If blacks are degenerate then how do you explain Dr Tyson?
If blacks are degenerate then how do you explain Dr Tyson?
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He's a degenerate.
>open mouth
one catches more flies with honey
He is a degenerate.
Jewish mouthpiece
uncle tom ass nigga
Because this nigger is a rapist. So yeah you can go have a three way with him and Bill Cosby...don't worry u won't feel a thing.
He knows shit that betters no one's life. Wow. Really impressive.
"I'm dying, Dr. Tyson, can you help me?"
Bill Cosby dindu nuffin. I'll protect a nigger before I'll protect Hollywood whores.
He's black, not a nigger.
>how do you explain Carl Sagan's pet nigger
Why make this distinction?
Leftist Degenerate. Fuck this guy. Fucking propagandist who works for the NY Jew Nazis.
exception that proves the rule
Life experience
>not an undercover nigger
One gorilla learned sign language and was thought to be self aware...the others will tear you arms off for a banana.
I'm not going to /thread myself because it's bad etiquette.
bell curve applies to blacks as well,
Black science man on twitter that strawmans and compares apples to oranges with a smug I win tone is a fag
Fair enough.
he was a degenerate doing drugs with whores. Not rape because we all know it was a shitshow and they knew what they were taking, but still degenerate.
so what you're saying is he's a bellend?
His latest book opens with a quote from himself.
Im surprised i haven't seen a flat earther yet. Ignore these retards OP, unlike these trailer trash, Tyson is a middle class family man and has achieved more than everyone in this thread combined. They just cant7handle the fact that a nigger has accomplished the "middle man" goal.
Do you not have eyes OP?
Dude is like 65% white
kek, desu if I was a mediocre scientist that betas worshipped because I had a nice speaking voice, I'd do the same thing.
>there are more stars n shiet than there are bruthas in yo hood
>yo mayne, I fookin hate da security controlls on da airport, don't they know we're all humins n shiieeet
>Ayo reddit,gettin toasted, ama ya honkeys
>proceeds to give big-bang-theory tier pop science facts to people with a sex junk.
Literally a single human? One?
Born and bred in white culture.
Studied the work of white physicists who built upon one another for centuries.
He repeats it back with no new knowledge or progress... And what... People think he's smart?
He's a fucking parrot with nigger attitude.
He's a zero. Worthless.
The only reason he's on anything at all is the fact he's black, which shocked some people that he wasn't so retarded he couldn't parrot.
Literally his fame is that he can entertain morons that expected an even more stupid nigger.
Fluke of nature. Every hundred years, a smart nigger is born. But seriously, he's only 1/2 nigger, and 100% rapist.
Why the left pisses their pants over half-breeds is beyond me. Just like Barry Sotero, he's an arrogant asshole. I've got no use for him.
They don think the stars n sheit be like it is, but it do?
That goes for anyone in Hollywood or just media in general. I just hate rape accusations that have the "victim" using drugs or drinking with the alleged perpetrator. I automatically don't believe them.
Race is not about intelligence (yet of course on average we differ). There can be smart Whites and dumb Whites, there can be smart Asians and dumb Asians - and yes there can be even some Blacks who are smart.
We want healthy and intelligent members of our society, but this can be fully accomplished with eugenics which does not require foreign races at all.
The reason for why we want racial homogenous societies is that the higher the racial heterogeneity, the lower is the social cohesion, resulting in indifference at best, but often in racial conflicts and sometimes even civil war, particularly when resources get scarce. The way we feel, think and behave differs from race to race - we want to be among our own.
Racial homogeneity + eugenics + valuable culture make the best nations.
Did you read the article before you posted? The exception that proves the rule literally means the opposite of what you're implying. This common misconception is even explained in the introduction of the article.
I like his teaching ability and his knowledge of physics. Don't like his politics tho.
City brother that learned at an early age, suck up to telescope jews to see the stars
>wars start because people disagree
hey don't shit on gorillas because they don't like snowmonkeys stealing thier god given bananas
i kinda hate this smug nigger desu
always with his arrogant pessimistic answers
>"Hey Neil what do you think about x"
kys 56% mutt
I hope he kills himself
Please tell me this is satire.
He's one of those rare exceptions. Probably grew up around a lot of white people.
smarty pants
>de Grasse
The worst kind of telescientist.
what's with this nigger and stars?
what a fucking cunt
ok but seriously ,him ,as a so called scientist ,
has he achieved anything besides making some shitty scifi game and talking shit you learn in high school ?
Genetic admixture.
Degrasse is not an African name.
This is your genius? really?
fuckin niggers
Some user made some nice pasta about his PhD, or how it was "awarded by default". If someone has it, posting would be appreciated. I can't find it in my meme folders.
>what's a bell-curve?
The man who has made a career by stealing other people's material and presenting it as his own?
The man who has never contributed to science?
The man who doesn't even know basic astronomy?
The man who has repeatedly been accused of pedophilia?
He's pretty degenerate, senpai.
Does he not realized that there were just as many Italians Explorers as Spanish explorers during 1500's??
The bell curve
maybe i'm missing something here, sven. the op is "If blacks are degenerate then how do you explain Dr Tyson?"
user replied with he's the exception that proves the rule. makes sense to me. what are you seeing that I'm not?
Didn’t he get accused of sexual assault recently?
Has he released Space Odessy yet?
He has a kickstarter for a game where he, as NDT, guides you for making life in a universe like some sort of god, but it's also an exiting RPG with minecraft building and kerbal space program ship building and proceeduraly generated worlds that are going to be so cool.
NDT also promised it's going to be 100% science based!
I donated $1000. I don't really like games but I trust NDT and if the younger generation plays this game, they will be inspired to go to the stars, plus they will learn the vast knowledge NDT has.
I'm a school teacher and I think it's sad that no one as smart as NDT has entered the game industry until now. This really is going to change the world. I haven't felt this much hope since bernie sanders.
How does a school teacher have $1000 to burn?
If blacks are degenerate how do you explain Dr William Cosby?
Checkmate, Jewnigger.
what happened to the rape charges against him?
I especially liked the jungle bunny coconut drink glasses he drugged the girl with
He would rather be an entertainer than a scientist.
Entertainers are non-people.
You literally can choose NOT to chimp out as a way of life
OP you are one stupid fucking cunt
I totally forgot he was a rape-ape. Thanks for reminding me, user.
Isn't he from a nation discovered by an Italian?
Someone explain why this is wrong.
> what are ID's
cmon OP. You aren't fooling anyone
naxalt fallacy
just cause there is one goodish black does not mean there are not thousands of shitty ones for that one good one.
Came here to post this.
Also, flunking out of Harvard physics while Carl Sagan is your personal live-in tutor is fucking pathetic.
The only "smart" nigger in the universe spends his time debunking flat earthers and making documentaries white people did the science for....
> Literally the ASCHCSHHTHTUALLYYY guy with black skin and a better voice
this nigger literally spends whole time dis proofing flat earthers
and flat earthers are literally BTFO him every time
last time when i checked he fucking stated that earth is PEAR SHAPED
pear fucking shaped
fucking niggers
Niggers are degenerate. Blacks are fine.
Affirmative Action science man.
Hangs with Bill Nye.
Incorrect usage:
>All black people are stupid
>Exception: DeGrasse Tyson isn't an idiot
>The exception proves the rule => All black people are stupid
Correct usage:
>Friday is taco night
>The exception proves the rule => Other nights are not taco nights
This is what the saying means. The original saying was "the exception that proves the rule in cases not excepted", that you can infer the existence of a rule based on a stated exception. The last bit is often omitted which is the cause of the confusion.
This is just a semantic construct. If someone says that DeGrasse Tyson is an intelligent black person, you may infer that what they really mean is that he is intelligent whereas other black people are not, but this only relates to what they mean, not the truth about either statement. A logical rule obviously can't be inferred from an exception.
neil went out of his way to not fall into the traps black people set for each other. he even avoided organized religion which is strong amongst black people in america
he represents a small subset of black men who do not give a fuck about stupid shit in the black community as it doesnt benefit himself
some would call him a traitor but i doubt he will be shot by a cop that pulls him over
He aint black, he clearly has European ad mixture.
Obama = not black
Hendrix = not black
Bob Marley = not black
Beyonce = not black
He's Smart, I like smart people for the most part, unless they are tring to screw me over.
Pick your battles. Br. Tyson did nothing wrong.
Kinda right, it's not a perfect sphere and gravitational forces stress it as it moves.
A nigger with physics degree
one reason is that italy is in the middle of the Mediterranean sea so they spent a lot of time in north africa whereas spain has access to the ocean and just has to go in one direction to discover land
just look how he destroyed to Cosmos series.
i couln't watch that shit
That's why Christianity is the largest religion in the world
Holy shit Bill Burr was right. Women fall like retarded toddlers