Thanks Trump
Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law
Thanks Trump
Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law
Other urls found in this thread:
U.S. Raises Longer-Term Debt Sales as Budget Deficit Worsens
Last time America lowered taxes considerably (Reagan) The government ended up getting more money. Fake news you fucking leaf.
>Washington Post
You can’t expect a leftist to understand economics. Or a leaf for that matter
>use cotton as money
>rest of world uses gold
>wonder why your money is losing value
>actually believe other countries made the switch
r u fucking retarded or something?
It's not 1981 anymore. You retards are stuck in a time warp
Honestly I've never seen the USD crashing and burning like this
Russia must be laughing at what these retards are doing to themselves
must be why mnuchin is begging for a debt ceiling hike
they just like to put on a show, claim were broke. then they print more money. which is fine i guess. it's a week at the theater.
thanks obongo
We need to legalize all esoteric immigrants to help us pay the debt tbqh
>Government runs out of money
>Can no longer pay its military or public servants
>Society collapses
>Glorious Monarchist AnCap Feudal Democratic Socialist Nationalist phoenix rises from the ashes
You heard it here first.
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin urges Congress to raise the debt ceiling 'as soon as possible'
govt shutdown coming feb 8th
debt ceiling showdown coming after that
absolute state of republican government
Does it ever make you mad that no matter how hard you try on this website no progress is ever made?
boris, don't u think americans should be worried about their country's fiscal solvency?
No because when America falls, Russia can rise and take her rightful place as #1
Stupid chuds vote agaisnt their economic interests
>obama increases debt by billions
>no problem, here some printed fake money
>trump increases debt by a shekel
>omuhgod we r going to die
why do people keep trusting the media?
i'm the only one on america's side against all u russian motherfuckers
Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3.
Trump is exploding it like crazy
U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts
The deficit is supposed to go down in a good economy, not explode. Wtf happens when Trump crashes the economy? America will be fucked big time. Possibly permanently.
>Posts graph of deficit
>Labels it revenues
A true scholar.
>economy thx obongo
>debt thx trump
and idiots like that wonder why they are hated
I don't know if leafs can basic math but taxing a bad economy at a higher rate brings in less money than taxing a great economy at a lower rate.
Not that it matters anyway. We are way beyond our means and so are you in the Chinese colony of Canada and our GDP per capita shrinks with each non-White sub-human that we allow into our nations to "help" our economies.
Get ready leaf you're next. me and my boy Ivan are going to pipe slavpop into your ears at high volume until they explode.
Its always the republicans raising the debt and democrats fixing it but they get more votes from crying about it.
>tax cuts pay for themselves
>fuck we're out of money
this is why republicans can't be trusted with money
if u russian scum could find me, u would have by now and taken me out
The debt ceiling "X date" just moved up
How fucked is America?
Trump just claimed stock market gains actually offset national debt
You might want to worry about our fiscal solvency too, Chang. Canada exists as a leech on our ass. If we go down Canada will collapse faster than a brand new Chinese apartment building.
I'm on my way, hard to get a direct flight from Vladivostok to Winnipeg.
>non-country flag
oh shit im leaving winnipeg now
You are such a miopic sophist fuckskull it's laughable
Me and my 6 million strong robot army is en route to intercept. You made your bed now lie in it.
lol jesus that's from 2010
wow u shills need to update your shit
Then why does Trump keep bragging about the amazing economy he inherited from obama?
too late im already on my way out of winnipeg
holy shit
i reverse google image search
and look what comes up
it's true all of it
I see how you show decline in deficit as percent of GDP. Nice trick faggot.
>it's true all of it
referring to u know who
Oh look, Obama leaf is lying again
it's the same in $
why did u israelis hate obama so much?
>the budget deficit
Shut the fuck up. Overspending by less than you did the previous year is still over spending and getting us deeper in debt, you fucking moron. Plus you can reduce the amount you overspent by when in the first few years of your presidency you doubled the debt the US had accrued in 200 years
Not to mention each years budget was 50% higher than the last so while overspending less in one years looks good on a misleading graph, Obama was piling on 1 to 2 trillion in new debt every fucking year.
Obama was a fucking disaster and he'll probably be remembered, when it's all said and done as slightly better than the retarded peanut farmer Jimmy Carter.
Instead of reducing the deficit, which Obama did, Trump is exploding it.
>tax cut that isn't even in effect is the cause for deficit
2/10 don't forget to sage
the CBO says so
did u even read
>Trump just claimed stock market gains actually offset national debt
They do. That's the magic of inflation
>Ohbummer leaf makes another post
>he’s just here to shit on you
>you bump his posts
Retards. Itgoesinallfields
>washington post
>total taxes collected doesn't scale with income
30% of 500k or 20% of 1mil
>Stock market gains pay down debt
>oh shit we're outta money
lol u retards will be claiming tax cuts don't reduce revenues all the way into a fucking debt crisis
>deficit when obama took office: 458 billion
>deficit when obama left office: 584 billion
>584 is 1/3 of 458 billion
fuck, I knew leafs were retarded, but goddamn.
don't forget to sage
>the CBO said something impossible is happening so it is, why don't you READ
no, stupid leaf.
don't forget to sage
Obama inherited a $1.4 Trillion deficit from Bush
Are you retarded?
Do u even know what fiscal years are?
if u russians are gunna use american proxies, shouldn't u pretend to know about America?
Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit
After their ACA projections I'm surprised anyone takes the CBO seriously anymore
why is mnuchin saying theyre out of money
it's also Trump's Treasury Department
don't forget to sage retarded leaf posts
I'm starting to think Russia is shilling to crash the United States.
U.S. Raises Longer-Term Debt Sales as Budget Deficit Worsens
why are you still alive you syrup slurping retard?
don't forget to sage subhuman trash
Im not using a proxy, I have successfully infiltrated the American mainland.
FY2009 does count. Bush handd Obama a $1.4 TRillion budget deficit and a crashed economy. How do u not know this?
Are you that top Russian spy who Trump just allowed into the US?
stop posting that gif you beta leaf
sage goes in the options field
Obama Leaf is more than just a shitposter Sup Forums
>BTFO rural right wing retards
>BTFO suburban right wing retards
Heh. How does he do it?
I am Trump, my real family name is not Drumpf but Trumpinivich
But you have to wait for the next taxation cycle to start generating revenue, and in the meantime still have expenses, you fucking moron.
I am the king.
The taxes aren't the problem, the fucking massive amount of welfare spending is.
It would be hilarious if the US went bankrupt all of a sudden lool.
It's another episode of obamaleaf
sage and kys
not unexpected
The images in your collage pale in comparison to the amount of threads you make a day. You should be ashamed your success rate is so minuscule.
>all of a sudden
lol we've been bankrupt since the 70s
>forgets to edit out the (you)s
you're either really dedicated to this retarded canadian troll or are the stupidest person on the planet
don't forget to sage
Are you fucking retarded or do not know history. Reagan's initial tax cuts and budget were so fucking shit they had to find ways to increase revenue because they were running out of money faster than anyone had planned for aka trickle down was a fucking failure.
i don't really make that many per day
i mostly join threads
I would say something about the Laffer Curve, but you're a fucking leaf so I won't bother
>laffer curve
Oh I agree with you that taxes on the rich need to go up
Daily leaf shilling.
BTW, did you figure out if real GDP is inflation/deflation adjusted?
Let's drive all the corporations and rich people out of the country then
Don't forget to sage
u retard ive been u morons that real gdp is inflation adjusted
holy shit u people are retards
give your head a shake Wojtek.
you're so retarded u thought the laffer curve means tax rates can keep dropping to zero and revenues will go up lmao
ive been *telling*
Last time you shilled so hard on 10% GDP growth in Ethiopia .
yeah and u fucking embarrassed yourself by claiming u have to do real gdp growth - inflation
u retards fucking embarrass yourselves
u didn't know real gdp growth is inflation adjusted?
u said ethiopia had 10% real gdp growth - 7% inflation = 3% gdp growth
do u even realize how fucking retarded you are
You are retarded. Gas yourself pls.
u didn't know that real gdp growth is inflation adjusted
you made an ass of yourself
This proves me again, that you didn’t even graduate from high school.
r u saying real gdp growth is not inflation adjusted?
>Canada disbands his Military
>Legalizes Zoophilia
>Destroys his National Anthem
Whats next?