It's LGBTBBQICAPF2K+ now, get it right shitlords

It's LGBTBBQICAPF2K+ now, get it right shitlords.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is the AP for apache?

>Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trannie, queer, questioning, indeterminate, confused, animal-sexual, paedo, frisky, two?, kid-friendly
Did I nail it?

Another way to say 'victim of cultural Marxist propaganda, aimed at people who are without meaning or happiness'

It's really sad.

I don't for a second suggest there isn't a biological phenomenon that occurs making a portion of males and females homosexual. That's evident in some animals.

However the mental djsorders that this movement has created is really, desperately saddening. I feel terrible for these people and their future

Always pozzed


I can't find a single link to anything like that. That site is definitely run by controlled opposition on our side

I think it's just 'kids'.
>It's embracing the paedos now.

>lesbian gay and queer not the same thing
>questioning indeterminate and confused not the same thing
Proof these mentally ill "people" just want to be special snowflakes and scream for attention.

Really? Really? Has it finally happened, and so soon at that?

>F – friends and family

So another word for incest?




Prediction: After some particularly special snowflakes managed to get a number (2) and a punctuation character (+) added, the next demand will be some sort of exotic Cyrillic character or emoticon.

They prefer the term violationship


I fear to ask, but what does F2k mean?


Nope, it's real.
You can look at the site yourself, if your internet allows.

F – friends and family

When are they going to add the batman symbol? It's literally batphobic and I can't tell you how problematic that is, if you care literally care about diversity and inclusivity then you'll literally start a petition to kill all straight white men

We can just shorten it for F for faggots.

>Not adding F for fridgekin

>Q – questioning
>C – curious

Why the fuck not add a P for pondering? Or an I for interested? I am deeply offended by the LBGTQQICAPF2K(PI)+ community


in the end that's pretty much all what their shit boils down to

Free to Kuck?

More like just D
And it returns to how it was in 50s.