Can Sup Forums recommend any redpill literature on the jews? Easy on the infowars/yiannopolous crap. Have read Mein Kampf, The Iron Guard, and pic related.
Can Sup Forums recommend any redpill literature on the jews? Easy on the infowars/yiannopolous crap...
Other urls found in this thread:
Turner diaries, animorphs
Two Hundred Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Apparently, Jordan Peterson couldn't do it.
Proven to be fake a long time ago.
Nice reading your meme books
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was written by the Jesuits in order to overthrow the Tsars
Culture of Critique
Proven to be fake, yet accurately predicts the last century
If it is fake either the guy who wrote it actually knew the Jewish plan or the jews thought it was a good guide book
Control of media, support of communism, picking presidents, supporting politicians that have blackmail on them so can be controlled etc
This book is a waste of time. Read the old testament if you want to learn about how Jews operate. They are self destructive and the NWO will fall because of it. They still have not realized that utopianism is a mistake.
Der Judenstaat (Herzl)
>t. baby tier conspiracy theorists falling for the Sup Forums kike meme
What are you implying?
There's more Catholics than Jews in the international Cabal
I'll take your word for it. Jews are the antithesis to my way of life and personal philosophy. They are #1 on my list.
>its da catholics go-guys xdd
The Jews have always been an easy scapegoat to blame for the Jesuits and pretty much any other corrupt religious order to pass their failures on to. While you pretend Jews created communism, you ignore the catholic church openly supporting and funding them. How stupid and blind you people must be.
Show me the proof. I'll bet you that you can't since, for as much as people like to repeat that it was proven to be fake, nobody has ever actually been able to produce this proof. Oh, it's a forgery of an earlier text? Have you read both that text and this one? No? How do you know hat it's a forgery, then?
Thats why I'm asking here
Your right. Jewish domination of our media, banking and political systems is nothing compared to three out of five (((CIA))) directors being Catholic.
your nose is showing
Francis is not a Marxist, he is a Peronist. He has also been grossly misrepresented by the news to make him look more liberal than he is. This is to create strife within the church and for them to lose followers. Guess who runs the media.
CEO's run companies, not industries. The noble families that are intermarried with banking families are pretty much entirely Anglo and Catholic. The Rothschilds are an exception but they more act as treasurers for the Catholic Church these days. I'm telling you what's really going on in the world, character assassinate me all you want; you're still wrong and probably have done about 1/10th the research that I have.
The head of the Jesuits is the Black Pope which is currently a man named Arturo Sosa. He's a devout Marxist who was born in Venezuela.
How many catholics are in the world.
How many jews are in the world.
Even considering that I still think youre a liar.
>that one jew who won't stop posting in your thread
>Proven to be fake
By who and how?
Well to read this book you must be jealous you can’t make as much money as Jews. As simple as that.
gilad atzmon - the wandering who.
Israeli born that explains all about jewish identity.
im surprised this guy isnt talked about more over here, he doesnt shy away from anything, bolshevism, neocons, holoreligion, etc.
he also got talks on youtube.
>you think representation signifies power, not ancestry
Who have traditionally the biggest families and had the most communal influence in Europe? Catholics. Who has the most ties to nobility and their support of banking institutions in Europe? Catholics.
The Mensheviks were Jews, not the Bolsheviks. Look it up.
Find a translation of Ulrich Fleischhauers 'die echten protokolle der weisen von zion'. Will blow your socks off and terrify you for life
People don't dislike Jews because they are jealous of their wealth. They are disgusted by how materialistic Jews are that they are willing to hurt others for meaningless things.
By (((Them))). You always hear the claims that the Protocols are fake, however for something so fake it's prediction rate is astoundingly accurate.
what predictions?
yes, that's why (((they))) immediately sent people to start a communist revolution in russia
This is all true. But why the dislike for Catholicism, their religion speaks truth and pushes strong family and cultural values.
>they are disgusted of how materialistic Jews are.
Not nessicarly, I mean most people have the ultimate goal of being economically stable. I mean honestly they are Jealous. It’s not like everyone else also has materialistic people in their religion.
Have you read the book?
The gospel isn't the problem, it's the institution and chruch which is corrupt. I haven't said anything remotely anti-christian, just anti-clergy.
yes, I want to know specifically what you think it predicted.
Why would anyone read the book. That is like making a capitalist read the communist manifesto.
If I am not getting smarter by reading this book then I am getting dumber. By the time I finnish this book I would have an IQ. Of 1 most likely.
great response memeflag
Do you mean Gadsden Flag?
I don't get into shit flinging fights with retards who can't even quote or backup their arguments.
Fair enough.
What protocol can you disprove?
The parts where Jews are collectively and primarily responsible for Bavarian Illuminism, the Russian Revolution and the destruction of all other cultures and traditions.
It’s 2018 and anons still haven’t read the culture of critique. Additionally, MacDonald draws heavily from two books in the coc: Cuddihy’s the ordeal civility and Lindeman’s Esau’s tears. Also, the Israel lobby is a good read if you’re an amerifat.
Just as I predicted.
ok retard
Peronists are left wing. And as of late are leaning even more towards leftists ideologies. Francis is just another sjw in power that just likes to virtue signal all the time.
he puta his ideologies over the faith. He won't visit his nation because the opposition is in power even though most of the country would love for him to visit.
Jewish banking families do have a role in the formation of the new world order but they got btfo pretty heavily in the 17th to 20th century and aren't the heavy weights they used to be. The big boys right now is the catholic church and western military-industrial-complex, that's all I'm really trying to say.
and you do know it is a fake don't you?
Mate, the neoliberalization of the Vatican has been going on since Vatican 2. The shit really started to smell with Pius XII.
You can't even compare the rest of the popes with this one. It's not liberalization when this guy gives awards to abortion activists.
and like a fucking nigger Argentinian he keeps giving shitty opinions on every fucking matter that doesn't concern the church so he can virtue signal.
not sure why he isn't more famous here. He explains it all
Quotes from Ben Gurion and Ariel Sharon.
I wouldn't recommend mentioning Jews and lists at the same time, friend.
so is the media misconstruing these guys as supporting the far-left or not? I originally was talking about the Black Pope of the Jesuits but you guys keep bringing up Francis. Sosa is a literal communist.
>proven to be fake
>not having value
Doesnt matter if its fake or not.
Shakespeare was fiction. The bible is arguably fiction. They are still the two most influential cannons in history.
Why, Schindler made it okay
Yes! It's all fake
On the Jews and Their Lies-Martin Luther
except when it's deliberately trying to mislead you or the public. then the value of the information isn't actually your own, is it?
Under the Sign of the Scorpion E-Book.
Here's the online book The International Jew by Henry Ford, free to read or print:
Secret Government-Spiridovich
"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." ~ Harold Wallace Rosenthal (Jew)
The Synagogue of Satan - Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Jews and their Lies
The Culture of Critique book
The Biological Jew - Eustace Mullins
Two Hundred Years Together - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald if you can handle somewhat heavy reading. I got pilled on Jews believe it or not from The Death of The West by Pat Buchanan. You can find the .pdf online. It gives an introductory summary on the Frankfurt School and communist infiltration of institutions in America
The dollar won't be the reserve currency forever, Goy!
>not the jews
>not the jews
>not the jews
>not the jews
>you know who's responsible right? Catholics
>not the jews
>replies to a comment about me referencing jewish banking families
ok schlomo
>yeah ok goyim I'll admit SOME jews are involved but it's those fucking Catholics that are really throwing their dicks around
If you're going to assign collective responsibility to an entire culture or ethnic group of people at least be consistent with it's application.
The people who are responsible for financing do so at the behest of others and it hasn't been as consistent in terms of alliances within the cabal as it is these days.
There used to be a lot more infighting between secret societies and families.