Get your popcorn.
OH Boy, here we go!
So it begins!
Danger, Will Robinson. Danger.
>a few literally who's get fired from the FBI and all the big names go free
>superbowl weekend
>will be forgotten by monday
What a fat, pathetic cunt.
get 'em Mr Trump!
Is that guy from Trump's cabinet?
Funny, same exact phrase is used for Merkel.
I stayed up all night for this shit, just release the damn memo Donny boy.
>I stayed up all night for this shit
It must be nice being unemployed.
>superbowl weekend
get ready for false flag
Time for us to see that memo.
The Rake rises, Leaf
americans are filth. democrats, republicans, "independents"-- all filth.
>tfw am employed, but do quick contract work I can pick up any time
Phew get a load of this cuck
you know im right
Guess he had to get up early to get to the bunker before the last ditch attempt to stop it.
OOOooo, be careful there lad.
talking about that wasteland of fatcells in your skull?
Have a bump user
>>superbowl weekend
You've already forgotten Trump's feud with the NFL?
Jokes on you, I'm going into work with no sleep, Hans.
Are you ready for the meltdown of the decade?
Are your guns ready?
You're spot-on.
Mr Rank and Mr File must be feeling pretty good right now. Anyone got a link to their twitter accounts?
>mfw the collective shitters shattered at the mere prospect of releasing the thing
At this point I just want to see what has them so shook for my own curiosity
Fuck OFF Merkel
>Rank & File are great people!
Michael Scheuer attests otherwise.
Why do you put yourself down buddy? Your new foreign lover not touching your kids right?
Can't wait to see this memo. President Trump will not let us down
Also, Muslims are subhuman savages and they need to be put down.
Are you implying that no one will watch the superbowl? An even that pulls in 100 million viewers yearly? If Trump wanted this to get out to the maximum number of people he would have highlighted it at the SOTU, but he didn't.
Literally going to be nothing as usual...
>has to hide his pathetically insignificant flag
The rope draws near rabbi
Lock them up!
just keep on losing, hans. remember, traitors before enemies. we will never forget what you did to europe.
>It's actually real
who cares he needs to say this for good optics for the millions of normies and votes.
This is now the beginning of the end of Trump. Drumpf is literally shaking right now. He knows that his time runs out.
nope today is just ropenropenropenrope straya cunt
Jews are not welcome on Sup Forums.
Kill yourself german faggot
What does Trump being morbidly obese and repulsive trigger you so much?
Trump is going after Obama big time. The Jews hate Obama and they're on our side. There's no stopping this dream team now. Oy vey!
The memo is just four pages long and theres a reason it hasnt been released yet because the hype is bigger than the details and itll only harm him and the republicans upon release
Why else do you think democrats and the like doubled down and don't care about the memo? they know its nothing
If there isn't a "big plan" behind merkels stupid actions shes the worst traitor to our Volk and the whole of europe ever
Good morning anons!
>doubled down and don't care
Choose one.
Seal Teams and Delta Force are collecting the most wanted criminals as fellow Americans wake up this morning.
I hope the executions are televised.
$1.5 billion Jewish dollars, the entire media establishment, every polling agency, millions of illegal voters in California, the current serving president plus all the government offices at his disposal, STILL couldn't beat Trump.
Who is rank and file
lol i could give a fuck about your gradeschool attempts to insult the most powerful man on the planet.
what "triggers" me is you are a braindead tool, easily manipulated, and this makes you dangerous. what "triggers" me is 12 year old swedish girls cut in half on city roads because shit-eating koolaid drinking authoritarian faggots like you push a false idealogy down our throats at the behest of your globalist masters.
you are broken tool, you need to be taken out behind the shed and dealt with.
Anudda shoa
for fucks sake!
Don't presume to know what this country needs. Scheuer is right.
The low level workers
The reason is that they want to deploy their nuke right before the weekend so that's all anyone talks about and the media has to marinate in it.
"My fellow Americans. The Storm is upon us."
Jeff Rank and Ted File are his two best FBI agents.
Remember when based Macron squeezed the orange out of Fat Donny's hand and gaped his asshole in front of a live audience?
That was fantastic.
It'd be one thing if just the dems pitched a fit because thats par for the course. Its another entirely that IC brass started bitching about it too. Thats the part that has me fascinated. Its probably overhyped sure, but every overblown reaction to it has made me want to see it more. Ideally it burns down the house of cards but I doubt it will.
Eat shit, faggot.
Your country's leadership hates you and are actively replacing you.
You'll have nothing in 40 years.
Sleep tight Gunter.
It's great that 'triggered' now means 'annoyed' thanks to libtards using it on their Tumblrs for everything that might be slightly offensive. Not directed at you Hans, just a general observation
It's kind of fucking incredible when you think about it.
It is a term that means "general workforce" or "lower level employees".
Lol. Traitors will soon be arrested.
Sorry you will be losing your job soon.
Low-level agents and staffers who get shit done
>the most powerful man on the planet
This is what Trumpcucks actually believe
He could probably smell the E.T cumtrails Macron's wife left on his suit;I don't blame him I'd want out of that room ASAP too.
This memo is going to be just like the fucking Fake News Awards blog post. Face it guys, Trump isn't saving America let alone you personally. You've been had, over and over again.
If the media wasn't 98% Jewish, it would be one of the greatest stories ever told in American politics. Not to mention the fact his campaign was the first to be won by a woman campaign manager. Jewish media totally swept that part under the rug, for all their kvetching about "equality".
>He could probably smell the E.T cumtrails
He definitely prefers the smell of Hebrew cum.
He just made fun of Trump. Do you automatically assume that he loves to suck muslim and nigger dick solely of him disliking Trump? I myself love him as President but i just hate his character.
never stop being delusional, hans. as your enemy, i find it to be your most endearing trait.
the best time to do it is on tuesday, not friday
Says the Merkel slave. Stop destroying Europe a third time.
Holy shit it's real
He is shitting on Sup Forums about Trump. Either he's a just dumb kid, or he's here with an agenda. He doesn't come with rational criticisms, just stupid divisionary, sophmoric attacks.
The safe bet is he is a hard-core leftist.
Guys, a group of M-16's just flew over my house. Not gonna lie -- I'm a bit shaken up.
>He is shitting on Sup Forums about Trump.
Need a safe space, little Trumpcuck? :3
What is this meme page I'm keeping hearing about
The one in the middle looks pretty happy at least
i love you straya