fug I'm too excited for the final episode
also best waifu thread
fug I'm too excited for the final episode
also best waifu thread
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Tsukai did everything right. She is the only thing preventing manking from getting tanged.
Holy shit the fujos have a stranglehold on this show.
All I want from the last episode is for zaShunina to get a hug.
I don't care what else happens, he is in desperate need of a hug, and as long as that one thing happens at some point, I will be satisfied.
Why does Shindo get to have ALL the waifus?
You mean maximum shoehorned waifubait thread
>best waifu thread
>posts worst
OP cannot follow his own rules
Best boy from worst show
>implying this tanging is a bad thing
Just let zaShunina iron out the kinks, make it voluntary, and it's pretty much free entrance to Heaven.
>muh fujos
zaShunina has always been the most popular character of the show and he's almost certainly the author's favorite as well. It can't be helped if even the staff think he's the purest waifu.
Copying myself:
Guess what, transforming isn't a person by person process, not even an Earth limited process, but a universal one. The point of the wam was to break conservation of energy and the nanomis hein was to make changes in the fundamental operating laws of the universe. When zaShunina explains things to Shindo, he doesn't say that the process would add 37D to people, but to the universe.
If he wanted literally just one person, he could have sat someone down with the wam, Sansa'd them, given them the nanomis hein, and then Kado'd them and their clones over and over again. That this wasn't his plan at the start, that he needs to make changes across all of humanity, that he didn't just do this with the Shindo clones, suggests that he can't pick and choose.
Well, he wants to uplift and preserve as much of humanity as he can. One person is better than nothing, but he'd most likely uplift the whole Earth if it were possible..
I preordered the figure so I can take care of it. Can't believe I'm giving money to something that shat the bed so hard, but there you go.
Wait, that's it? I thought it's 2 cour.
And that means tanging everybody, including the unwilling. No thanks, I won't be party to mass murder nor am I willing to be a victim of it. Tsukai did everything right.
Second of all, you have no idea what being a 40D being entails except for some kind of immortality for humanity. You have no idea whether it will be pleasant or even neutral, though there is plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise e.g. Shindo almost died pretty painfully when zaShunina tried to merely communicate with him via information transfer. You're just projecting your good feelings regarding zaShunina on what you want the experience of the anisotropic to be.
The first communication happened between two individuals occupying two very different realities; a god touching an ordinary man. We know that zaShunina can painlessly convert humans to infuse them with the anisotropic and allow them to interact with it. There's no reason to assume it'd be some eternal torment, especially considering the anisotropics don't feel pain.
I dunno the doesn't look painless to me. He is also forcefully expanding non-real space into normal space and people who get exposed to the Sansa thing may suffer from unexpected side effects and all they get is a boilerplate disclaimer (no medical consent). Then you have a reality controller which will quickly leave the normal universe a hellscape of time/gravity/breakdown of every law of physics. So right now everyone is going to turn into tang. Some probably won't survive the process if no one does the reality's most important negotiation.
I can buy that it might not be painful, but that is still a far cry from saying it will be a good thing. And it still doesn't change that getting there entails billions of people, if not tens of billions or hundreds of billions or even trillions and beyond once you get around to the clones, dying.
Strictly speaking, it's not a tang process. The anisotropics have fully defined personalities and individuality, as do the enhanced humans. The uplifted humanity wouldn't be an Overmind-style hivemind.
The consent is an issue, which is why the best option for everybody would be to make the ascension voluntary.
The non-activated clones aren't even sentient, so they don't count as people. They're more like calibration tools.
>as do the enhanced humans
You have no proof of this.
There's no way it's a process that allows for individuals to consent, since the whole universe is getting Kado'd and up-dimensioned. See >non-activated clones
I mean the clones that zaShunina presumably expects to make of everybody, since he says to Tsukai that he can always make more until he succeeds. And these clones must be sentient, because otherwise they would lack the information that zaShunina wants in the first place. And he's planning on making them all die until he succeeds.
>You have no proof of this.
Shindo and everybody who got Sansa'd are already part anisotropic and it hasn't changed their personality in any way. Moreover, it makes no sense to assume that crossing an individualistic species with another individualistic species would suddenly produce a hivemind.
It's quite possible that the ascension process can be improved once the right parameters are found. You could use non-sentient clones to nail down the exact parameters and then convert the original. As the early Kado processing showed, even high-level conversion can be made safe with some fine-tuning.
Consider that, when he was Sansa'd, one of Gonno's extradimensional extensions smirked at him. Given the visual direction of this show, I would not just put that aside as a throwaway scene. Rather, it suggests to me that the extradimensional extensions of a person are not exactly what we understand to be the 'self' of that person in their universe. Therefore, you have no idea if the 'self' a person is in their universe, let alone the experience of the self, would be preserved in the anisotropic. After all, in their universe as it is, a person simply uses their extensions to do whatever process happens when they sleep; they aren't yet mashed together in an extradimensional space.
Nice baseless assumptions you have there, especially when zaShunina is already Kado'ing everything. And consider that even zaShunina himself made the distinction between "processing", as he did with the plane passengers, and "transforming". The former cannot be used as a reliable reference for the safety of the latter.
>Febri's staff talk mentioned that Saraka and Shindo are both manipulative and underhanded people
Interesting. So they are aware of it.
>your husbando made magic hero armor so he could fight with you
Shindo-kun just needs a cape
mahou shoujos love knights in capes
Shindo has the suit. More than capes, it's the suit mahou shoujos love. A suit is a modern knight's armor.
Job conditionning. They're both negociators after all.
>best waifu
user please, get these eyes checked.
So are manipulaing each other or what? Because that would be hilarious.
If they both turn out to be horribly manipulative, shitty people at the end I'll be content. It will explain Saraka's wild kyaaaah and incredibly childish reactions too.
Also, Shindo's harem is dragging down the show. It's just not the kind of show that should give a main character, especially one like Shindo, a harem.
the alien and the super beta kouhai are the only worthwhile characters in this shitfest. the cube is also cool
jury's still out on the science autist
I'd like it. I can see Shindou lie to Tsukai about what he's going to do so he can get away with whetever he planned. And Tsukai might have promised not to intervene but she would probably break that vow anytime if she deemed Shindo to be in too much danger.
It's a bit weird Tsukai accepted to help him with his plan even though she disagrees with it.
>handsome guy with a top tier job and good communication skills is not the kind of character who should get a harem
Pay more attention to real life user. Shindo is exactly the kind of guy who would get bitches left and right to fall for him.
All of this, except science is cool.
There were actually two books in ep11. Romeo & Juliet, which got a close up, and the second book titled Laboratory by Takeo Arishima.
>Doctor Mitani loses his wife to what her doctors say was acute pneumonia. Mitani is convinced their diagnosis was wrong and they gave her wrong treatment, so he decides to personally perform an autopsy on his wife to confirm his suspicion and find closure. Their families are disgusted and horrified, but he still wants to now the truth.
>He cuts up his wife and finds out he was right: she died of miliary tuberculosis. But being right brings him no relief; looking at the damage the illness wrought on her body just adds to his grief and horror. The novel ends with him breaking down in tears over her tissue sample.
Alien depression is one hell of a drug.
This isn't your seasonal harem anime. They're adults and career people, not teenagers and teenage-looking supernatural beings. And he has not only attracted humans, but both of the billion years old alien gods in this show.
At least I'll remember this show for the colossal amount of butthurt and all the over the top passive aggressive posts towards Tsukai
no, as a matter of fact, this IS one of your seasonal harem anime
it was just hiding
Thank you user, I was waiting for someone to tell us about this one.
I was just using bitches as a catch all term for both aforementionned billion years old alien gods as well as the humans.
>this isn't your seasonal harem anime
No shit, not like I ever watch them.
FACT: Hanamori is best waifu
>over the top
Frankly I think she deserves worst, like entire threads dedicated to hating her. If anything you're lucky we even allow you people to start a thread with her.
The alien gods are actually very easy to explain.
Shindo was the only person who truly wanted to engage him; everybody else was either scared of him, wanted things from him, or wanted to dissect him. Shindo also pretty much tamed zaShunina, imprinting himself onto what was previously an emotionally blank slate.
She loves people and Shindo is someone who can appreciate both her alien side and her human side. This is new for her.
Are books really a good way for an alien to become familiar with the human mind?
Does Sup Forums read? What would you recommend to zaShunina?
See? Exactly the kind of anally devastated post I meant
No shit, why do you think I answered to your post in the first place?
Yes. Emotions are preprogrammed for us, so we don't need to learn them, but for someone without this brain circuitry, they carry no real meaning. If you told early zaShunina that you were sad, he'd know the dictionary definition, but on a personal level it'd make as much sense to him as hearing that number 5 tastes like wood. Books describe and analyze emotional processes, making them more intellectually understandable.
I'd rather have Shindo pretend to have fallen for her because my mind refuses to accept that abrupt development. It's just too weird. It would also cement his status as master asshole, which is kind of funny.
I would like that, I really would. Too bad I can't see it happen.
Considering he happily rejects all her concerns about muh humanity and goes to "grant zaShunina's wishes" instead (in her words), I don't think love is the word anyone would use here. When it comes down to it, emotionally he's rather shallow and careless.
Saw it posted in one of these threads and holy shit I can't stop laughing.
I know I'm assblasted things went to shit, but going this far is a whole new level of autism.
I wish they'd make it more obvious in the show itself.
>Shindo quips that zaShunina is being selfish in ep4
>is called out for selfishness by multiple people who know him best
Some people aren't ever happy unless the world conforms to their particular breed of insanity.
>I just made a huge mistake
Poor Hakase should've asked about his goals first.
Not sure love has anything to do here, after all he's doing what he can to make this work, and he's certain this is the best way. Tsukai's concerns are irrelevant. But obviously he can't say that so instead he kissed her to calm her down.
But really for me the very fact that he wants to grant zaShunina's wish at all, is proof he's not as shallow as he appears. Sure, that's the way his personal philosophy as a negociator works, but his fascination and affection for zaShunina are most likely genuine. The fact that he's concentrating his efforts on granting zaShunina's wish instead of trying to lock him up in a stellated dodecahedron supports this.
Change.org has butthurt petitions about everything, including videogames coming out on particular platforms. The Bloodborne petition for example was legendary.
I would have praised Kojiro as the McOTY if he actually faked his affection with Saraka and proceed to face zaShunina with preparation, just to get the middle ground between both of their opinions.
But we all know that not even wam and sansa would be remained at the end, which is disappointing
That's true and the fact that he's willing to risk it despite Tsukai doing her best to demonize zaShunina is rather telling. IIRC his Animage profile described him as "easily adaptable and unpredictable", so normally, he just finds it easy to let go of things and presumably people.
>fujos stop being mad at animated women after the earth is swallowed by the sun
Okay I laughed
Though really, the dislike some fujos have for some female characters isn't any different from the hate yurishitters have for characters like pic related.
Or the waifufag rage when their waifu isn't winning the MCbowl.
>It's a bit weird Tsukai accepted to help him with his plan even though she disagrees with it.
It's not like he asked for permission. He'd do it anyway, regardless of whether she agreed or not.
You could have let the thread die. I would have started another one with zaShunina in the OP.
But to answer your question, sure he didn't ask for permission, but she didn't have to help him either. She could have left him to rot on the surface where he's safe while she goes for the kill and he would never have been able to land on the white cube, much less meet zaShunina.
Shindo would have found a way to attract zaShunina's attention either way. Better to go with him and hopefully interrupt whatever compromise you don't like than staying away and losing that chance.
>the multiple anally pained, mind contorting posts ITT that still try to make it that zaShunina is the one Shindo REALLY loves
>"the k-kiss meant nothing it was just him manipulating her!"
>"T-Tsukai was just using it to manipulate Shindo, what a b-bitch, that's what it was you'll s-see!"
Doesn't change the fact this series would be back to being a 9/10 if these were true.
Does anyone even argue about that, I think most people are just disappointed with that useless subplot.
>fujos are so unwilling to accept that the Shindong won't be doing any zaShuanal that they literally want a humanity genocide end
I didn't notice people say he really loves Zashunina? If he has such personality then chances are low that he loves anyone at all.
>yanhomo fujobait is 10/10 best love story ever told
>but the actual love story that saves the world is just a useless subplot
Don't bother with him, he's not trying to make sense. He's just distorting reality so it'll fit his fantasy of fujos massaging their butts with tears in their eyes.
>gropes his chest
>cross-dimensional handholding
Jesus how thirsty is this anisotripic woman?
>konosuba avatarfagging
Oh, okay, now I understand your shit taste.
This is the one and only truth though. Your waifu a shit, Kado would be AOTS material if it weren't for her.
>the reaction images determine the quality of the argument
Oh that's so cute.
It would probably be AOTS regardless if the show would have remained 2cour and had enough time to flesh her out and develop her and Shindo's relationship more naturally and at a slower pace.
It felt rushed because it was rushed. The whole show was rushed to cut it down to half its original length.
one of the most disappointing series I've ever seen
I agree, Tsukai end would probably have come as less of an asspull with two cours. And Tsukai herself would probably have been fleshed out and become more of an appealing character rather than just empty waifubait. But here's the thing: it didn't happen. We can only judge the series as it is.
Apparently Japs aren't mamals
Let's say a dude wanted to kill literally everybody to gain immortality for himself and perhaps a few others. This would obviously be insane and evil. So why is it that when the motivation and acts are displaced to another person, it suddenly becomes reasonable and good?
But nina is already inmortal and want to preserve humanity, even if is just a few we as a species would not disappear
It's the intentions behind the act that matter, not the act itself.
Say this guy you're talking about wants to kill everyone and become immortal because he's sick and he's going to die soon but he has a baby daughter who would become an orphan if he did. And he desperately wants to raise her and be there for her as she grows up. Don't you feel like the guy is a lot less evil all of a sudden?
Is Hanamori the purest boy ever created?
a) he isn't trying to gain immortality for himself. He actually went against the grain and exposed himself to danger in order to improve the situation for both humanity and the anisotropic (as he saw it).
b) zaShunina has never had human morals and nobody should expect him to understand and obey them. Even Tsukai admitted he isn't malicious and more like a force of nature.
Words like good and evil simply don't apply here. One can agree or disagree depending on his priorities, but it's not a moral question.
And that would also be there case in the first situation, where the dude who is to become immortal kills everyone; the "species" survives. Everyone still recognizes that this is evil and insane. In the second situation, someone else acts to make another person immortal, but the motivation is still immortality and the act is still killing everybody, so you should also view this as evil and insane.
No, what the fuck, are you kidding me?
He's tough competition for zaShunina when it comes to the title, that's for sure.
>wish for his happiness
>episode 11 happens
>eyes all red and puffy
Say what you will about the writing, the subtle animations are fantastic. You don't even need anyone to tell you he's already been crying for a long time, we can see it in his face.
>no, what the fuck, are you kidding me?
No, I'm not, but you're free to disagree. No need to get so triggered.
>In the second situation, someone else acts to make another person immortal, but the motivation is still immortality and the act is still killing everybody, so you should also view this as evil and insane
Nobody cares about whether zaShunina is doing a good or a bad thing. Most people here just want him to get a happy ending.
>people hate Tsukai for her "childishness" when she is totally competent in professional settings and is only ever flustered in informal ones or when alone with Shindo
>they call the constantly bumbling Hanamori best boy
What did they mean by this?
He sees what he's doing as a good thing, since it would preserve humanity as a whole. Obviously, he's going about it wrong and does need to be stopped. Is he evil? No. Is he confused and misguided? Yes.
>only ever flustered in informal ones or when alone with Shindo
Shindo is a coworker though? There was nothing informal about her spending time with him in the context of work in the car. All I could feel while watching her in that scene was embarassement for female kind.
Fujos hate women because they can never be them
>Nobody cares about whether [someone who is willing to kill everybody to grant immortality to a few, maybe] is doing a good or bad thing. Most people here just want [someone who is willing to kill everybody] to get a happy ending.
The desire for homolust warps some of you people.
Because he's good at getting underneath her skin. It happens. You think that everyone has to be 100% stoic and professional all the time for you to respect them, at least if they're a woman?
>fujos hate women because they can never be them
So, basically you think I hate all women who have a bigger chest than me or something?
I see those years of watching harem anime did wonders on your understanding of the female psyche.
I get not liking Tsukai for her childishness, but Hanamorifags are hypocritical as fuck.
>caring about humanity in 2D
I care about characters, not abstractions.
We can put aside the question of whether intentions or acts are evil, this hardly changes that the act itself is something that, in any other situation, would be seen as incredibly bad and something to oppose. At least is that far.
Because there is an oversaturation of childish, tsundere female characters in media, but it's a novelty when a male character is portrayed in a similar way?
Plus I think it comes back down to the fact that Hanamori has known Shindo for a long time and is his best friend. He knows Shindo better than anyone else, and is completely devoted to him.
Tsukai, on the other hand, has known Shindo a grand total of three months, and they barely know each other.