He has a point you know.
He has a point you know
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So, lets go burn the gas station and loot the shoe sore !
I`ll fly over and help.
Terrorist shithole or tyrannial oligarchchy seem to be the only current choices. Tyrannical oligarchy is more peaceful
Life is already hard enough, why make it more difficult ?
>Tyrannical oligarchy is more peaceful
For a short period of time, but it seems to necessitate civil war
You live in a comfy country, what`s your problem.
No mongool.
This is only true for countries with a dictatorship or autocracy.
It seems like the good guys would have won by now, if it were possible. Pick a number 5777 yrs plus or minus a couple million
American government/education system is half Prussian. He's not entirely incorrect. Its just a weird fucked hybrid.
Democracy necessitates propaganda more than a dictatorship. A dictator doesn't lie to you that you're free. Everyone in China is completely aware of their political limitations. So was everyone in the USSR/Eastern Bloc.
Your government needs to tell you that you live in the best of all possible worlds, or else its power is in jeopardy.
I have managed to achieve middle class peace and prosperity, and seek agony and mayhem on the internet, because i need it. Its fucked up, but true
how do you seek agony and mayhem on the internet burgercuck
Absolutely true.
Thats why the world needs Trump
That whole "Owners" monologue by George is one of the most important speeches I've ever seen. Just replace "owners" with the Federal Reserve, and everything he says is 100% true, in a nutshell of course.
Great man, and boy do we need someone like him now.
Because i perversely want it and seek it out. I think it is part of the human condition. We can have perfect conditions and not be satisfied, so we push rhe boundaries.
There is something in us, that can never be satisfied.
I remember seeing a Carlin video where he was on a radio show ages ago and getting woke af, the premise was something like
>you shouldnt be scared of mexicans, you should be scared of muslims, they have 8 kids to each of their 20 wives and they fucking hate you.
Not within modern society.
Take the Tedpill. Burn it all down.
>george carlin
Cock sucking atheist scum
Yep, that's why they want brown immigrants
Ted, like many social critics, accurately describes the problem. Just like every social critic, he doesnt prescribe a workable solution.
The price we pay for self awareness.
Oy gevalt
Sadly, but at least I know why I feel this way now.
babby's first political commentary
1 fucking post how easily are you fucks distracted.
Now that`s an expression I haven`t heard in a long time.
Lurk moar
I read a post a couple of months ago about a jew realizing it was a jewish holiday from a 4channer. It was really fucking funny.
He does have a point. In fact, its in the best interests of all of us to have obedient workers who are just past the threshold of intelligent enough to not fuck up the job they're doing. As a society, we will mathematically prosper most when humans behave like simple machines, and so that's a very obvious goal to stride for.
This does NOT mean that it's how you personally should live your life. Let others drone on like NPCs with little value to their existence aside from flipping a burger or two, you have better things to do- but somebody has to do it.
>I always take my political advice from stand up comedys playing the angry youtuber routine before it even was done to death like it is today.
Please just PLEASE!
The state of WEED LMAOers
Wonder what would be his opinion and where he'd stand in the modern world. Sometimes I'm glad he died before all of this so I can still have the illusion of hope
he asked how, not why
>just smart enough to run the machines...
If Democrats are in charge, they don’t even want people to be that smart. The only ability they want out of people is to check “D”.
and then people start critically thinking and trend towards proto fascism and this shitlib starts howling about gays or minorities muh based trayvon
Comedians were exiled under Rome and serve as an entertainment best rather than orator or politicized douche
Oh and
>t. George Carlin, someone who has never touched a machine and wouldn’t be smart enough to run one.
The how, is right here where we are Achmed
Yep, most people are trained animals.
But they themselves are retarded. So whos really behind this.
He has a point you know.
Carlin did a really redpill routine about PC
That's the idea behind the Kalergi plan.
Government shouldn't even be in a position to 'want' anything. They're there to keep the order and ensure progress.
Pistorious did nothing wrong
>wouldn't be smart enough
kek keep telling yourself that. The guy did 11 HBO specials. He's plenty smart.
Yet a democracy relies more on the people to raise the states treasure. So they will make sure that more people are able to work so that they can raise taxes on them. The smatter you are, the better/harder you can work, and so more taxes can be raised.
I agree that in some extend this also is true for China and the former USSR, but not as much as with a dictatorship or autocracy so for them its better that the people are just a bit smarter, but not to smart.
Im not saying democracy is the best thing their is, but its still better then the other options.
Carlin was both redpill and bluepill. He was a great social critic and one of the best comedians ever ! He is on the mount rushmore od comedians
So let's keep importing more immigra- drones and continue to expand the government
Maybe that's why colleges are so intent on telling you what (and how) to think, while also discouraging debate outside a restricted range of positions.
I think Carlin was nihilistic which is ultimately suicidal. I want to live, warts and all
Fuck those people attempting to offer end goods... They tried to deliver things to us!?!!! Lol.
What I don't understand about Liberals is this:
They tell people to wake up to and get smart and not be fooled by corporations. But then they tell the same people to smoke pot.
Where's the logic in that?
I don't really know Carlin's politics.
I've just heard too many people say the exact same thing as the OP pic but yet they still want more government
Carlin was, in my opinion, libertarian and slightly left leaning, but was a realist in his social critique
The solutions are obvious. Understand who your enemies is step one. Step two is kill them.
I think he was redpilled, but tried to fly under the jew radar in order to broadcast his message.
Thats a lot of dead people, society doesnt have the guts to follow through
Redpill starts at 3:00
Some of the current “live together peacefully crowd” have malevolent intent, jes sayin
Yah that's the bluepill, but the rest is totally redpilled.
Every one of us, is at the mercy of everyone else, we all deserve to die. Im gonna live, just to spite them, if nothing else
Release the damn memo and drain the swamp !
Quit jerkin us off, i wanna stick it in
I'll always have a place in my heart for Mr. Conductor. He was the first guy to get me to start questioning shit as a kid. Plus he looks and acts just like my dad did.
Not really
the swamp doesn't
the left doesn't
But Trump does: if you have smart people then EVERYONE SUPPORTS YOUR COMMON SENSE PROPOSALS
there is also a biological basis in what they are doing - attacking, their biology is trying to us a weapon of government against us too
we need to stop that
which is why we should give out ETH for every subhuman scalp. 100 nigger/spic/jew/etc/gook/fatty scalp = 1 ETH
No shit toothpaste, he had a lot of good points. Public education was a mistake.
I liked george carlin but in the end he became a bitter edgy old men who tried to stay hip with the rebelling young crowd quite sad
I fucking despised this shitbag. I hope he rots in cultural marxist jew hell. Oh, such a satirist, so anti-establishment! But he got down on his knees and sucked jew cock for the one season they allowed him a terrible sitcom.
You retards really buy that this multi-millionaire, lousy irish cocksucker shill was "just one of you?" Get the fuck out of here you leddit scum.
Yes, he does have a point. A new and better world IS possible. George Carlin was based as fuck.
The goal is to make life easier, not harder.
>>t. George Carlin, someone who has never touched a machine and wouldn’t be smart enough to run one.
George Carlin was a highly intelligent man who could run five machines at the same time if he wanted to.
>Public education was a mistake.
but senpai... the internet was a mistake desu
why would anyone want to?