OPT - One Page Thread


Other urls found in this thread:






life is hard without sauce

Boku no google
Three perfectly good options for getting sauce.


What a ending.





How about putting the title in the file name, you goddamn retard?
You want people to read your favorite manga right? Fucking brainless scum



>not posting the full spread


yandex and google don't work please tell me what this is

at least he didnt get raped

That's quite a claim.


What part of ONE PAGE do you fail to understand?

OMF, the lastest Berserk is just full of BBC!

I haven't realized they were literally cocks till now.



Casey and Friends

It took me less time to find the source than you wasted on sperging like a self-entitled brat while contributing absolutely nothing to the thread.

Good luck searching for monochrome page with no character's name in the bubble speech or no bubble speech at all then, high and mighty fedora.


sauce? google yields nothing

Yes it does.

can you honestly please give sauce man? ive tried every fucking image search/search eng cant find shit pretty please?


can someone please tell me the sauce on the OP? no ones mentioned it yet?

Fuck, I remember reading this but can't remember the name.

>Please hug me!

She rapes him doesn't she?

>kyouka didn't win

seriously whats the source pls?

Well, that was disappointing. I expected some cute sister hijinks.

Hitoribocchi no OO seikatsu

meant the original posts pic desu


Hoozuki-san Chi no Aneki

Yo nigga what about this one

just searched dosent look like the same one (OPs original post) at all are you sure?

maybe i am doing it wrong. where should i start from here

exactly what i tried didnt get me anywhere

im getting pissed it looks pretty good but i JUST CANT FIND THE NAME

Kyuuketsuki-chan to Kouhai-chan


thank you friend

what manga is this?



Is she reverse-aging?

>anime adaptation was announced


houseki no kuni




Next page of these is mating press I assume?



Nothing gives a source, any kind Sup Forumsnon that knows the name?



>maybe i am doing it wrong
Yes, You have to save the image, then charge it directly on google search. Or copy the url of the image
i.4cdn.org/a/1498361505037.png in this case and paste it on the google search.

DO NOT use the option that is on the thumbail, that doesn't work.


Man it's so nice when people spoonfeed in a constructive way.

This manga is the weirdest shit. Not four or so chapters earlier we had a gay love story between a fat Yakuza boss and his ugly henchman trying to survive a bear horde and dying in each others arms.

I fucking love it.

I have never seen a manga drop in quality at literally right before it ends.

Google search actually just show me a bunch of other anonymous of Sup Forums struggling to find it lol


this didn't work for these two unfortunately:

Anyone has a source?

Reminder that if you spoonfeed people, they will turn into retards like who move on to making rec threads and related garbage.
And if you are okay with this you are part of the problem.

Thanks, I'll just masturbate to it, can't read moon for shit.

wait is this a new update? since I don't remember seeing this scene



That's new chapter
You can look forward to it


Well, goddammit. I'm about to start binge reading this, aren't I?

It's new. It was live TL'd a few days ago, so expect it to be typesetted soon.




The only thing that I've heard and know about that series is that it's trash.


I just checked out the first 3 chapters, but the MC is too cringeworthy. I can't read this shit.
>hmm i want to go see the girl but i'm a little scared
>suddenly start screaming "AAAAAAH I WANT TO CUDDLE WITH SOME ANIMALS!!!!"
>everyone stares at him
anime was a mistake





Jesus, even from the thumbnail I could tell instantly what this is, and I've only read the first couple of chapters.

I have to carch up with this, haven't read it in almost 2 years

That's an understatement. Now that EVERYONE in that manga was offiically raped, the only thing that remains to see is if everyone dies or not.

truly a masterpiece

>implying a spread in a digital release isn't one page
