Why was there no reperations for the european colonizayion of Africa?

Why was there no reperations for the european colonizayion of Africa?

Europeans controlled the land and resources for over 400 years and because of that Africa had its resources overwhelmed which is why we see mass poverty there today.

Other peoplw have historically gotten reparations for crimes against humanity, why not africa?

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GKY faggot.

Wowserz what a very well thought out input!
>nazi flag
No fuckin wonder you're retarded


what the fuckkkkkk mannnnnnn no way. wypipo should remove all the gold and nutrients from africa as punishment for their destruction of the human gene pool

Because we gave them more than we harmed them.

Without us they all would still sit in mud huts, being naked and live like animals.

We gave them technology, infrastructure and education.

Our medicine and agriculture technology provide and save the lives of hundreds of millions of them.

Negros owe us.

There are plenty of resources in Africa. The Chinese are now the ones removing them. Africans are incapable of exploiting their resources by themselves. Some of these countries have an average IQ BELOW 70! Either whites or Asians take the resources or they remain in the ground because niggers are flat out incapable of exploiting these resources on their own with substantial help and guidance by the more advanced sub species of Homo sapien.

Countries with no resources but run by smart people are rich, and countries with oil and stuff run by idiots are poor

>who else has received reparations?
be specific

>are we going to balance the reparations against investments in infrastructure and aid already sent?
...or was that a freebie? just because the africants couldn't perform the bare minimum of maintenance does not mean the stuff wasn't expensive.

>controlled the land
define "control". having trading stations and plantations in scattered enclaves is not control. Africa was basically a dog park with no leashes and few water bowls. I may go in there and set up shop collecting dog shit for fertilizer back in my home yard, but that does not mean i control the dog park.

>why we see mass poverty
are you a first or second year humanities major? we see mass poverty in the continent of africa fro 3 primary reasons, but to accurately understand economic distribution on the Continent it is important to divide the regions properly.
>1) there is very little continental interconnection
most of Africas trade, both internal and external, is coastal. this is because most african countries are incapable of building and maintaining large infrastructure projects. unless the whites or yellows build it, they are perfectly comfortable using stone age technology
>2) they have western healthcare and eastern lifestyles
the west has basically fought AIDS to a standstill but has yet to cure gross negligence and celebrated ignorance. the smart blacks leave and the dumb blacks breed. so many mouths to feed and so few brains to solve the problems.
>3) the corruption of the OG decolonized governments was so bad companies decided that it was better to control patches of valuable land instead of investing in the govts to establish regional stability
You can see this same strategy in american inner cities (im sure it is coincidental). call it the Green Zone approach. secure the chunk you need, pay off the locals, and keep your footprint/exposure low

To pin the problems of the continent on colonialism is intellectually inaccurate

It's called foreign aid prick.

We shouldn't be fucking feeding them just look at the population growth, that was down to our humility

If reparations were owed, how much should the Arabs, turks, Jews and other Africans pay ?

All good theories are falsifiable.

To falsify your theory, all someone would need to do is look at resource extraction and resource reserves over time.

If it didn't dry up during colonialism, then you're a whiny leftist faggot.

Pro-tip: You're a whiny leftist faggot.

>Europeans controlled the land and resources for over 400 years and because of that Africa had its resources overwhelmed which is why we see mass poverty there today.

Yes, because Africa was a shining beacon of civilization before the Europeans got there


We left them with mines and roads and other stuff that they would have had a strong economy now but since they are kids and thought someone else would maintain the mines and farms they broke down. Our "reparations" was us leaving them with great means of productions but they had to fuck it up and still some how blame us.


Well we did compensate them here atleast.
Here we call it welfare.

>hands not chopped off
Im offended










Because even if we gave them reparations, they’d just piss it all away instead of actually trying to improve their situation. Then they’d blame the white man for not giving them enough

here is the progression of babies per women and income per person in the 20th century. decolonization occurs in the late 60s to mid 70s




Interesting map. A bit unfair that Australia is categorised alongside the rest of Asia though.

Give them money is not a wise way to help... they will waste it in heroin, fried chiken and grape drinks...

Maybe a good way to say sorry is help to develope industry and economic-political infrastructure, sending some technicians that could work with stable governments.

>employment for euro professionals
>faster development for africa
>most peaceful world

Does this even take inflation or cost of living into account?

Because I'd be willing to bet it doesn't.

They are too lazy or too stupid to built and sustain their own nations. The former Asian colonies are doing great, without any reparations. The Europeans left a lot of infrastructure once they've left, but the Africans didn't do anything with it. They don't want to be rich or successful, otherwise, they'd already be. They just want money


Africa lags behind. but if it is colonialism, why are India, China, south east asia, indonesia, and many others who were colonized, many for much longer and much more completely doing so well?

I think you (OP) are getting fed bad info by professors with wide and shallow grasps of learning (as opposed to narrow and deep). you are laboring under a delusion known as Dependency Theory. This is the concept that the first world achieved its economic dominance through exploitation of the third world. if you look at the gross total percentage of what the colonies were in terms of total economic input/output, it was negligible. as soon as the Old Powers ditched their colonies their economies sky rocketed, while the former colonies, free of dee upprezive white debbil, floundered in disease, famine, unprotected sex, and horrible violence.

sorry for lack of sources, i have at least 10 books within reach but no working photocopier. if you actually want to learn about colonization/decolonization i can give you a reading list.

This one is bad teeth per child : income per person

yiss. inflation and PPP adjusted. go rake yourself ;)

What does Poland owe Africa other than a fuck you.

sorry, here is the actual final 4/4

these are screen captures from software freely available here:


>Why no reparations for the enslavement of European peoples
>Why no reparations for the Mongol conquests
>Why no reparations for the Muslim invasion of Europe
>Why no reparations for the Holomodor
>Et cetera

What resources? Holes in the ground?

The poorest places on the planet are chad and haiti. Two places with no resources looted because there weren't resources there to begin with. Instead Nigeria and other countries with resources are rich(for black standards) since the white man literally pay for magic rocks that black magicians didn't even know about them and their applications

Because you are going well Nigel... don't be so cheap.

Would you ask money from Mongolia?

this beggar mentality is why no one likes you, mexibro

Why are there no reparations for Islamic raiding of Europe?

no asking for anything... You shouldn't hide your flag. Maybe you are from bolivia and just trolling.

>tfw when you come at OP with facts, figures, graphs, and discourse and he ghosts

glad i paid for this education :/

If anything its Africa that should be paying reparations to Europe for uplifting them out of the stone age.

Do the Scottish owe black animals anything? Do the Welsh? Do the Irish or the English?

>which is why we see mass poverty there today
Doesn't have anything to do with them being niggers that can't into progress, amirite?

Who do you think pays for the UN aid they're getting?

you literally implied that England should pay out to Dindu Prime because they are "going well".

that is retarded. for fucks sake Miguel i posted a bunch of pictures. do i need to translate them into spanish or are you illiterate as well?

Fucking horrible to think when the mudshits came in, all the military aged men were killed, all the women raped. Half a millenia of mass rape and nothing else. Fucking satanic.

Dude... no saying that you are responsable from things that happened before you born. But part of your nation development came from explotiong those people and they can be angry.

Small talk.

>Rubber-congo-cuted arms
>slave trade
>introduce weapons to the wrong people

At least in mexico they give something but with africa europe just fuck them more.

It just look bad. But if you don't want to do anything is your problem i guess.

The poverty is because they breed like flies.

My country is full of landless European decedents that were forced off their own lands by fat European royalty.

>you literally implied that England should pay out to Dindu Prime because they are "going well".

No, you invented that... I was just saying to Nigel that he does not look well crying for reparation for this :
As if was the same thing ( or viable ).

what i was expecting from him is

>Rubber-congo-cuted arms
So we should pay what exactly? Arms cutting period is before the belgian government had any control over congo, Leo's private property mate
Besides all that, almost every country ever profited from others, do you want every country to start paying eachother hard to estimate Numbers?

kys niggertard

gibbs do not help a country grow or develop. it is guilt money that is siphoned off by the elites. true growth comes from a strong and honest national identity, a culture that protects the family, and honest free market ideals. this is what lead the West to domination, and as the West eschews these Pillars of Civilization they continue to decline.

Nice... so what the problemo? You don't own anything to anyone i guess.
I'm a british decendent too, a little brown so the indigenous cant say this is not my land :P

Because nobody want more niggers who are nigger-rich. Niggres can't handle large sums of money and even if we would give them cash we would eventually get it back by through retarded spendings. Dave Chappelle did a great sketch about reparations.

Nobody can give me a reasons why africa is still poor today....other than by avoiding colonialism.....afraid much???

Not how it works

Shut up retard.

I didn't say something like that too... don't understand whats your argument. This is my position:

I guess you just saww my flag and figured out in your head what was my opinion.


It's so tiresome.

>crimes against humanity

just the way of the world, my point is if anyone owes reparations it is the royal families that are left over from last century.

Niggers don't posses the cognitive sophistication to plan for the future. It's all here and now to them.
Any reparations given to them will be immediately squandered.
No investments towards their long-term stability or well being will be made no matter how much they are given.
It's a waste of time.

most colonization efforts, while receiving crown support and a small percentage of funding, was undertaken by private equity interests. the "nations" definitely supplied manpower and tech, but the money, both in and out, largely went into private pockets. you dont see deep national involvement until the late 1800s, which is the beginning of the end of European Colonialism.

this is the danger of trying to quantify the dollar amount of past events. the knock on effects are so widely distributed that any assertion of profit and loss is corrupted by inherent bias and/or limited available data.

ooh... i get it... never thought about it. It must be hard to take money from powerful people that would loos sttaus or everthing if they have to pay. At the end of the day 1% of humans owns 90% of welth. Must be something wrong about it.

> all the "resources" were stolen that's why Africa is a shithole.

Wealth is created, it's not a pre-existing "pie" to be shared around amongst non-participants. It's not a zero-sum game, stop it with this silly meme.

There's plenty of "resources" in Africa to last billions of Africans for millennia to come. The problem is the people. Too busy doing nothing, or hacking each other to death, and blaming whitey for problems entirely of their own making.

Yeah and they have a bad habit of throwing peasants to the wolves, Blacks in Africa want reparations from Whitey? The 1% take it from the English who have been ruled by Norman barons for the last thousand years.

Most of that wealth went up in flames during the world wars to make the survivors pay reparations is abhorrent like the Versailles treaty.

>Africa want reparations from Whitey

All this race thing is wrong... i know what is happening in western civilization and i find it ridiculous.

I doesn't feel good when logic became ambiguous and people live in a bizarre double-standard.

> you are going well
That is not how it works hombre. The people vs the economy.
The disposition of society and human development is just as, if not more, important as material wealth. There is a lot of potential good or bad here with this much money flowing around.

Deal with those drug cartels.
Deal with the misutilization of human resources in America by greedy corporations.
We also need to deal with dodge corruption and Grabblers within society.
If the global economy takes a down turn or slow down I don't want "our people" sucking some gangsters dick for rent money like some neo-Weimar Germany.

This country isn't mongolia it is a big, powerful machine.

i find it ridiculous that they want reparations from people based on the colour of their skin but what can we do about it we don't control our own destinies that is the most horrible thing.

It wasn't 400 years you retard, you could at least attempt to get the facts right, and if it wasn't for us you niggers would be living at a Stone Age level throwing spears at each other. You're welcome

The same reason why Asia doesn't receive reparations from the west despite having been colonised for far longer. Only the weak leeches off the strong.

Maybe if kangz started building a community based on their own strengths and merits instead of victimisation, it might be one worthy of living.

Oh, piss off. If we hadn't told you what to do with your resources, you'd have just thought they were something else to stick into a hole in your faces.

Dude, no asking for anything. Europe owns mexico anything. This the thing and i just respond for what i said.

Yes, is just bullshit. I hope this" hurted" people learn to lissent as they want to be listened. I don't like entitled people.

No reparations because the concept of reparations is literally the victor somehow becoming the conquered.
No sane group or person ever "pays reparations". You conquer, you colonize, you rape and pillage, and claim the world and resources for your own.
You don't then magically acknowledge the weak and conquered as deserving of your hard-won assets and hand them over.
Fucking retard.

>Europe owns mexico anything
correction... change Anything for nothing


>Europeans controlled the land and resources for over 400 years and because of that Africa had its resources overwhelmed which is why we see mass poverty there today.
you forget to mention most of that money earned was invested in said colonized land by the means of infra structure.

youtube.com/watch?v=1a-QpyF7rNc the Africans even agree. well the ones with two cents worth of education do