You made it, Sup Forums. You got on TV. Congratulations. Enjoy your 15 minutes of shame.
You made it, Sup Forums. You got on TV. Congratulations. Enjoy your 15 minutes of shame
We get on TV on a weekly basis senpai.
Of course you do. In your mind.
we wuz on tv n shiet
You wouldn't know, you don't have a TV in your shack
liberals: don't feed the trolls
also liberals: here's a 45 minute movie on 4chinz
BTW, I meant Sup Forums specifically, not the "alt-right" or "white nationalism" or any of that shit.
Goddamn Sup Forums is shit these days. It keeps thinking posts are spam.
> don't have a TV in your shack
That I do not (by choice, my countrymen are heinous TV-monkeys).
But we do have good internet.
>enjoy your 15 minutes
>video is 45
OP is a LIAR.
You are not 4chinz. That is one thing they don't get. You're just Sup Forums, /r9k/ and some Sup Forumstards in between.
But Sup Forums is the propaganda arm of the alt-right senpai
>when you can't actually come up with any good arguments against pol so strawman arguments will have to suffice
thanks for the link btw, I've been wanting to see this
are you retarded? they literally blame Sup Forums for gaymurgate, not Sup Forums.
you are not 4chinz, you are ribbit. so fuck off back there, nigger.
who is that Anonymous, user?
lmao, cernovich is on there. the little kike is talking shit on us.
I wouldn't exactly say that. You are an important part, some might say even the origin, but I think you're something else. A catalyst.
Lol the left suck at memes.
he's not robbit, i can tell
Me too. I was honestly curious how it would turn out.
Gas the cornies, food war now
Lmao .tv.
>Watching TV
I mean come on guys, this isn't the 2000s
So they are making it out to be that i have my political views because i am a virgin.
I don't really care that much about getting "laid".
You gotta respect wahmen laddy
So far it's decent, as in there's actual substance and anthropology work here.
I would like to meet Angela Nagle and Gabriella Coleman, the latter used to monitor us (as in the GNAA) as early as 2005
What a pile of shit propaganda
This. Who the fuck watches the TV anymore? Old geezers. Oh wait, I get it now, I see why they planted all those ANTIFA riot clips and labeled them "Alt-Right".
>Scary music
>''Serious'' tone
>Those camera angles
Why are journalists so unimaginative these days?
>I don't really care that much about getting "laid".
That you may not, but it's still a societal pressure conductive to frustration. Besides, I think being a virgin or "incel" is just part of the apparent "surge" in right wing support. I think the lack of self worth, personal accomplishments and values is far more to blame. I mean, if your only source of pride in yourself is being white, or being American (a random, uncontrolled factor over which you have no say) is pretty much the bottom of the barrel. Hell, I'd be a hateful cunt too if that's all I had.
It's nicer to get something closer to reality than being called a Russian bot by the news all day.
They want me to trust women. All i have to do is look at my own sister and how she manipulates men and gives zero shit about them other than what she can get out of them.
Ya know, funny enough (forgive me god for saying this) the only boyfriend out of the many she had that she was sad to break up with was some humpy rat that beat her and locked her up in the house and took her money off her for control.
Even i could not be as cruel to a bitch woman.
Yes being verbose or coherent sure is a sign of inferiority. The left should definitely appeal more to the lowest common denominator in order to be relevant.
I swear to God, we couldn't make a better piece of propaganda if we tried.
>it springs from this weird idea that if you're a virgin until you're 30, you become a wizard
>I think the lack of self worth, personal accomplishments and values is far more to blame.
or maybe the reason for the surge in right wing support is beacuse the right wing is right and the left is destorying everything these people like
>Kill all Normies
Isn't this a R9K thing? What does that have to due with the Alt Right and getting red pilled?
Holy shit I know that bitch. I live in Williamsburg I've seen this women on the train. What should I say to her next time we cross paths?
There's nothing coherent about saying diversity is a strength and then living in an area that's 95% white, or claiming that you judge people by the content of their character whilst proactively judging people by the colour of their skin
"Hello normie"
"what you like" is determined by culture, and extremely malleable. Also, your internet presence far surpasses your "IRL" capabilities. Look at C-ville. Look at pic related. Does it remind you of something?
You don't understand. I'm not that superficial to seek social validation and get "laid" because it's a social norm these days. I don't give a fuck about "societal pressure". Why should i care what people think? Maybe if i was trying to get laid but i'm not.
Sleeping around is degenerate anyways. If i come across a woman that i like that is loyal, that is worth looking after and will look after me in return then that would be great, but i'm not that bothered to search and certainly not that bothered to find a girl for a mere quick dopamine fix.
The reason i am ethno-nationalist is because my nation is being wrecked by crazy ideologies. I am from Ireland and this anti-nationalist crap is a new thing. I just have not bought into it.
I agree. Identity politics is utter and complete shite. I meant the actual left, not "libruls" and the transhomo-50genders crowd.
>what you like" is determined by culture, and extremely malleable
what does this have to do with anything ? it dosent matter why people like things they will still resent anybody that tries to take that away from them
>identity politics is utter and complete shite
can you define identity politics?
If you'll not have any part in the future of your community, you have no right to bitch about its ethnic composition IMHO. Though you being Irish I can understand the nationalism thing.
"I am defined on the basis of a relation of a distinct charecteristic that i have to the group that i share that charecteristic with"
>blocks your path
You have to ask? It's the frog.
Pepe binds /r9k/ to Sup Forums, and to the incels, there was also a spate across Sup Forums for a while during gamergate. I'm a very old troll, from the BBS days, ran with the GNAA for over 15 years and I've been in every org. Sadly got listed as a "right wing cyber terrorist" by (((TRAC)))
I've been here since the sites creation, killed it a few times to make moot cry when he was still a teen. Got an interest for the anthropology of all this, considering it's changed culture, politics and even war.
Thanks again for the url, vee
>when you abstract out the jew enough
>"Hacked into the wikipedia pages of..."
Oh am I laffin
what the fuck did I just watch?
Is this some kind of comedy show?
>i was born in america
>irish accent
You can easily change what (most) people like. It's the whole point of propaganda, marketing and "public relations".
Any political movement that places identity at the forefront of its policies/ideology/rhetoric/solutions/whathaveyou.
As in white nationalism, black nationalism, whatever nationalism, LGBTIABBQ, feminism, whatever the male equivalent of feminism is, and so on and so forth.
honestly pretty good definition 8/10
What's TV?
it says 43 minutes you swindler
normie propaganda shit that tells them what to think
>Any political movement that places identity at the forefront of its policies/ideology/rhetoric/solutions/whathaveyou.
so what is wrong with it? how do you even do politics without trying to appeal to people identity?
even more here:
I'd love to find a good woman to have children with but for me it's more complicated and not as straight forwards as that as it is for everyone else. So i should not dwell on it. I care about my nation and i have the right to bitch about it. And a low birthrate is no reason to destroy the native ethnicity. A low birthrate HAS to come and go.
Thanks, i have been pondering this shit alot
The american alt right has a lot of clueless cringe in it, The european rightist tradition especially in France and nordic/germanic countries save for us is deeper and more developed.
People who are right wing like that here are often succesful and attractive.
4 minutes in and I already know they're going to run with the 'Mad cause can't get any pussy' meme,and would you look who's narrating;an old roastie.
I guess that's most surface level mgtow fags who are here.
I don't want to skim over a 40 minute vid,do they ever get around to the bit where they admit the world is fucked up & run by the worst scum;that there's campaign after campaign going on just to single out white dudes and tell them they're unwanted & should actually die or the big one;you can't even tell the truth in your own country anymore without threat of being locked up,lose your job,livelihood or possibly being fucking BLOWN up.
Idk why I started laughing so hard whenn I read this. Had a lolocaust.
Now that's how you shift the fucking Overton Window fellas.
What's wrong with it? It's divisive as all fuck is what. You can't have a truly massive, truly global movement against TPTB when everybody bites each other in the ass.
honestly why do they wonder where we all came from?
its like what happened with the yugoslav war, we fucking hated them the whole time and trump was merely a trigger to get us off our asses
The fact that you use that term only proves them right, you know.
>inb4 "I was using it ironically"
She says "hwite" too. Is that an American accent that i'm not aware of ?
>the atheist left is the gatekeeper of morality
>the christian right is evil racist misogynist
Tone deaf and dying faster. I love it.
She's some irish cunt. Should be obvious. No way in hell she was born.
>kill all normies
They actually take that seriously too
simply not true
>Kill All Normies
This, but unironically.
fucken weev man
hi there i'm the hacker known as Sup Forums, i heard youve been talking shit
(((They))) are everywhere.
>Yes being verbose or coherent sure is a sign of inferiority. The left should definitely appeal more to the lowest common denominator in order to be relevant.
Endlessly yammering on without getting to the point is not a sign of intelligence.
weev came in late, 2010
That video is exactly what I would expect normies to think about this place, I'm neither Hwhite or American and I'm still a national socialist how do they explain that I swear we need to move to irc or be delisted from google, fuckin normies will say anything about us
>inability to articulate in a concise manner
>were smarter cuz we use more words, retard hurrr
The funny thing being that as usual, they look for responsibles, thinking Trump is an accident of history whereas he is just the politician of the future West. Each and every country in the world is getting presidents like Trump by many aspects now, even Macron here, has something like him. This is the new style of governance and the leftards like the journalist in this video refuse to understand this.
As you say, pol was just a catalyst, the West had already a deep desire of this and I think this is natural.
>trump hasnt even done anything remotely evil
>people are still crying because some mexicans got deported
>this isn't the 2000s
umm, sweetie? yes it is..
you need to go schwitz
How is it possible that every single subject they turn to, they know nothing about? I'm 10 minutes in and everything they've said sounds like they just asked some tumblrite questions and went with whatever xer's first answer was.
Why are they try to put us in one fucking group? Don't they realize that this tribalistic mindset of "the enemy" enemy will clearly backfire?
For God's sake. They claim that everyone is fascist that is in the far right to THE FUCKING CENTRIST scale. You can't put these many political groups in one fucking bloody category when it's only minor things are common in them.
It will not work.
Macron has started a potential trend as well of "establishment deceiving", nothing is stopping any center leftist from making an easy walk into power and then promptly going full Hitler to the horror of his backers. This is probably why (((they))) want non-whites so badly because they lack this level of long term subtlety.
>delisted from google
Even that alone would raise the quality of this site. Could you imagine all the plebs that get here from google, that would never even think about using another search engine to get here and shit on this board with their shilling?
like they don't know the name, 8ch-n is delisted, still ruined
>meme flag
you need to go back to r*ddit
>meme flag too
user Google uses us as a source for happening it's fuckin disgusting
How so? I've read this multiple times but never understood the meme although not a true old fag but i do feel infinity is quite good