The Sargon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a stepfather, a straw-manning cuck...

The Sargon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a stepfather, a straw-manning cuck, a parasite on the Alt-Right, a pseudo-intellectual swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a white male and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

>"Raising another man's child? Don't mind, if I do."
t. the black stepfather

I never liked this fat poofy cunt, I honestly have no clue as to why he became so popular

I wouldn't call him fat... Poofy cunt is fine tho.

He's a bit lardy mate.

I had no idea he was 40 years old. what the fuck did he do all of his life before becoming an eceleb?

Sodom of Gomorrah

Good question. Eating a lot it seems.

Called Sargon a brainlet and pointed out that he never asks the Jewish question. He replied back. This was on a Gary Orsum video.

Classic stepfather. Enemy of the white race.


Dropping out of education.

disgusting filth

To be fair. He introduced me to all this red-pilling stuff that got me onto Sup Forums in the first place. He riled me up against feminism and Islam and I ended up wasting a good year of my life scrolling through thread after thread of shitposts.

that hand is fucking hideous

Laci green's hands are huge holy shit

>getting redpilled by a fat gaymer pseud

If Koreans are so smart, why does North Korea have a lower GPD per capita than most Afircan nations?
And how come high IQ White countries like Bulgaria are comparable to african nations like Gabon?

>all race realists say that environmental, political, social and religions factors do not play a role
Spoiler alert: there's a reason why white identitarians advocate strongly for the nuclear family and in Europe for mixed-market economics

Him, too? I knew Kraut was a high school drop-out, but sheesh. Not that you can't become successful without a finished degree - see Bill Gates and Mr. Apple, but looks like both are overcompensating for something.

Dylan Roof was a smart high-school dropout, too, btw.

Have a big one


>Yet another eceleb thread
I hate nu/pol/ so fucking much

>meme flag
>I hate nu/pol/ so fucking much

It's hilarious how he was using a fake black grandparent as a shield.
The Rachel dolezal/Shaun king of the centre(tm).

Why are you so jealous of high IQ Indo-Europeans larping as Middle-Easterners?

>>meme flag
>pirate flag
>not a kekistani flag

The leftists arguing the retarded 'so you admit Jewish iq is high so how can whites be superior lol gotcha' are purposefully not reading the opposing sides argument.
The high iq Jews are only the Ashkenazi who have the highest Indo-European admixture, they still work as a group to the detriment of European peoples, their inbred genetics and frequency of terrible genetic diseases are a large price they pay for high iq.

anyone got a photo of his parents??

also i always suspected he was 1/4 north african rather than 1/4 negro he claimed to be.

he said as much on Maddox's podcast.

there's a brief shot of his parents in the alternative hypothesis video.
His Dad doesn't look very black to me.

>my grandfather was black!
>actually he was from st. helena!
>actually I don't know what he was and I never cared!
>actually he had dark hair and a tan so he's definitely not white
>actually he was italian and spaghettiniggers aren't white!

what a clown.

You "white" people must realize that I am an intellectual. Let me compile a list of questions, of which the answers will serve my position of mocking yours.

No, you're doing that thing where you try over-scrutinizing someone's appearance in an effort to square the circle and give them the benefit of the doubt. Sargoy looks basically 100% classic britbong. He looks just like the actor who played Robert Baratheon, for fucks sake. If he didn't say anything about allegedly being a quadroon, you wouldn't say for a second that you think he looks part moroccan or any of that bullshit.

And that's on top of the fact that he didn't say his grandfather was maghrebi. He said he was fully 100% BLACK.
The dude is just a lying piece of shit, full stop. Look at how he's now taking an extreme varg-tier position of "only blonde-haired blue-eyed germanics are white!" when just a couple weeks ago he claimed he couldn't tell if Laurence Fishburne was white or not. He's just being disingenuous


Sargoy is baby's first red pill.
>if you know nothing, he's a good gateway drug
>if you've been pilled, you look at him and think it's that cute. He almost sounds intellectual.

Sargons grandfather was Lawrence fishburne therefore Sargon has no black ancestors.

do you know what he did for the 20 years he hasn't been on yt? I honestly thought he was in his 20's and just graduated college.

Maybe he once was a decent entryway, but now he spends his time shilling against white identity, which is the only way for us to save our skins.

>He almost sounds intellectual.

The fact that the alt-right think he comes even close to sounding intellectual is proof how stupid they are. He's about as smart as Bill O'Reilly. Its also hilarious the alt-right thinks they're intellectual despite almost none of them being involved in academia.

I heard he was a systems administrator or something like that.

Can you read? He said SOUNDS intellectual. He's referring to the stuffy fake-posh britbong accent he uses, which causes lots of normalfag burgers to automatically assume someone has an extra 30 IQ points and a PhD from oxford tacked on top.

>nervous chuckle in place of argument

He's fat. I'm American you should listen to our opinions on who is fat.


The fact that the alt right admires snake oil salesmen/obvious controlled opposition like Spencer and actual retards like JF speaks volumes.

40 minutes of some low t voice equivocating on the idea that "The Hu-hite Race" is a social construct (truth) with the idea that white people don't exist (false).


I lived in Quebec and JF sounds like a former member of the PQ who flunked his bachelor's degree or went to UQAM. Absolute low t faggot who thinks poutine and hockey are culture. No better than a fucking leaf.

>shutting down people who are literally trying to usurp and destroy the state means you want 1984 thought police
top wew, do these retards not realize we already do this? I can't go around rallying people to help assassinate politicians and take over the government. We have no problem censoring ISIS recruitment propaganda in our country. For fucks sake, the communist party is literally illegal.

He is loosing popularity because he can't take opposition stances. He is weak.

Faggots like him did the same to me too. And it would be fine if they sticked to what they did, going after low hanging fruit like the feminists and crationists

Yup, I wouldn't have any problem with guys like Sargoy if they just did their own thing and kept attacking low-hanging fruit and acting as an entryway. But instead they try to punch over their weight and attack white nationalism too. I believe they do this because they're afraid of white nationalism superseding them in terms of political relevance in the youtube political sphere. To people like sargon, this is just about money and relevance, and we're just competition to his business model he needs to stamp out.

It's what happens when people try to defend the indefensible. He basically supports the disenfranchising, oppression and ultimately the extinction of whites. He supports this because the insane policies of our traitorous governments are responsible for his existence. He cannot be honest about this because that would corroborate our analysis of they current situation and vindicate the alt-right.

>this much damage control

Hi woes

Didn't know who you were talking about until after the comma.

>implying he doesn't cry at night because of all the names
Why else does he make random videos attacking the alt-right. Hes also like 5'6"


He's the equivalent of "moderate muslims". Sure, he's not the SJW trying to directly subvert and fuck over whitey, but he's the one that implicitly gives the leftist extremists the ability to do so, while also trying to stop us from doing anything to realistically defend ourselves from it.

this. average IQ in israel is actualy around 95. lower than any western and most eastern euro countries

To be fair, that's because most of Israel is made up of sephardic and mizrahi niggerkikes. The (allegedly) high IQ jews are the ashkenazi, and I think they only make up like 20% of israel. Keep in mind that there's an unspoken hierarchy in israeli society, with these "european" ashkenazi jews at the top and the sandnigger kikes are the ones at the bottom, the unwashed masses, and the ones who have to actually fight in the IDF and such.

I don't actually believe the "ashkenazis are 115 on average" meme either. I haven't seen any solid data supporting that and isn't cherrypicked extrapolated bullshit.

Israel needs marxism to free the mizrahi and sephardi from the opressive ashkeNAZIs.

Still hoping some arab from UK will remove him from this earth.

Whats this stepfather thing? New patter for cuck or is there more to it?

keep meming i want that 23 and me

his wife has a kid from previous relationship, plus he acts like the godfather of youtube, granting small youtubers 'favours' to promote them if they endorse his views and trying to assemble hit squads in secret to attack people who go off the party line.


The most surprising thing here is that Rob Reiner is still alive. Somehow.


He'll never do it because he's lying about it. The best you'll get is Sargoy will find some quadroon walkingn around london and get him to spit in the 23&me vial and he'll ship that off instead.

Why is this similarly worded thread posted about someone new every few hours here? Oh. Right. Shills.

Fucking based!

So Quadron of Cuckkad isn't even a part nigger? Just some shitskin mutt?




meme flag agreeing with a literal communist And the next morning you niggers will go back to claim Sup Forums is an echochamber



Nice parody of Hitler's description (one of many) of the Jew in Mein Kampf.




Fun fact: a woman's vaginal canal is as deep as the length of her hand when aroused.

How can Sargon be a parasite on the alt right if he was around before the alt right, doing the same shit he does now?

The best way to deal with horseshoe faggots is to use their own theory against them. It annoys the hell out of them and forces them to acknowledge how BS the theory is.

>he was around before the alt right
fucking kek. The alt right has been around way longer than soygon. They just weren't branded as 'alt right'.

He doesn't shill against white identity. White identity is the modern Western society and history, and he's very much pro-west. All that matters to him is that our western values and history survive and thrive, and this means the white race must survive and thrive without needing to name the white race specifically.

What the FUCK happened to /IBS/? i leave for 2-3 days and it fucking dissapears.


>The Sargon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a stepfather, a straw-manning cuck, a parasite on the Alt-Right, a pseudo-intellectual swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a white male and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
>the original hitlerquote of this is ebin

That's not a hitler quote

>mfw he lambasted Talcum X for being a pathetic fake black

right, it's from Joseph Goebbels


>he's pro 100% income tax
source? i believe it but i hate unverified statements of fact.

it's just a meme m8, the phrase wasn't in quotations.
He did say the rich need to pay more in some stream I think.

> why are Korea and Bulgaria poor
They went from being a colony to being communist regime with Bulgaria going through 3 wars in between.

Changing your flag to anything else than your own flag is gay. Doesn't matter if it's Kekistan, LGBT, black nationalist, nazi or anything else.

If Ben Shapiro spend a month here in Brazil living with brown people he will change his mind quickly.

In the Andy " Grand Wizard Race" Warski stream where he was a guest recently. He stated that he was in favour of 100% inheritence tax. Maybe people are mixing that up with income tax.

Gamergate holdover. He was the start of our redpilling for many of us, but now he's a fag. Got way too full of himself and thinks SJWs are the greatest threat to mankind.

Jews always live in their own or white rich gated neighborhoods bar the close knit orthodox communities.
It's in their own interests to make the poor whites live next to poor blacks and profit politically from the carnage.
They always have the 'right of return' to Israel if the goyim start to wake up.