i was gonna vote for rand but he wants legal weed
>so I guess i'm voting for the democrat now
Sup Forums is pretty much neocon kikes now
Randlet offically gone full faggot
I thought Sup Forums said he was based?
>DACA is right-wing. Free movement of labor is capitalism. Fuck off commie.
>import millions of people who heavily vote for socialism
yeah pure capitalism
I'm not voting for him because he panders to blacks. If he wins the GOP I will vote for him but likely he will run against a more conservative guy who I will vote for instead. He's not a social conservative obviously
open borders for capitalism :D
>muh niggers getting arrested
>muh poor niglets
>muh hardworking mexicans
Capitalism has nothing to do with acccepting hordes of barbarians who are nothing but a liability
Based DACAryans
marijuana should be legalized you filthy neocons
The only acceptable libertarian position is that leftists are violating NAP by breathing
>not legalizing all DACAryans
Do you even drink pure protein bro?
smoke pot get shot faggot
grass smokers are filthy degenerates who can't govern themselves
I concur
>want to legalize weed
>want to get rid of welfare
Two separate issues. You can support true capitalism (free immigration) while opposing socialism (gibs for immigrants).
open borders = turbocuck
saying black crime rates are because of racism = turbocuck
If you went through with libertarian open borders policy USA will go full commie 80% tax rate in a decade.
>we need more mexican migrants they're good hardworking people
>we need to legalize weed beacuse too many niggers and spics are being sent to prison
>you know white people smoke weed just as much as niggers and spics but we arrest them more because they're BROWN AND POOR
we just need a smaller government so we can suck off gay nigger dick without the government doing it for us
we need to let the based niggers and spics run rampent so we can get our mouths on their dicks faster, the police state needs to be abolished
I'm an isolationist and racist
pro open borders
anti police
If you gave rand's policy a decade you would have chaos. Open borders imports millions of people who will vote for far left and have kids who vote far left. So even if you had policies you liked for some short period of time in the long term you are moving closer to full commies.
shut up you sound like you've just come out of a Reefer Madness screening. i bet you never get laid faggot
No you can't.
The free immigration leads to poor flocking to USA and voting in socialism.
you can also be a capitalist by saying you are only going to import high-value migrants for work (white people) and shoot every filthy nigger that gets within 25 miles of your border
Rand is just throwing a manlet tantrum.
He's frustrated with being a manlet and not being able to get anywhere in life so he adapts meme political stances in an attempt to gain relevance and get ahead.
We have the same discussion thinking the party that legalizes illegals gets their votes.
Never happens.
reefer madness is 100% redpilled and pot smokers are braindead zombies who can barely construct a sentence with slurring
Ever meet somebody who has smoked pot for 40 years? They are fucking retards
go suck a hit out of your phallic bong weedtard
If we had no welfare, illegals wouldn't come here to get it. It's a lot easier to protect your borders if we don't have a welfare state.
Too bad neocon retards like you hate niggers so much you're blinded from enacting good policy.
Where the fuck did this "capitalism means adhering to some tard tier abstract theory" come from. Even Adam Smith was against that.
We use capitalism because it works for us. As soon as it ceases to work, fuck it.
You'd literally have gangs of brown hordes raiding neighborhoods and demanding a tax to not get raped by brown dicks every month.
That video of the guy getting his ribcage sliced out while he was alive would be a normal pass-time in rural America
Yeah, Sessions sure is redpilled going after weed instead of going after Clinton or dealing with illegals right?
Weed has always been a distraction by retards from actual problems
these libtertarian fucks don't account for
ER costs
healthcare costs
education costs
car insurance costs
etc that are not paid by illegals while they contribute a fraction of what they take from the economy. Libertarians are literal retards
they were probably retards to begin with you stupid asshole. your observational evidence counts for nothing,
no bitch is going to fuck a tight-arse anti-marijuana faggot such as yourself who can't let loose about such menial shit fuck yourself faggot
No you're a retarded neocon.
Reagan instituted a policy that forced hospitals to give healthcare to illegals despite them not being able to pay. Just get rid of that policy and let the illegals die.
a man after my own heart, right here
>If we had no welfare, illegals wouldn't come here to get it. It's a lot easier to protect your borders if we don't have a welfare state.
Mexitards don't just come here to get welfare, they also pile into aparments and accept lower wages from employers and send all of it back home to Abuella for 10 years, which drives down wages for local home owners.
Take a look at rural towns where illegals have started working in the big farms, the towns are fucking falling apart because the worthless spics aren't re-investing back into their town, they're sending it home to abuella because they plan to go back home in 10 years.
Too bad gay nigger cock suckers like you need to literally bathe in cum to fulfill your sick nigger fantasies, you should be put down like a sick dog
>The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to anyone seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay.
I don't want open borders retard.
So much This! If anything, we need to legalize the DACAryans first thing first.
>muh fantasy policy
Yes, libertarian is the best! Society doesn't matter, just individualism, and those low IQ imports are going to make society so much safer.
Yeah, "Libertarians" are just Neo-Liberals on steroids, what else is new?
thats pretty much nu pol
is it possible hes trying to appeal to a larger audience because he knows the gops voter base is being outbred? Outside of immigration libertarian policies dont let unproductive groups exist long.
Haha wow, you're literally mentally retarded.
Read this dumbfuck
neocons are just as bad as communists
Free movement of labor is capitalism, but we have a welfare state. Open borders CANNOT exist with a welfare state.
>Rand Paul
>Typical Libertarian ideas
What were you expecting?
rand is a cuck retard
societal fabric, avg iq, genetics, etc are all far more important than libertarian values. why? Because an open border society with voting will then vote in people who dismantle individual freedom for gibs and more open borders.
The state of libertarian open borders pure capitalism system will degenerate to far left socialism over time. It's not a stable system.
>right wing government votes to let in millions of brown people on the condition that they don’t get welfare
>the millions of brown people vote for a left wing government that gives them welfare
Great idea
My point is you are not getting rid of that act any time soon hence enforcing borders and kicking out illegals is more important than muh libertarian ideals.
yeah bro bitches love a guy with a joint hanging out of his mouth smelling like a literal fucking skunk
we all need to do more gravity bong hits in the back of our used 98' Saturn before heading into the club to get more bitches to blow us in the bathroom
>they were probably retards to begin with you stupid asshole
Every pot smoker is a retard to begin with cunt
weed smokers and dealers should be shot in the head and clinton sent to jail. Sessions isn't even doing anything about weed, just said he would enforce federal law. So some DUDE WEEDerz might get raided, who the fuck cares? It's only a distraction for pothead fucktards
Abject retards here unironically think Rand wants open borders to begin with
That's rand advocates you retard
>being a capitalist first and an american second
This is the cancer with your late-stage capitalistic culture in america. You're willing to have your race and culture polluted for profit.
What a faggot. I can't believe Sup Forums actually promoted this guy at one point. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Look at Mexican government and south/central government in general. USA moves towards electing politicians like that as immigration increases.
So yeah, the cucks going "free immigration and borders" are advocating against their own ideals. It's why libertarianism is a cuck ideology.
In order to have individual liberty you have to actually have some stable societal fabric.
In my limited observation I thought, if anything, Rand became more of a neocon.
>Sup Forums now hates Rand
I'm done
Anti-weed faggots deserve a bullet to head for wasting everyone's time with their autistic desire to make a fucking plant illegal.
out of curiosity, what are you views on alcohol?
Uhh he definitely knows something that we don't
he basically went on STEPHEN COLBERT and presented himself as a hip-cool libertarian republican who is down with the kids. Yeah mexicans and weed! I totally get it guys! I'm not brainwashed by 1930's weed propaganda like those old stuffy republicans haha come on guys check out some left-leaning libertarianism ;)
Maybe he thinks leftism is dying and he can turn the democrat party into the libertarian party or something who knows
you're right we should just make heroine legal too, it comes from a plant bro!
Shoot heroine every fucking day! haha yeah lets get laid!
completley degenerate both should be outlawed
>muh prohibition
They barely even tried to enforce that shit
well at least your somewhat morally consistent on the issue. you should still kill yourself though
weed and alcohol both increase estrogen and turn the consumers into left-leaning soyboy fgts
shove your jew science up your ass faggot
>muh weed
>muh alcohol
Wow congrats, you're even worse than a neocon.
You're a progressive, great ideology really fucked our country over I'd say./
>If we had no welfare, illegals wouldn't come here to get it.
Bull-fuckin'-SHIT! When will this meme die? Look around the world - there are Afghan illegals flooding into Pakistan, Bangladeshi illegals flooding into India, Haitians trying to get into the DR, Somali illegals in Kenya and Ethiopia, Sudanese illegals in Egypt, and on and on and ON. These people DO NOT receive social welfare from any government, but they come anyway. The US is a nation, not a fucktoy for a global horde of migrants pumping up profits for a tiny globalist overclass.
>Herp derp, without welfare, everybody will just get jobs and be prosperous!
There's no fucking welfare in almost all of the third-world. Are these the conditions in which you would like to live?
Alcohol has been nothing but destruction for Europeans
>b-but they fucked shit up while they were drunk!!!1
George washington literally won the war against the british because they got drunk and he surrounded their camp at night. Why do you think Trump is nearly god-like? Because he is part of the 0.0005% of americans who doesn't drink.
100% sobriety for 40 years put you on another realm of reality
You do realize that Jews are the biggest investors in legal American weed, right?
Look it up. They want you smoking the grassy jew
also notice that kikes are never alcoholics themselves, but they put alcohol in every commercial and movie?
More or less agree with what he said. Let states sort their own shit out regarding drugs. Need more info on felon voting rights, I thinking certain crimes/misdemeanours should allow you to vote still after your sentance, but certain crimes certainly shouldn't.
Really pissed he said 'DACA Children'. Really pissed, it's a gross mischaracterisation. His compromise isn't that bad as a talking point though, at the very least. Could well be merged into Trump's deal. Shorten the min duration until able to claim citizenship (Makes dem's more likely to accept) but then added to the queue like everyone else (makes Republicans more likely to accept. Like it or not though, the rest (or at least majority) of his deal stays though. The legislation is framed around fixing the issues with immigration, legal and otherwise, as a whole.
I wonder where things went wrong
>not smart enough to control own impulses to not break the law
>trusted to elect a nation's leader to determine the fate of 350,000,000
If Trump counted the DACA people as the yearly migrant count but negotiated a wall and immigration reform, that'd be alright i guess
why don't you show some proof? law enforcement has been cracking down on it ever since jewish influence started becoming more prevalent and you think they want people smoking it? just goes to show you don't need to smoke pot to be a dumb fuck
he never posed as a massive faggot until now.
naturalists are truly the most retarded moralists
>You can support true capitalism (free immigration) while opposing socialism (gibs for immigrants).
true capitalism is just as bad as marxism
>Daily Stormer
how does it feeling like being a jewish shill without knowing it? this is no longer just banter, you really are low IQ stupid
Did you even look at the link? It's just compiled quotes from compilations from Jewish publications about their investments in the weed industry.
It is literally documented that weed makes people more left-leaning. You think the jews don't want to use this to their advantage?
>libertarian republican
Rand aint quite his old man, but he's still a good dude.
The drug war is bad. I don't care about minorities going to jail. I care because we spend way more trying to stop it than if we just legalized it. It would end the war on drugs and it would kill the cartel's drug business as better quality drugs would be available for less in a legal market.
Prohibition doesn't keep anyone from using so why the fuck are we spending billions trying to keep people from using? Drugs are still available in every town in America and everyone that wants to use already does. Most drug users use MJ and not heroine or crack. So who gives a fuck? The billions going toward jails, prisons, the judicial system, federal, state, municipal police could all be spent on something better like infrastructure.
I'd rather have better roads or pay less taxes than pay 35k a year for Pablo and 35k a year each for all his buddies to be incarcerated for the next 2 decades.
you already implied you're a trump supporter so you're in no place to criticize jews you shill. you're supporting the biggest jewish shill out there and your source is garbage since Andrew Anglin said:
“You see the way white people—and it is white people—went around the whole world … and fucked everybody,” he said in a podcast he recorded at the time. “I think the white race should be bred out.”
jews will invest in anything that they can if it'll make a return (as the cannabis industry does) because they own a disproportionate amount of the capital. you're shilling for the (((alt-right))) with out knowing it.
if jews wanted weed legal it would've happened a long time ago.
here's some more videos to remind you of how retarded you are:
I've actually always wondered if Trump was owned by Jews because of how much debt it requires to make 10 billion dollars. He must have had to take out a ton of debt to the kikes.
I'm not really that glued to Trump, if he won the presidency, there is a chance he is either compromised or controlled opposition. Still on the fence about it though
>Anglin said something when he was a drug addicted liberal 19 year old
Yeah we all said shit like that who cares
I think i'm watching an argument between two shills trying to shill each other! Fucking kek!
It's quite bizarre.