White Family Help

I am a trad white woman wanting to start a family with my husband. (Pls don't start with all your juvenile stuff) My husband is very worried about finances (even though he has a steady income w/ excellent benefits) which is the primary reason he doesn't want to start a family. He also says he doesn't feel "ready" even though we are both mid 20s. How do I delicately convince him it is time to start procreating?

Tell him y'all can live off the government like negros if y'all have to. Just tell him to cum in you, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Redpilling. Becoming aware of white genocide is literally the greatest eye opener to want to be reborn, fight, and breed a large family.

Show him this.

>I am a trad white woman

My grandmother said to my mother and father when they said they weren't "ready", they were "waiting for the right time". As for many things in life, you'll never be ready and there will never be a right time, and if you wait for that, you'll be waiting your entire life.

> (Pls don't start with all your juvenile stuff)
So trad :3

Tits or GTFO.

Nice prop

>Im a woman

>My husband doesn't feel "ready"
I have a cousin like that. Both mid twenty, She wanted to marry and have kids, but her friend didn't feel ready, so they split. My cousin turned thirty recently and is still looking for a partner.

> How do I delicately convince him it is time to start procreating?
Dont know, but I wish you good luck

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns — and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan?…

Listen to him you silly woman.

Don't speak at all.

If he says you're not stable enough then you aren't. A woman is totally incapable of understanding finances.

You want to drop a hint? Start learning recipes for infants. Practice sewing tiny clothes.

White men are incompetent. They dont make for good husbands or fathers anymore. Just switch to a middle eastern alpha as theyre the future anyways.

Start a garden, and then tell him how you can teach your kids to run it. The kids might also run something like microgreens. The free labour lets you actually make a profit fromt he kids while teaching them work ethic and responsibility. Then your finances are even better.

Also, convince him you don't need to buy all the expensive shit (((they))) try to sell you, like USD2000 child carriages or video gaymes

>He also says he doesn't feel "ready" even though we are both mid 20s. How do I delicately convince him it is time to start procreating?
Say, how hard is it for you to get his penis in you, and then have him ejaculate and fertilize your eggs?

Doesn't seem too hard to me.
Maybe try starting with that.

Middle Eastern or Alpha. Pick one faggot.

You need to redpill him slowly. It's possibly to turn almost anyone if you are patient. There will be things which intersect with his current values and you use that shift the overton window.

Once he realises that his people are in existential danger and how bad the future really is, he will step up. Men do not like to be begged or nagged but when they see a clear duty and obligation to defend, then they will rise to the occasion.

Tits or GTFO!!!!

Sounds like he's a dumbass. Is he an atheist or something?

I'm procreating with my wife now, but we're by no means financially secure. Just have land and a house.


Have him hang out with your friends that have babies.

Op your pic is wrong, this is reality.

If she's mid twenties, she needs to be pumping out kids now. No time to be slow. My wife is only 20, but we're getting started now.

You can always fall on our society's social safety nets.

Bam. Irrefutable answer. It may be a hit to his ego/pride to take the handouts to support his now bigger family but you tell him that through his hard work (and your children's work in the future) that the handouts will eventually be repaid back to society.

GL femanon. I showed you my brain first now you show us your tits.


The most surefire way to deter him from having his own. This works only on women.


Well, I was going to recommend settling with someone else who actually wants to have kids but she is already married and divorce is pretty degenerate.


The absolute state of no sharpie in pooper Sup Forums

This leaf is a wise lad.

No. Our civilisation is already sick enough. Don't encourage more degeneracy just for a little bit of personal satisfaction.

Well, that's true. I would never encourage a woman to blow up her marriage. I hope they are not unequally yoked, though. I think the easiest solution is to fug and sabotage the condom while holding him inside her.

That might work once but she needs to have more children than that. And if that means settling with another man, then that child would grow up without his father. Which would NOT be helping the problems of society.

There are guys like myself who would have 10 or more children if possible. I'm already married and working on it. If she is serious, better off to find someone like that.

>i am LARP.
>pls push me to page 1

Jesus fuckimg Christ.
>Iam femanon
Just fuck off noob.

Once they have one child, she can do it again. Any man that isn't a soycuck is going to want to have happy time at least 3 times a week.

I mean he sounds like he wants to be responsible, but he sounds like he is a fedora. She could keep fugging and having "accidents" while converting him to Christian.

Divorce is the wrong answer.

Tell him that you were gangbanged by a bunch of black guys because he is not man enough to satisfy you. He will have rage-sex with you and innevitably will cum inside you.

yeah, when u first become racially aware and realize how bad the situation is, hits too hard to waste time not developing a plan to create a white family as a microcosm for the future national socialist ethnostate of europeans.

>He also says he doesn't feel "ready" even though we are both mid 20s.

Tell him you will get somebody to impregnate you if he is not interested in doing so.

You're at the best age to start having kids. By age 30 you've lost 75% of your fertile eggs and by age 35% you've lost 90% of your original supply. Fertility will only get worse. He might not be ready but you don't have the same timeframe he has. Any year you add on recovery and how taxing it is for your body will get worse. Your health is at play too. If you have a good doctor or a friend who's into the med field he could help you with it.

This brought me to get a child.
Got married, get a child, bought a house, try to get another child.
Its all in the right time, i am 28

>national socialist
Socialism is Leftist garbage. Fuck off.

>My cousin turned thirty recently

this is tough situation i am in also. my whole extended family is either racemixed or unmarried. we have a huge family (50 cousins) but it looks like it is only me and 3 other of the male cousins that have to breed to ensure the family name continues as european. most of the male cousins racemixed with asians and spics, while the women are mostly unmarried hitting 30s (not that the name would survive through the females anyway).

>most of the male cousins racemixed with asians and spics
You should be happy they procreated at all. The Y-chromosome is essential. The women matter less, as long as they aren't niggers.

>I'm procreating with my wife now
Whilst posting on/pol/? Bravo user, that's some impressive multi tasking

Literally say "impregnate me or I'm going to throw myself at a pack of wild niggers Joe, I'm ovulating, and am at prime fertility"
>proceed to mount him, and lock legs until he sperms in ur pussy


I could never put my penis in a gook that looks that gooky. Only happa women.

>wah im not ready for kids
Fucking trick him. He'll be fine once the kid is born. Tell him you're on the pill, stop taking it and let nature take its course. Stop internalizing and start doing

I prefer slant eyes. My wife makes my dick diamonds. She's Chinese. Very short and cute.

Can you taste the msg when you eat her pussy. I imagine asian pussy taste amazing. Would love to eat me out some sweet, and sour asian asshole.
>tfw only look with white women
It's not fair

I hope you're joking. If a woman did that to me I would divorce her at once, and ruin her life. In a healthy relationship, having children should be a mutual decision.

OP, you should try to reason with your husband. The longer he waits the more likely the child will end up with health issues, like autism.

If it comes down to finances, I recommend you create a financial plan and figure out if it will actually work out. If it turns out he's not financially capable, you really shouldn't be forcing yourself in the position where you both cannot afford proper care and education for the child. You should aim for an optimal situation and environment for your child.

If it comes down to him not feeling ready yet. Well, why doesn't he? If there is no explanation coming from his side, is he actually into you? Why does it matter for him whether he does it now or in three years? What's the difference? How long will it take him before he decides to man up?

I hope you consider the path of reason, and don't do any of the life ruining choices other people here have suggested. Good luck.

>I could never put my penis in a gook that looks that gooky. Only happa women.
don't disrespect /ourkathy/

She has a salty taste, for sure. But it is quite delicious. She smells amazing too. We stayed virgin before we were married, and it was sp fucking hard to do. Had blue balls constantly when I was around her.

I hope you're smart, and you're busting nuts in her without protection

>He also says he doesn't feel "ready" even though we are both mid 20s.
ask him what he means by that. trump is making america great again every fucking day.

Of course.

>1 Post by this ID

fuck off slut

Your husband is a bitch.

You'll never reach that magic "ready" point. Just breed already. I have 2 kids. Money isn't important.

>I would divorce her at once
You don't sound very intelligent, user. She would be the one ruining your life because the courts would assrape you.

She's married, assuming this isn't a big LARP. It's not like they are getting a shotgun wedding.

Sorry, I didn't mean that divorcing her would ruin her life. I meant I would ruin her life in other ways.

doggy style adds bench space mate

>You're husband is a dumbarse! I'm having mongrel hapa kids without any financial security
The state of muttland

Bad idea, if he has any dignity he'd never stay with a women who'd entertain the idea of fucking literal sub-humans.

Sounds like it's time.

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I would hesitate too, you can ruin him if you divorce.

He was stupid to marry you in first place

My fiancé is currently pregnant(please God everything will work out).

The main take away, regarding finances, is there will NEVER be an ideal time. It's about choosing the mission, over your immediate desires.

The only real function in life is to reproduce. The selfishness embodied by todays "individuals" negates the notion of lineage. That you are descendant from a family, and you are producing more. That you are part of a larger project, which cannot die with you. Otherwise, Honour thy Father and Mother.

Grow up, act like a mature adult woman and be completely honest and open about your sincerity of having kids. Fucks sake, i know this is bait but if your gonna get on Sup Forums and ask familial advice you already know the answer here.

Communicate with him more, why does that even need saying?

He doesnt trust that you wont flush the marriage during post partum and take half of what little he has. Convince him your in for the long haul.


I couldn't imagine ruining my lineage and my child's life because I was too lazy to find a good english woman.
This '''good kind of miscegination''' that seems to be heavily on this board is truly disgusting.

>too lazy
You sound like a woman.

Listen up woman, if you're still in the thread.

My wife is now pregnant with our first child, we waited a year into marriage. That's enough time. Tell him to stop being a faggot and realize that a man's job is to be a father, period. That's it. Being a bit farther entails a lot of things, like providing, protecting, being successful, being a role model and so on. However, it boils down to one thing. Fatherhood. Without that he's a baby. A cancer upon society and his race giving nothing back.

Same goes for you too. Embrace your femininity. Embrace your womanliness. You are going to love feeling a child kicking in your womb.

Here's my rebuttal;friendo. If you're making enough money to have kids,your wife has geopolitical insight, and understanding of how the world works, along with having the skills, and genes worthy enough to make a baby you're
>not in love with said roastie
>you're afraid of divorce, and finances being meme'd from you like a shitcoin holder
When I "thought" I was financially ready to have a baby I was cumming nonstop in my ex. By god's graces I did not impregnate her.

You sound like the roasties that fuck niggers
>Oh I'm making you little dick whitebois so mad!
No I'm not a woman, and I doubt they give a shit either.
I'm an englishman and my children will be englishmen also, while yours will be confused rootless cultureless kike slaves without an identity.

Listen, I was 30 before my wife and I had our firstborn. I didn’t think I was ready either but everything worked out wonderfully and 10 years later we now have 3 boys. Life was empty and meaningless before.

I just didn’t realize it. I truly feel sorry for these childless couples who brag about how much money they save by not having children. It’s just indicative of the culture of materialism we as a society have built. Sad and pathetic.

On a side note; having a child put my ambitions into hyperdrive and evoked a sense of purpose within me. We are now financially independent and virtually debt free. We own our home and vehicles outright and have very few expenditures aside from utilities, food etc... I own a very profitable company while my wife homeschools our children. We had very little help along the way as we both come from lower middle-class families.

They say that behind every great man, there is a great woman (paraphrasing). Be that woman. Inspire him.

>muh niggers
I married my wife out of love, actually. But you can be mad all you want.

>tfw no blue-eyed blonde loli waifu pregnant with you mongol child
why was i born too late?

My wife is popping our first out next month or in April.

We're both 30. Really wish I could turn back the clock and have a few by now.

Idk how we could have afforded it, but I'm sure it would have worked.

I dunno.
Maybe my friends just have awesome babies, but paternal instincts are a thing. I might just be baby crazy.

Tits or gtfo you stupid bitch. That's the policy.

Fuck more without contraception also titties or GTFO

Thank you to all for your replies! I wouldn't feel right impregnating myself without his knowledge. However I will try some of your other suggestions.
I appreciate the majority of you being mature in this thread (:

Get pregnant from another man and claim its his, its easy as that.

>How do I delicately convince him it is time to start procreating?
Do a study and research in how a child could affect the income and what you will need to buy, if its inside your posibilities he would have no excuse if not try to find a job this isn't the 50's no more goy.

Kids are actually pretty cheap bro. It's a fucking meme that they're not. It's the only thing in life that's really worth it.

Tell him that.

That's gross and retarded

No right time, however nothing gets a man motivated like looking into the eyes of your new child and thinking....


unless your a n igger, then you just run

Jamal doesn't care.

Seriously they arent that expensive in the us.. tax breaks and shit really help..

He's just scared..

I'm sorry but your husband is cheating on you with a black woman.
But in all seriousness have you tried asking him why he doesn't feel like he is ready yet?

I'm mad because you don't even realise you're contributing to the end of the white race, obviously it's too late for you but the lurking anons need to know.
>I married out of love
What a meme. The only girl you ever truly love is the one you couple with hormonally when you're in your teens, that's why kikes try to fill kids heads with 'be free and have fun while your young' shit.
I care immeasurably more about my children's happiness than my own

I agree, I think he's scared too. I don't want to be a nag and keep on him about it. But I feel my clock ticking and it's making me neurotic! I'm getting depressed and know I won't be complete until I have a baby.

I have even said there are ways to make baby things less expensive, but he remains unconvinced.

its just the natural order, you can even leave your husband afterwards and he will be forced to pay you child support and alimony

Fuck off commie scum


It's like this... wives are temporary, kids arent.. that's all that matters

Is her name Isabel?

juest embrace the freedom, stop being brainwashed by men