Post the edgiest character from the last anime you watched.
Post the edgiest character from the last anime you watched
this shitty edgelord
This dork.
Everyone was a little edgy in that. Hard to find people who weren't.
I win.
whoah dude both those shows are about trains
Also just watched Samurai Seven, Kyuzo was the edgiest.
You actually lose.
For watching an awful show.
Ladd Russo was a fucking crazy psychopath, not edgy
>So fucking psycho, an immortal who endured physical and psychological torture is scared shitless of him.
I think you're mistaking him for Claire Stanfield
But aren't both Russo and Claire mortals?
When did Russo become immortal?
Russo is not immortal nor is Claire. Neither of them drank the panacea. Czeslaw was scared shitless of Claire Stanfield because he literally dragged his face on a moving railway.
How is Ladd edgy?
Fucking Rail Tracer was edgy.
Second season.
He's too silly and campy to be edgy.
I have been watching older animes lately
Worse than a child murderer
>ending the world is akin to throwing a tantrum to kiss-shot
Yeah she's kind of edgy.
> Almost all edgelords posted are blondes
The red guy was the edgyest.
Don't forget the cutting off his fingers after snapping them like twigs. Claire put the fear of god into that brat. Ladd however, he's so crazy his best friend as a guy who spergs out into insane rants about poetry while beating the hell out of people with a wrench at random times.
That guy ruined the show, though.