What sets K-On apart from most other similar shows? Why has no slice of life/CGDCT managed to match it in the six years since it finished airing?
What sets K-On apart from most other similar shows...
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my eyes back there in the mirror where I left them
mio = azusa = ritsu = mugi = yui
it's very hard to make such a trash anime with retard bait, i think eromanga sensei might get close
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k-on's conceptual complexities and metaphysical ideas set it apart, because while even if it is lost on the majority of viewers the richness it applies to the artform of not just anime but film itself shines through even on the surface level
plus yui mugi ritsu and mio are pretty cute
boring, shit humour.
kyoanus fag will eat anything
pic related is for patricians
>doesn't happen in a fucking school like this shit
Just compare the school from K-on! With a the school from another random CGDCT show and you realise how much more attention to detail this show has.
Kyoani really put a lot of love into this show wich payed off big time.
I like how the school stuff is just largely background and the main focus is at the cafe.
GochiUsa is decent but has too much of an ingenuine, plastic feel that I can't shake off. The girls are pretty shallow and fit too neatly into otakubait archetype.
K-On feels more alive, more real, in comparison, and obviously has better art and animation.
I think it's fairly average in the CGDCT field but I prefer parody and fan service over other qualities.
keion did so well because it accidentally'd into the female age 14-30 demographic and into the casual demographic which is irregular for CGDCT.
>it accidentally'd into the female age 14-30 demographic and into the casual demographic
>it accidentally'd
Did it, though?
>the school in k-on has some much more attention to detail.
Kinda hard not to when it's just a drawing of a real-life elementary school.
Because the chemistry was top tier even if some say Azusa "ruined" it. Seriously, it's unreal.
ritsu > mugi > mio > yui
Just watch Bang Dream. K-On is not coming back.
They will even be releasing a new cover of Fuwa Fuwa Time with this girl in charge of vocals.
>What sets K-On apart from most other similar shows?
Mio had cute backup girls for her show.
It's the most basic, easy to digest and boring one of them all. Not even top 10 in their own studio. It just has a variety of girls with a generous screen time for each one so that the viewer can choose one to be obsessed with.
>Forced animation
>Cancerous shilling everywhere
>Pure substanceless moeshit, which all the characters are happy to point out for the niwaka KyoAni fanboys ("that's so moe moe~ xD")
That's literally all there is to any show by KyoAni other than FMP, Haruhi or Key adaptations. Oh, and the fujoshit.
The show is one of the most sincere, relatable coming-of-age stories and Yamada's philosophy behind it, a largely female staff drawing on their own high school experiences, is what makes it so brilliant.
There are quite a few people out there who dismiss it on really stupid bases though. You know the ones: moe is cancer, KyoAni is the devil, it has no substance, etc.
Yeah, the girls feel too "designed" to me. It just feels like a well polished but very generic CGDCT anime without much soul, kinda like how sol anime would look like if it were made like a Marvel movie.
>Why has no slice of life/CGDCT managed to match it
I strongly disagree.
Ritsu >= Mugi == Yui == Mio >= Azusa
well, one reason is it never overdoes any character or subject, never goes too far down any path, keeping it all pretty casual.
K-on wasn't anything special though. It's just another plotless show with characters nobody remembers outside of waifu cap. I will admit its sad kyoani started using sameface for the rest of their shows from there on out but I don't think it had much to do with copying the format as much as the art.
What are you talking about? Silver Spoon blew it out of the water.
Sucks how little people talk about it here. It was really good but it seemed fly under a lot of people's radar.
It doesn't appeal to autists. It's what Sup Forums would call a 'normalfag' manga.
>forgetting UI
Mugi > Azusa > Mio >> Ritsu >>>>>>>>>> Yui
Manga is good but the anime is subpar and in no way can compete with K-On.
No, it's still far better.
This. I love the manga but the anime was ordinary.
Keion is still much better tho.
This is why anti-KyoAnifags are starting to become more retarded than the KyoAnifags they despise condensed into one post. Congratulations on your extreme retardation, user.
>3 series of shallow yuribait and awful painting-by-number characters
this show is literally the pleb filter of sol
fuck your mother and father