The most IMPORTANT film of 2018

In this month of black history we are graced with this powerful and evocative film about the strength of black man. In this world where racists like Trump are in power, this film will show the world what we can be. This film will show our youth what they can be without the white man, and what we could achieved without the white man poking his nose into our business so long ago



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> and it lasted just under 2 hours

I've already gave it a 1/10 IMDB-score.

and this is why they need to delete troll scores from scared lil whiteboiz like you jus tryna stir up some shit cuz u racist

I actually cried, because I visited Africa and people are soo FUCKED.
Sorry but CGI and 100 million dollars would change THE REALITY.

trying to hard

Black Panther is alt-right
you may not like it, but that's how it is.

gee I wonder why they are FUCKED dumbass? couldn't have nothing to do with the white people that enslaved them robbed them of the resources and destroyed the culture...

who the fuck are these (((actors))) ??


But the black panthers would probably encourage white nationalism and thats a good thing

right, it's all the others fault.
dey dindu nuffin
keep on doing nothing things always get ot better from doing nuffin'

or else?

what the hell is wrong with niggers and grammar
they seem not to get along pretty well

I don't watch nigger movies, except Wayans brother movies.

>a racist calling someone other a racist how quaint

you never had a culture past whacking fuck out of each other

>couldn't even invent the wheel

To be fair, they didn't really need wheels.

the fact you even think this is a necessity shows how fucking brainwashed you are.