Why does Sup Forums concern itself with age of consent when nobody should be fornicating to begin with?

Shouldn't we be executing fornicators and turning age of consent laws into age of marriage laws?

Seriously, fornicators ruin society.

Other urls found in this thread:


Obviously. Along with the standard 5 year gap clause where the age gap of the two must be 5 years or less to get married until 30.

5 years is a lot more like 3 years until 50 years.

Age of consent should be 13 globally.

If she bleeds she breeds

Age of consent is a meme. If a girl can give birth she can be bred.

5 years is the standard here. it's reasonable considering until 18 they still need parental consent.


i'd consider raising "adult age" for things to 21 or until financial independence as well.

Pedo leaf.
1-3 years
GTFO pedo leaf. You get the rope, we kill people like you over here.

21 years FUCKING LEAFFFF. Age of Consent should be 24 years pedoleaf

>meme flag using argumentum ad absurdum

of course.

we already established there is no age of consent libtard.

So a 24 year old marrying a 30 year old is pedo?

No, the 30 year old is a sexual predator. he/she will have to wait 6 years.

It's legal in Canada so obviously yes

Howdy there women's rights activist cuckold!

Are you baiting?

Why is my position absurd? Because is less degenerate and more conservative??

No. I'm just not morally retarded. 20s are the new teens, they are not mentally capable of proper consent and recognizing predatory sexual advances. 5 year gap ensures the two are on relatively even ground. it's the same gap used right now for sexual relations between people under the age of consent.

Women can't breed until they are 24 and the man is no more than 3 years older

At least something with sense. Anyway 5 years is large for teens and the new teens. 3 years sounds reasonable

Sadly this is true


Men should not marry until at least age thirty, women should marry as soon as they are able to have children and have physically matured.

Isn't AoC in North America= 14 or 16? Should be lowered by another 2 years, no?

Why the fuck do you all call homosexuals pedophiles when you all want to lower the age of consent to 13? wtf?

No faggot should be raised read the leaf

>tfw 30 and wife is 20

Age of consent should be marriage. Courting and marriage meetings should begin when puberty does.

Age of consent should be abolished and replaced with age of marriage. Minimum age for consummation is 1 year after the girl bleeds, if they happen to be married that young. For the boy it's whenever he's fertile and able to get an erection.

As an overview

>no more age of consent, fornication becomes a felony.
>until 18-21/financial independence/tbd all marriages must be approved by both parents/guardians .
>Age of those getting married must be withen a 5 year gap until 30
>age of consummation of the marriage is 1 year after the girl bleeds, if they happen to be married that young. For the boy it's whenever he's fertile and can achieve an erection.

And if you're over 30, you aren't allowed to marry a teen.

I'll take 3 of those plz

Do you not understand the 5 year gap? 24 is the maximum possible age to marry a teen. once you hit 30 feel free to marry 70 year olds.

Infidelity is the only acceptable reason for divorce as well and is a capital crime. Otherwise you can get a separation.

I didn't notice that, my mind must have blocked it entirely because it's so stupid.

t. married 15 year old when I was nearing 25

What about divorce?How to resolve those issues? You can divorce rape people in North America.



She bleed, she breed

I think 14 is the lowest for age marriage. Age of consent should be 21.

Divorce should be against the law. Adultery should be a punishable offense if there are children in the marriage.

Based. Do you have any children?

If she ain't dead make that ass red.



u married a girl

And here it is. I thought that card was a bit odd.

There has to be standards. If not then you'll technically be able to fornicate with a baby right after birth.

What kind of question is this?

Normally when a guy marries a younger lady, it's to have a large family. It's why the Mormons do it. So do you have a lot of children or do you just love teen puss?

If you guys like to fuck babies and choke them with their umbilical cords then thats what you'll get.

>Tfw 20 wife 28

Fornicators are scum

Young marriage is vital

I agree, get em young and raise them right. Its a God given right to have a wife

From previous thread, only good answers:

>Age of consent should be marriage. Courting and marriage meetings should begin when puberty does.


>If a child is showing interest in the opposite sex you should invite potential marriage partners over to your house and introduce them to each other. I would prefer to have my daughters wed to men 5-10 years older than them and my sons married to women 5-10 years younger. Marriage should be the place where sex is allowed. Sex with someone should place someone into the legal position of marriage, and should someone have sex outside of wedlock, they should face public humiliation each. It saddens me to see women in my age group chasing after love but conflating it with lust. I look into their eyes and see a lack of emotion, of a jadedness, of, "He's just talking to me to fuck me and then leave." The 1000 cock stare as some on the board call it.

That wouldn't be possible without consequences

Would you mind telling more?

Both mind and body need to be developed.

Why would I get married if I was a degenerate interested only in casual sex?

This is a good argument. Can someone reconcile this for me.

That's right, the AoC shouldn't exist, it just encourages girls to be sluts.
>age of marriage laws?
>the solution to statist bullshit is other statist bullshit
Fuck off with that shit. It's up to the girls father when to whom to have her married.
>5 year gap clause
That's fucking retarded.
>No. I'm just not morally retarded
Yes, you are.
>5 year gap ensures the two are on relatively even ground
A cunt is never on even ground with a man. Why should a man be expected to be even with a piece of property?

So is that a yes or no? Do you have a large family?

Do you have a large family? How many children do you have? ASL? What was your first pet's name? What is your mother's maiden name? Favorite anime? Am I being detained? Is being a spook a good paying job?

So, have you need this woman or not? Asking a married couple if they've made babby yet or, if not, when they plan to is a standard question.

My sister had first kid at 23 I believe, had Pretty bad postpartum depression, Used an Essential Oil Blend (I think it was called Clary Calm) and that cleared it up. So I'd gander that it is caused by "Excess Female Hormones" running around, so an herb or something that can clear that up should take care of the problem.

This seems like some attempt to legitimize pedophilia. Don't trust Nazis they are kid diddlers.

ITT: incels

I get it now. You were trying to pretend to be a pedophile to get attention, but then realized that you have nothing to share because you're a liar. Or you're a boomer.

Nice inaccurate buzzword, incel. Maybe you will find a busted out whore to let you be her beta provider after she hits the wall?

t. whore


Alright boomercuck, why do you bring up your marriage and then don't want to talk about it in a topical thread?

I'm fucking around.

Because I don't like how you asked a stupid question. You're an idiot and I don't want to say something that might accidentally help you breed successfully.

>implying pedophilia is bad
Little girls are made for dicking.
Why start telling about something if you're just going be like "nah, I didn't want talk about this" when asked for more about it?

Moralfagging in a pedo thread. I have seen it all. Did you think I wanted to fuck your kids or something?

Learn what words mean before you use them, sweetie. My wife is probably older than you.

>asking if he has made babby yet when someone mentions being married is a stupid question
Why are you such a petulant ass?
You're the same guy from the other thread like this, innit? How does this kind of arranged marriage situation develop? Parents take you to family friend's house when your 10yo and show you new babby and say "you better learn to like her, she'll be your wife one day"?

>A woman's mind
>Ever developed

He asked multiple stupid questions. He's either a moron or a spook, either way I don't want him getting any information.

Yeah she's probably 60, boomercuck.

Your mother was probably 60 when she gave birth to your autistic ass.

60 year old women can't give birth. Did they not teach you that in 1954 sex ed?

He asked if you'd made babby with her which is reasonable to ask when a man mentions having a breeding sow. Then followed up with "have you put lots of babby in her?", another not unreasonable question. You're just being weird. Why mention something if you'll get weird and defensive when people want to know more about what sounds like a good thing?

I never took sex ed, I'll ask my kids to tell me after they do.

Have your middle aged retarded "kids" not made it to 8th grade yet?

He asked me a question and got an answer, he answered it himself as well. Then he missed my answer and his own answer and asked another stupid question accusing me of being a degenerate such as himself.

Learn to read, stupid pedo.

Puberty should be the limit.

My wife was probably about your current age when she started producing children. 8th grade is a bit later than puberty starts, so I imagine they will be taught about the birds and the bees some years before that. I'll get back to you when that day comes and they relay the info to me.

I'm sure you personally taught your kids about the birds and bees. Did they have to sleep on their tummy after their lesson you fucking creep.

Why the Pedophile fantasies? Were you abused as a child? I'll pray for you.

when you realize Sup Forums posts the same 10 threads over and over

Did you play the blindfolded taste test with them?

You're a deranged soul and you have my pity. I hope you find peace in this life or the next.

Find peace? Why not find whole? Fawk yeah!

slide thread

You're a retard. He asked genuine questions that any sane person would answer. White people need to have more babies to repopulate America. He's not asking where you live or what's your name or her name, or where you live.


>not knowing that you’re doxxing yourself by having your geo location flag
el oh el newfriend

God I want to taste her sweet little cunny. Why was I cursed to be attracted to 11 year olds?

Alright then you fucking hebephile. Sentiment still stands.

>a youthful woman is not desirable

The state of Sup Forums, marrying women for their "brains".

What sentiment?

If teens were getting married, there would be a lot less problems. If they're going to lose thier virginities any way it may as well be with their spouse. Fornication is almost expected for 10 - 15 years of high school, college and starting 'career'. It's not about career. The college system is just milking sexually frustrated youth trying to make more money to get the downtown loft or meet a girl in gender studies class. Girls go to college to husband hunt. Get married young, and they'll make better life choices after.

Apparently youth is bad and you should wait unlit they have fully matured brains (25yo) and have been with 15 guys. Sup Forums loved the roasty factory that is age of consent and the teenage cock carousel, they hate virgin brides.