
Real Feminist Movement youtu.be/Dca5ltrDYho

makes me want to cross the pond to kill sandniggers and european politicians for these qts
wtf is wrong with european "men?"

What is wrong ? They rather complain on pol than taking an automatic rifle and start cleaning theirs country, here is what is wrong.

I will not defend roasties whores who hate my existence

why do you need women to repeat what we've been saying for years

Those girls are very brave.
As a woman its hard to stand up and talk against mainstream leftist bullcrap.

Plus the emotional tone of the video is very good for other women to get the message.

its made by women for women and its what germany and europe needs

>as a woman
tits or gtfo

>being a woman

i can show you muh dick you faggot

>Talking at a camera is brave

women are born to adapt and to fit in

its against their nature to stand up for their principles. so yeah its brave of them. and dont forget tha antifa already chaisng for them "nazi brauts"

This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read. All humans adapt to fit in, that's not special of women. They just do it more because they're helpless lumps of shit that depend on men to provide their everything. It doesn't make them "brave" when they say things they're not expected to say. That bends the concept of bravery to its breaking point, making it a useless word.

When did Europeans become such soft brained faggots?

have your (you) retard

I am high on xanax 24/7 bruh

ok muh tities
pic absolutely related

>being this new

Lmao they are importing more woman making them irrelevant.

>women are foremost to advocate for immigration
>hurr durr men should take responsibility
fuck off

>stronk independant womyn
>no man for me lel men are just walking ballsacks
>hey lets vote for the greens because dey support stronk independet womyn
>gets raped by a somali

>Its made by women for women
>Where are the men?

Do it. We all know america and russia pushed this and wanted european civil war so that euro men will die and they can invade. Seems like islam is getting territory you have to do come here and die if you dont want it to happen!

16nth post best post

Get this trending and watch leftists tear each other to pieces

thot uprising

Well that's a start.
I'm not sure who the "you" is in the video, but it seems that these women need to have a talk with with the women in pic related, not with men , because if only men voted there would be no immigrants coming in to victimize them.

>Well that's a start
Why did the titanic sink if you can repair the leaking parts whenever you feel like?

Too busy jacking off to traps.

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?

Try to get rid of that egalitarian mindset. If a child does something stupid, it is his fault or his parents? Probably the parents, to be honest.

Blaming women is not going to change anything. It's not going to help. Why do it? Women won't change before we are in charge of media and education. They are massively prone to follow the ''mainstream'' of their social bubble. Men can be educated to go against the mainstream way easier and this is why men are our only hope. Women will not change before men become Men again.

Here comes the white knight. Why arent you out there defending these pure childlike naive maids from harm you weakling?

Good to see some wake up

lose the meme flag retard

>le meme flag
aka "you got me"

Or get them having kids.
Women turn right when they have kids.

I am white knighting when I keep women at the same level of responsibility as children? Interesting.

Every word I spoke was true. You had zero arguments. Weak!

This is true too. Women are projecting their motherly instincts on whatever they see as vulnerable until they grow up and have kids. Then they have a real child to protect from danger.


If women are so independent and equal to men why do they need men to protect them? These cunts wouldn't need protecting if they were married with kids but they're not and why? Because they want to suck Jurgen's dick into their 30's and then have a downy kid when they hit 45.
Stop fucking pandering to women, stop being such a fucking cuck. Why do they deserve protection? What have they given to society? Why should men save them? Why should men defend them?

Uh yea you are duh.

You skipped the second part where you need to go out there and defend the children tho. Why is that valiant knight?

No guns and police protection/cover ups of muslims.
Why haven't killed all the niggers and destroyed the fed yet?

your level of reading comprehension is below that of a 3rd grader

Skipped it again

>we are the daughters of europa..

Cringe incarnate

Bump. Respekt fur diesen frauen.

NEw MEmEFlag

Diese Frauen sollen vergasst wurden.

I've said it time and time again. Focus on redpilling MEN and men only. The women will follow.

Teach men to stop being soyim, take pride in themselves, beat them up until they defend themselves. Women are only in power because weak men let them.

You are right when you say women are not to be blamed. and they never should be. However, that's not the case here. Not going along with their "stupid childlike" tricks(which is clearly the case here) is not blaming them for anything. You should be careful whom you decide to white-knight.

Full agreement with you. It will just lead back to feels and virtue signaling and back right back too self-ethnic cleansing and gibs.

>makes me want to cross the pond to kill sandniggers and european politicians for these qts
Oh, look. Another white knight faggot being baited by seemingly """""""""traditional"""""""""" & independent wymin. You learned nothing from Lauren Southern.

Good development. At the very least, it might drive a wedge between the more center-leaning Feminist types and the Left.

Divide & Conquer.

why would you do that

you could've made the world a better place with that picture but you just had to burn and crash it all, didn't you

>beat them up until they defend themselves
You already done that. They want you to die for it. Thats why you all bitch and moan when pic related is happening.