The season is over

The season is over.

Post your favorite girls of the season.


You already posted mine


You mean your favorite girl didn't get a second cour?
How embarassing.

Embarrassing indeed.


Good taste


>Anons posting favorite girls who are less than 40D
That's in both ways, user.


This season was particularly awful in terms of good girls.

There was Sasha but she's from season two. There's Akko but she's from a show continued from last season. I thought I was going to like Ririko from Sakura Quest but she was boring.

At least Hifumi is next season so there's a confirmed girl I will like.


This smug aho.

I will always have a soft spot for our goddess Tsukai since she utterly destroyed the fujoshi. They are still shedding tears as we speak.




>I can't have a kid anymore but you're still going to love me, right?

Jokes on you, my favorite girl will last for another three years.




why does she sit like that?

why does she sit like that?

Why did she leave?

Maybe her butt hurts

From what?


>and they lived happily ever after

That's a good thing. It means you can go into some great unprotected sex and no worries about getting her pregnant unless you actually want one.



>The season is over.

It ends on Thursday.



Stallman only likes 1D women

Elf is the perfect waifu. She was deliberately designed to push every single waifu button.
And it fucking worked.
It's a crime she's stuck in such a bad show.

These two.

Just that Muramasa is better.

No furry.

Muramasa grew on me immensely, they're really on par.
But Muramasa isn't rich, so one point more for Emily.

This adorable little autist

>being rich is a good thing
Being rich just means you steel from the poor.


Make way for the superstar

Being rich is only bad if you hoard your riches.
If you spend your riches you're driving the economy helping everyone.

>If you spend your riches you're driving the economy helping everyone.
Yeah those chinese children really appreciate it.


not "hoarding" is the key to becoming poor

But it's even more the poor who buy the cheap shit that is made by chinese children.


Her, or pic related.

Spring season 2017 Flat Award.

Best girl of the season's best show.

Lots of godly Sup Forumsn/a/l

Ao the best


Gentlemen of fine taste!


Kiriha by far

What about the "not a complete slut" waifu button?

MikaQT a best.

Great girl stuck in a boring show.

My brothers of african american descent.

sure is a lot of not Haruna in this thread.

>wanting a rich waifu
>not wanting to live in a cozy 1 bed apartment
>you try your hardest to desperately make ends meet for her because you just want her to be happy
>she tells you she doesn't need anything fancy because she has you
>even though your job sucks the thought of coming home to her makes everything worth it
Shit taste senpai.



Stop it.
I watch anime and shitpost on Sup Forums to escape all of that.




Supreme taste, gentleman.

But Kon was best Urara


Oh. That explains it.

The only reason Satania's there is because episode 8 royally fucked up Vigne.



Who the fuck cares about the poor?

>But Muramasa isn't rich
She sells more than Elf

Best girl


The purest.

>seasonal waifu

But no-one said anything about waifus.

This is now a shark thread.

I will never forget

>favourite girl from last season only = waifu
You dumb fuck.

Why don't you go back ?

I prefer Nono, but I'm looking forward to seeing Haruki develope.

Yeah, so forgettable it's unforgettable. Tragically ironic, really.

You don't even need to read their posts to spot a newfag — they have new filenames for old images.


My nigga

No competition.

i fucking HATE when anime girls make this face. i know its supposed to be cute. but its fucking retarded!

But who is the best man of the season?

start another thread, jackass


Sagiri a shit

patrician taste