Its time to put our differences aside and work together
Its time to put our differences aside and work together
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fuck off nigger
No!!! thats what the jew wants
>whites should have to live with blacks in white countries
>but shipping whites over to Africa is racist and apartheid
who is behind this post?
i'm not even black i'm white, i just see through Jewish lies
Elijah Muhammad and Rockwell were on the verge of it, but Rockwell was killed and Muhammad died about a decade later.
any power that black currently have was given to them by jews so they're useless as an ally
no, blacks should live in black countries and whites should live in white countries. i guarantee if we left Africa alone for a few hundred years stable countries would form and the crisis over there would end
yes, this is true. but blacks like Malcolm x and MLK can rise again and change that, and go against the Jews.
>if we left Africa alone for a few hundred years stable countries would form and the crisis over there would end
nigger famine
o-oy!! antisemitism!!
Hate to break it to ya... but nobody really gives a fuck about Australia.
by alone, i mean no intervention what so ever. civil wars, coups and rebellions can happen whenever, the population will die off and those who win can stabilize the countries. this is the Africans medieval era, the Europeans over came this and formed stable nations, Africans have not done this yet
t. Rabbi shekelstein
I'll glass you, cunt
Still you're forgetting Chinese.
1.China is a great example of an ethnostate
2. the Chinese are unaffected by any Jewish shenanigans as they are ruled by a dictator and thus Jews cant really affect elections or anything, best they can do is run companies, but as i said china is an ethnostate so Jewish run companies don't really exist in the country
>literally advocating against Jews
why is every Sweden poster retarded?
In context of Africa I mean. They fill the power vacuum created by Europeans leaving.
We don't need to live with them. But, we can work with blacks or ethnonationalists of other races. The thing is we help each other build our ethnostates. Then if we want to trade between us etc we can do that too and build our economies up. Right now there is too much hostility.
its a good idea. Work together against the jews and once the jews are defeated, we exterminate the niggers and spics
china does rely on African imports of crops, but the nations exporting them are relatively stable already, thus the only Chinese intervention would happen there.
China hasn't been a ethnostate for over a thousand years and the Han identity is an assimilation based one more than a blood oriented one. They imported buddhists and muslims back in the Tang dynasty and under communism still have over a hundred million minority people. (But there's over a billion Chinese so...)
no, instead we should separate and white should establish ethnostates, then blacks and Mexicans can establish ethnostates of their own
t. the entire fucking internet
Fuck off nigger lover, go fuck an Aboriginal
>thus the only Chinese intervention would happen there.
How naive you have to be to think that Chinese wouldn't try to expand theri sphere of influnece since Africa is quite rich in natural resources?
(Fuck, Buddhism appeared in China back during the Han dynasty, sorry)
Fuck niggers and fuck you too!
these minorities dont really cause trouble thus an ethnostate of their own wouldn't be necessary. plus their culture is Chinese and after 1000 years of assimilation a part of them is Chinese too.
Obviously China is just an insular country with no prospects for expansion, never mind their millennia of history expanding over time and now having planes, boats and no Manchurians or literally dickless bureaucrats stifling development.
still haven't heard a single good argument against what i'm proposing in this thread
>blacks like Malcolm x and MLK can rise again and change that, and go against the Jews.
Then do it already.
Niggers rape and rob and murder at rates many times that of whites. They are also as dumb as fence posts. Why would an alliance with niggers be anything but a disaster?
>not mentioning the relation that shared Malcom and Lincoln Rockwell.
Which level of chess are we on right now?
okay, i agree with you there. china may be a problem in the African solution. the only way to counter act this would be to put pressure on china by bringing industry back to our nations and putting tariffs on their exports
im not black, but yes, they should do it already
I wouldn't mind killing Jews and stomping one kike spawn heads with blacks as long as there is segregation. Separate but equal. Multiculturalism is a lie.
>Chinese are unaffected by any Jewish shenanigans
No, the Jews truly want to wipe themselves off the face of the earth. Like how they got kicked out of every country they've ever inhabited.
When the world is mixed race apart from the Jews, Israel will burn.
which is why they should have an ethnostate of their own to rape, rob and murder until they become civilized. this happened to Europe in the medieval days, and its happening to Africa today.
Don't tell me you think china is actually communist
I support this.
Based whites and based niggers can kick out all the spics and jews.
while marxism-leninism is Jewish, Maoism is relatively un-kike'd
No way am I touching a fucking nigger.
>it's time to put our irreconcilable heuristic and physical differences aside so we can live in a functioning diverse society
>thinking niggers are ever going to be anything but niggers
Look better at that pic
They larp as commies while being addicted to extreme consumerism
Operation get behind the darkie
for fucks sake, are any of you even reading the thread. i'm proposing separate ethnostates for whites and blacks
you know, not everything has to have porn injected into it.
Dont worry. We already hooked them with your cunt women together.
OP is faggot.
Polish death camps!
>thread about jews creating racial tension
>jew comes in and creates racial tension
i thought Jews were supposed to be more sneaky, but i saw the nose this time schlomo
>i guarantee if we left Africa alone for a few hundred years stable countries would form and the crisis over there would end
>knowing someones a retard before reading anything they have to say
boy, i sure do love not being a kiwi retard.
Every black leader who even attempts to unite the African American community is killed, their organization twisted and turned into a gang. There is a reason why the cia had plants in the civil rights movement, there is a reason the CIA had plants in BLM. It's no coincidence BLM message turned from fair "Right to a fair trial" to the fucking hate speech shit it is today. The Jews want to keep the black community stupid and dependent. Every time the Black community starts to get its shit together these fucking kikes puppeteer their failure. Now that they have control of the blacks they've been openly coming for the whites, and with little resistance I might add. Ever hear about the Haitian Revolution? Spend 10 minutes and read about the gang rape that happened to those folk for creating a stable government. Now Haiti is a shit hole and people chalk it up to "well they're black". Fucking sheeple don't realize their grand kids are about to be in the same exact position as the blacks they mock today.
Haiti is basically the result. Left almost entirely alone for nearly 200 years.
I watched a Jew blame White people for Haiti very recently. Why? Because a White friend of mine retweeted it. The Jew referred to the White Genocide of 1804 as "temerity," which my friend didn't even know about until I told him.
Fuck kikes. Fuck every fucking kike.
i'm pretty centrist and usually treat niggers on a case-by-case basis, but as a group they will never align with whites
i'm a paki myself and though we get plenty of shit on this board, especially wearing this flag, we would probably be able to align on most things with conservative whites, as long as you don't push that evangelical jew-loving shit on us
The saddest thing about this ridiculous hatred against us is that most of our youth have ended up as cultural Marxist trash, because they were forced to choose a "side". This didn't need to happen. Lessons can still be learned.
>Chinese unaffected by any Jewish shenanigans
Sure, they have more or less their own thing, and are currently not that affected, but to say that they are unaffected by Jewish shenanigans is very wrong.
Regarding Sub-Saharan Africans, it very much remains to be seen whether they can build up on their own or not. They totally failed to do that before colonization, and didn't take advantage of colonization, wasting it away again and again. There are also different groups in Sub-Saharan Africa; for instance, the Khoisan and the various Pygmy tribes are substantially different from the main Bantu/Niger-Congo peoples, and the Khoisan are not at all fond of the Bantus as far as I know. And there is no guarantee that they even could get a "chance to be left alone". But I am in favour of them getting a chance if possible; I just fear they will squander it to the extreme (like they have done so far), and so, it is absolutely critical and important that everyone understands and acknowledges that failure is a possibility and that proper and right handling of that failure is already prepared such that it does result in everyone else being screwed over over.
As a side-note, as far as I can tell, there may be connections between the Jews and the Bantus/Niger-Congo peoples. Circumcision more or less originated among the Niger-Congo
language group peoples.
>Haiti is basically the result. Left almost entirely alone for nearly 200 years.
- French colonial contribution.
-The international boycott of the new nation of 1804.
-The French debt of 1838.
-The United States Occupation, 1915-1934.
- Post World War II United States domination.
Left alone for 200 years my left nut.
How nice!do you know who did drag yours prarats from the owen?
They definitely were communist, and there definitely are influences from it still. See also .
haiti was shunned by most of the world after their independence, any attempts at a stable government was fucked over. no one would trade with them, no one wanted to import anything from them. how do you expect a country to grow if it cant expand or trade?
Nobody's talking to you, leaf, go away now.
Niggers are dumb low IQ savages. We need them to hook up white women so their babies will come out as dumb as they are in order for us to dominate other races.
yeah, even MLK was assasinated after they got what they wanted from him, he frequently spoke out against Jewish people.
what the fuck that's my sister dude
was a quality fight that
we are united. Only on this board do shills try and push the 'muh 56%" meme. Nazi's weren't racist. they didn't give a fuck. Are you FOR this country or not? Do you want your community to grow, or not? Homogeneity is awesome but you gotta have a little of this and that to make the stew spicy. We're past the divide and conquer bullshit. Justice and prosperity for all.
>The French debt of 1838.
>what are the duvaliers
>French colonial contribution
>instituting political systems and laws is bad n shieet
>The United States Occupation, 1915-1934.
>oh no, free militia to fight political instability!
>Post World War II United States domination
haitti flourished under the french, now piss off faggot
as a paki living in the UK, do you agree that an ethnostate would be better not only for whites, but also for Pakistanis?
Fuck you israel
fuck it. OP is 100% correct. black&white supremacists want the same thing. a place to call home.
Hitler said it best. There's an international clique that turns people against each other and doesn't want them to have peace.
haiti was over farmed by the french and its land was unusable for agriculture for a long time afterwards. when they began using it again the US overthrew the government then when they left the people had to start from scratch and try to create a new goverment, which isn't exactly easy to do as soon as a foreign power has left your country
Mods = gods
HAHAHAHA he got banned
>>what are the duvaliers
More than 100 years after the crippling debt, which Haiti paid off btw. You expect a nation to not have corrupt leaders when dealing with an international boycott +90 millions francs (originally 150 million) for an up and coming nation. US occupation was literally seizing control of natural resources. You need to get educated.
>implying niggers understand soil fertility or crop rotations
have you tried fucking off to reddit?
Trudeau is that you? What are you doing in australia? Shouldn't you be running your country into the ground even further?
Of course, that's obvious
look my man, i thought he was talking about blacks, i agree that kikes should be gassed
>another nigger that can't differentiate basic shit like a debt and a compensation
kys historylet, try reading a neetpedia article on haittis debt while ur at it too
Reddit is way too liberal for me, so i think i'll stay right here
Based mods
Correction: " is already prepared such that it does *not* result in everyone else being screwed over."
His pants are fucking splitting.
>See photo
>Think it's a joke
>It's actually real
My sides are fucking gone