Post Sup Forumsitical art from your cunt.
Post Sup Forumsitical art from your cunt
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What is Diadora?
sports brand
Who did these? These are amazing.
mizrachi brand
Are you the artist?
She did. All the Arep Jews are so butthurt but they can't do anything about it because everything is true.
whats written in jew on the wall?
What is Arep?
left: jews go to israel
right: russians go back to russia
>Der Mutz!
Can’t read Hebrew, can you translate?
It's "Beat Jews, save the Motherland" on the left.
5 shekeles shawarma? kek how long that bitch was closed inside her house?
Пpивeт, """""""" eвpeй""""""""
like this?
I don't get it
probably middle eastern Jew
TY Boris.
Me neither, but the contrast is beautiful.
Russians live in shit in ussr, move to Israel, lice in shit again.
His do you know Russian?
Russians in Israel complaining about living conditions but also acknowledging what they came from
This is objectively fascinating
He's right, I know a very little, it's "Strike [also defeat] Zhidovki (Jews), save Mo(therland)."
He is, just surprised to see sven knowing russian. Probably the only group which speaks russian in Sweden is Chechen refugees.
So you are saying Ashkenazis are hated everywhere? Now why would that be?
Some people just can't handle the bantz
muh scapegoat muh judaism muh jealousy
brown jews are basically arabs that happen to be jewish.
You mean semites?
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
t. us and eu
this is america first?
ah-blooo-blooo we wuz victims. pathetic
another shoah
Sven was wrong. It's actaully "Kick the jews - save Russia". Бeй жидoв - cпacaй Poccию.
That's not true. Their version of Judaism is also more Islamic.
i found some
>Guys, it's time to go back home! We have work in Lithuania again.
the book says
>The list of Lithuania's wealthiest
The eternal victim, your people are pathetic
kid asks
>is this about our government
the book's name is
>headless horseman
How doþ one into cunt?
what does this one say?
A clothing brand for niggers and chavs (i.e wiggers)
the best art comes from real life