Atheism is conceptually wrong

atheists miss out and misunderstand the concept of god, and i'll explain:

think of me, anons. i'm telling you now that on my feet i'm wearing blue and black slippers. you may choose to believe it, or not. why? because you dont know what i have on my feet. you cant. whether you choose to believe or disbelieve, you wont have proof for neither.

now look at your hands. do you walk around all day saying to yourself: "i believe i have hands"? no. why? because you KNOW you have hands. in a psychological and logical level, you cant BELIEVE you have hands, since already KNOWING you have hands makes the belief of it obsolete.
what does that mean?
if you KNEW god exists, you wouldnt be able to BELIEVE in god. and the fact that you can never know if god exists, is exactly what allows you to BELIEVE. god in not to know. god is to give a person the gift of FAITH.

Believing is a prerequisite of knowing. But belief doesn't make something true. You are probably wearing work shoes. You probably wouldn't be honest with goyim if they paid you.

disagree about the hands, and the feet
>use a phone to take a picture of your feet with time stap.
>to believe you have hands is a belief, if everyone believed hands didn't exist and taught that publicly, people would believe so.

OK,OK. But which god is realest?

>Believing is a prerequisite of knowing
no. you dont need to believe that if you turn the handle, water will come out of the faucet in order to know that water are coming out of the faucet when you do.

>You are probably wearing work shoes.
i so knew that the "dont trust the jew" are coming. be original.

That is the most retard fuckin non-sequitar I've heard in ages.

If you KNOW I have a unicorn in my garage... How can you argue if you KNOW if I have one or not!?

Uh, I have no proof? So. That's that.

>take a picture of your feet
you're missing the point. it's the fact that you dont know, the fact that i didnt give you any proof, is what allows you to believe, or disbelieve. knowing would make the two options obsolete.
the person that believes i'm wearing blue and black slippers doesnt know it. he believes it. if he know it, he wouldnt need the belief.

Fucking Atheists. They are the libertarian cucktards who are retarded enough to call transwhatever the fuck they are by there pronouns because they want to be a
>nice guy

we dont you autist. The concept of a higher being is unaccaptable to our minds and because we cant grasp that. Hence we choose not believe because it wont be genuine. I would love to believe but it would require physical evidence that is just how our minds work.

i can barely understand what you clumsily tried to say, but i'll say this. no one knows if god exists. not even the people who believe god exists.

Atheist are atheist because they are too lazy to learn about religion. Lazy fucks probably on welfare too.

>you dont need to believe that if you turn the handle, water will come out of the faucet in order to know that water are coming out

I would love to believe but it would require physical evidence

no no no. if you had physical evidence, you wouldnt believe. you would already KNOW. you dont need to know to believe. you need belief.

If you can’t understand what he said you must be retarded

your reply shows great intellect.

look schlomo, we can’t thats the whole point. I can go to church , pray and confess but in the end of the day I wont be convinced and it defeats the whole concept of faith. I’ll uphold my morals and live with honor but I cant believe god.

Look pirate you can’t havd morals with out any religion, whether it’s Christianity, Joos, Hindu or whoever else.

>if you KNEW god exists, you wouldnt be able to BELIEVE in god. and the fact that you can never know if god exists, is exactly what allows you to BELIEVE.

Fantastic garbage undercut entirely by having miracles and physical manifestations literally designed to convince people also being part of theology.

Weak bullshit faith for some, divine intervention for others. For some reason G-d cares only to elucidate to certain folks; which directly establishes that it's NOT just "a matter of faith", and that G-d personally chooses to uplift certain people.

Now you need to explain why certainty is only kept for some people, or discount all revelation and miracles.

it's a matter of choice.

you're confusing established religion with faith. a never said anything about people who claim god to be their own.

Once again empty words don’t change how retarded you are

in its essence it is but I would rather believe wholeheartedly than pretending to have faith.

>BELIEVE. god in not to know. god is to give a person the gift of FAITH.
Does this work with Leprechauns and Unicorns, too?

>Atheist are atheist because they are too lazy to learn about religion.
Most atheists were former believers and in reading the bible, discovered the truth.

not necessarily. not every unverified story is there to install faith. some are just for fun, some for a message.

If god was real then why does he allow evil? Better yet how does an all powerful god create flawed beings and then punish them for not living up to his standards.

If god is all powerful that necessarily means he knew when you were born you’d be a neet alcoholic and shrugged. Christian god would have to be evil if it existed.

>implying belief and knowledge don't amount to the same thing


Why does God allow evil men to exist? People can choose to follow God and morality or not.
>Christian god would have to be evil if it existed.
The source of Evil is Pride.

You god and followers like you gave me faith in Satan, peace be upon him.

As a poo you were predisposed to worshiping minor devils anyway.

God is visible, he is everything. God does not fit your definition of reality but He is reality and apart from it. He is collective awareness and thought while being a separate entity entirely. He is energy and vibration. The only factor that makes us even able to process any form of Him is time, which was created at the big bang to solidify this though bubble existing in His brain. We're a "physical" form of His ideas. This is stated in the Bible at creation. He willed us into being and the explosion was practically firing of neurons.