In a communist society where does the crops go after you give them to the government?
In a communist society where does the crops go after you give them to the government?
They go to the west in exchange for consumer goods.
>mystical fairy tail crops being produced in a communist society (a type of government that has never produced a single edible piece of food)
but I don't want mood rings and barbie doll arms, I want fresh produce.
Redistributed to the people. The fieldworkers get a more direct source of sustenance. This is the best way.
To the troops. Communism is just totalitarianism, and the state is only 4 parts, the military, the prisons, the police, and the party. All things go to those 4 groups. The only reason nazis were happy is that every german blooded person was considered a defacto party member.
Too bad, the state owns all the crops.
The consumer goods aren't for you they are for the politburo.
but that means people get a special private "good grain" service if they're (((in the industry))).
I want things to actually be fair, not fakey fake fair
In the USSR they were exported to other countries while people starved
>amerykan edumackeyshum
Tale, not tail. Story, not appendage. Ask me how I know you're a weeb
Jesus Christ, ever since trumpfags invaded the board, thread quality has really went to shit.
Know your enemy, you brainlets. Poorly implemented state socialism in USSR is not communism. Granted, communism is even worse.
>fairy tail
It all goes back to the workers, after the communist party fat-cats have digested it.
isn't a post simply a thread's appendage?
The grain is the same. It's just more efficient this way.
to the proletariat goy, of course :^)
but the serious answer is that it gets exported in exchange for valuable foreign currency and people die of famine
it dissapears becoming BitCrop
Yeah but the quality of the post determines what the appendage is. His was like tits on a bull
to the landfill
You're being intellectually dishonest sir.
The high ups in the government sell them to foreign nations in exchange for luxuries
Basically the USSR might as well have kept the tsar as leader it would have been a shithole with a tyrannical one man government anyway just without deaths from civil war
In the soviet union , food was fiat
So efficient you can get famine during peace time, like un Ukraine
They sit in a warehouse and rot because govt. prices got demand wrong. While the farmers starve.
I forgot which one of the Secretaries it was, but he ordered increased production of Corn including places such as Baltic were Corn doesn't grow as well.
Sup Forums was never good
before trumpfags it was the stormfags
They are dryed, grinded into thin power, mixed together, then mixed with thin shit powder, then pressed into bars, wrapped into cheap plastic and then redistributed equally between citizens.
Sickle doesn’t represent workers harvesting crops, it’s the symbol of Saturn. Saturn is known by many names including Cronos, Shamash, Sol (indigen), Helios (Elius), El, Shabbat, and Sabious who the Romans called Jove Sabious and the jews call Yahweh (Jo-ve). The jews worship Saturn as the highest of all gods and sacrifice non-jews, especially children, to him. They want their old sun (suen/sin) back.
symbols are inherently meaningless in a practical society like communism
not to their kike instigators of commisteinism
If food is ever produced and processed to jews' stomachs
It's actually a simbol of Ethiopian Shotels invading Russa. It's unironic, considering the sickle is also a simbol of food.
Pick one.
Once when he was visiting America an American farmer convinced him of how great corn was.
In some badly maintained silos where it rots because the guy who is supposed to take care of it has no reason to give a shit and when he requests materials to fix them he gets sent two million roofing nails and a single pallet of 10 cm long planks.